Bison vs Buffalo vs Yak – The main difference between the Bison and Yak. The species of animal that most Americans refer to as a buffalo, is actually a bison. As a matter of fact, buffaloes are mostly seen in Africa and South Asia, while bison live mainly in North and South America. A Yak is a member of the Bovidae family and lives in the colder regions of Tibet, Himmilayias, Mongolia, Siberia, Russia, and India Some experts suggest that somewhere in History Yaks were ancient ancestors of the American Bisons.
Bison vs Buffalo vs Yak
Bison vs. Buffalo – There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding most animals, and one of the most prominent ones is the differences between a buffalo and bison. Here is the thing; the species of animal that most Americans refer to as a buffalo, is actually a bison. Bison vs Buffalo vs Yak
As a matter of fact, buffaloes are mostly seen in Africa and South Asia, while bison live mainly in North and South America.
However, both of them are in the Bovidae family which also includes other cloven-hoofed ruminants, like goats. So today, we are going to have a look at how these two animals differ from one another.
Are a Bison and a Buffalo the same thing
No Bison American and European are Wild Herds that one Roamed North America Ranges. They provided food for the American Indians. They were once hunted close to extinction
For More Educational Resources on Buffalo / Bison Check Out what Amazon Has to Offer
Buffalo is the Asian type of Domesticated Cattle
Why do we Call Bison Buffalo
I think a lot of confusion lies in some of our western languages. Buffalo Wild Bill – was a Buffalo hunter – but really he was shooting Bisons. Western TV shows constantly portray Buffalo Hunters and Skinners.

Bison were naturally in the United States, and there was a European Bison in Europe.
Breeds | Weight | Origin | Current Population | Largest Recorded |
Plains Bison | 700 - 2200 lbs | United States | 3,000 - Yellowstone | 3,800 lbs |
Woods Bison | 790 - 2400 lbs | United States | 7,000 - Canada | |
European Bison | 1800 - 2200 lbs | Europe / Russia | 7,500 ( 2019 ) | 4,200 lb |
American Bison / American Buffalo | 880 - 2200 lbs | United States New York - Colorado | 545,000 | 3,800 lb |
Water Buffalo | 1700 - 2600 lbs | Asia | 130 Million | 2650 lbs |
Cape Buffalo / African Buffalo | 660 - 1900 lbs | Africa | 900,000 | 2,000 lbs |
American Buffalo |
Buffalo Found in Zoo, Wild in Conversation Efforts
The Cape Buffalo, which is sometimes called the African Buffalo, is a bovine species from Africa that is prominent for its huge body, unpredictably aggressiveness and revengeful demeanor.
This is why it is often regarded as an extremely wild animal. And practically, it is the very reason why no one at least that we’ve heard of, has tried to domesticate it. No one keeps a buffalo as a pet in their house.
Size and Description of Buffalo
By nature, buffaloes aren’t outstandingly tall animals like the giraffes and the rest. From measurement, it stands only 51–59 inches 130–150 cm (130–150 cm) and has relatively short legs. Nevertheless, buffaloes are massive, as they often weigh between 935–1,910 pounds (425–870 kg).
Put differently, it is 220 pounds (100 kg) heavier than a cow, and its horns are way thicker and most times wider, measuring up to 40 inches (100 cm), coupled with a broad shield covering its forehead.
Most of the time, their body is always black and thin, excluding the younger ones, whose body often appears either brown or black in color. Overall, buffaloes are heavy-set, built with stocky legs, a very big head, and absurdly a short neck.
All over their entire body, you won’t find any unique designs or marks on it; plus, they have droopy ears that are large in size.
Range and Habitat of Buffaloes
Buffalo is one of the most successful Africa’s wild ruminants because, it can thrive perfectly in almost every form of grassland habitat in sub-Saharan Africa; ranging from dry savannah to swamp, and from lowland floodplains to montane mixed forest and glades. As a matter of fact, anywhere, provided it is within a reach of water logs like a lake and so on.
Another notable thing about buffalo is that it is, extremely immune to most diseases that would normally afflict domestic cattle in Africa. One of such disease is the bovine sleeping sickness transmitted by tsetse flies, which infects all cattle except buffaloes.
Nevertheless, there was one disease that even the buffalo wasn’t immune to, and that was in the early 1890s, when a rinderpest plague cut across the whole African continent, spanning from Ethiopia, down to the Cape of Good Hope. As a result of this deadly cattle-borne diseases, about 90 percent of the buffaloes’ population died, alongside hundreds of antelopes too.
They are oftentimes seen in African open plains. Plus, you can also locate them at grasslands, river valleys, semiarid lands, and prairies. For those that love to be extra adventurous, they often roam into foothills and mountainous areas, even though high-altitude relaxation isn’t really their thing.
Buffalo’s Diet
In order to stay in its tip-top buffy shape, buffaloes always have to eat a huge amount of grass. Put differently, they rely more on quantity than quality. And this is often possible because buffaloes are built in such a way than they are able to digest longer and thick grasses than most other ruminants.
Plus, they have a broad muzzle and a row of incisor teeth that helps them to make huge bites at a time. They can also make use of their tongue in bundling grass prior to cropping it. Actually, this trait is common to every bovine.
However, if the economy of the jungle is too hard, and buffaloes can’t locate some grass where they could graze on, then they alternatively munch on woody vegetation.
Buffalo’s Behavior
Just like any other animal, buffaloes have their distinctive trait. Savannah buffaloes most especially, live in massive herds of about 50-500 animals. And this group often sums up females and their infants, and insignificant subgroups of single males. Sometimes, the males who are advanced age may remain solitary.
Depending on its mood, buffalo could be thoroughly active all day long, and even in the night as well. From research, an average buffalo spends nothing less than18 hours every day moving and foraging.
Given that they are often preyed upon by lions, as soon as a herd member is attacked, other buffaloes rather than retreat, will immediately rush to defend the attacked one.
That’s why it’s been noted by most animal scientists that as a group, buffaloes are one of the few animals who can wade off an attack from dangerous predators like lions. In fact, most hunters tag a wounded buffalo bull as the dangerous animal to ever go after, as they could end anything that comes in their way.
So that’s that for buffaloes. Now, let’s have a look at Bisons.
American Bison is an epitome of Great Plains, which is mostly found in North America. And for what it’s worth, the current notoriety this specie of cattle has is as a result of the recognition and appreciation given to it by the Native Americans.
Size and Description of Bison
Currently, in North America, Bison is the biggest mammal. And as part of its breath-taking size, it grows to 7 to 11.5 feet (2.1 meters to 3.5) long from head to rump, and its tail adds an extra 20 to 23.5 inches. It often weighs about 930 to 2,200 lbs. (422 to 998 kilograms).
However, like a buffalo, there are two unique attributes of bison which distinguishes it from other cattle. These include its shoulder hump and large-sized head.
In terms of appearance, a bison’s fur is often brown in color, which a-times differs from its rear and front section. Its hair is always longer in the front than at the back. In fact, the most lucid difference is found in the length of their hair, especially in the male ones.
And still, on the aesthetics, their horns are always curving inward and upward, with a very sharp tip at the top of it. A bison’s hooves are often round in shape, and black in color.
Range and Habitat of Bison
15,000 out of the 500,000 animals contained on private land in the world are estimated to be truly wild and free-range. And bison happens to be one of them.
From past records, bison roamed from northern Mexico to Canada. However today, they are restricted to tiny pockets of habitat. That way there is a small herd of bison’s in Mexico, a number of fragmented herds in the United States, and a number of fragmented herds in Canada.
Bison’s Diet
By nature, bison are herbivorous mammals, which is why they mainly eat plants. Bison are widely known as grazers that eat grasses and sedges rather than searching for fruit or other plants. That is why whenever winter period comes, it is often hard for them to find a plant that they can feed on, as they are often covered up in the snow.
Nevertheless, whenever snow covers the grasses, bison make use of their highly muscular necks to scrape, all the way down to the buried plant beneath the snow.
Averagely, a bison gets in 1.6% of their body mass each day from dry vegetation. Overall, they are solely dependent on daily water in order for them to survive.
Bison’s Behavior
Bison are a gregarious breed of cattle and are often segmented into batches based on age, habitat, season, and sex. However, you should know that a lot of male bison get enrolled in these batches as the rut draw nearer.
These males coexist with one another individually or in batches that could be up to 30 of them, and the domination amongst the bulls is often straight forward because, in the family, bulls are way higher in rank than others, which is why they automatically show dominance above others.
Another point is that bison graze during various periods every day. And they do this in separate batches, almost independently. However, as soon as they are done eating, they move together in batches, in a straight line.

And how they move from one place to the other is determined either by the condition of the habitat they are living in, or the terrain as a whole.
As a fun fact, bison are actually great swimmers and sprinters, as they have the capacity to cover up to a speed of 62 km/hr while running after their prey.
So, to wrap it up, bison and buffaloes, although in the same family of mammals, are quite different. From their habitat, down to how they graze and behave, it’s quite clear that unlike what people would love to think, buffaloes are not bison, vice versa!
Are Bison Stronger than Buffalo
Bison are stronger, I would say that for the following facts Bison can
- They can run up to 35 MPH
- They have been known to jump 6′ fences
- They can exist and protect themselves in the Wild
Can you Hunt Bison in the United States
Yes, you can Hunt Bison in the United States. The largest Reserve for wild bison herds is Yellowstone National Park. It is illegal to hunt Bison there.
You are able to hunt Bison on Private Ranches. But in all cases, you will need a permit. Today a guided hunt will cost you between $4500 – $8000.
Todays Bison Population is very carefully managed
Did Native Americans Hunt Buffalo or Bison
The Native American Indians hunted Bisons. Usually the Plains Bison, or the Woods Bison. They would hunt them on foot, or on horseback. A Horse (55MPH) can outrun a Bison (35 MPH)
I think a lot of confusion lies in some of our western languages. Buffalo Wild Bill – was a Buffalo hunter – but really he was shooting Bisons. Western TV shows constantly portray Buffalo Hunters and Skinners.
Bison were naturally in the United States, and there was a European Bison in Europe.
True Buffalo is represented by cape Buffalo, water Buffalo, and African Buffalo
What Can Kill a Bison
Bison are so large they do not have many predators, some of them are
- Wolves
- Mountain Lions
- Bears
- Human – Hunters – Skinners
- Loss of habitat – fences
- Harsh Winters
- Disease
Does Yellowstone have Bison or Buffalo
Yellowstone Herd Population are Bison. They are of the American Bison or Plains Bison species. Currently, their Herd Population is 4,900 (2015) Most of them are roaming from Gardiner, Montana across the Blacktail Plateau and down into the Lamar Valley.
Bison vs Buffalo vs Yak
Here is a Table comparing the Differences between a Bison / Buffalo / Yak
Breeds | Weight | Origin | Current Population | Largest Recorded | Cost Live Animal $ | Cost of Meat / lb |
Plains Bison | 700 - 2200 lbs | United States | 3,000 - Yellowstone | 3,800 lbs | $ 2500 - $5000 | $ 10.00 - $30.00 |
Woods Bison | 790 - 2400 lbs | United States | 7,000 - Canada | $ 2500 - $5000 | ||
European Bison | 1800 - 2200 lbs | Europe / Russia | 7,500 ( 2019 ) | 4,200 lb | $ 2500 - $5000 | |
American Bison / American Buffalo | 880 - 2200 lbs | United States New York - Colorado | 545,000 | 3,800 lb | $ 2500 - $5000 | $ 10.00 - $30.00 |
Water Buffalo | 1700 - 2600 lbs | Asia | 130 Million | 2650 lbs | $ 1500+ | $ 20.00 Lb |
Cape Buffalo / African Buffalo | 660 - 1900 lbs | Africa | 900,000 | 2,000 lbs | $ 4,000 | |
Domesticated Yak | 2200 lbs | Russia Tibet Himmalays | 14.2 Million - most in China | 2,205 lb | $ 2500+ | $ 18.00 Lb |
Wild Yak | 2200 lbs | Russia Tibet Himmalays | 15,000 - 20,000 Northern Tibet Grassland | 2,205 lb | ||
What is a Yak
A Yak is a member of the Bovidae family and lives in the colder regions of Tibet, Himmilayias, Mongolia, Siberia, Russia, and India Some experts suggest that somewhere in History Yaks were ancient ancestors of the American Bisons.
The domestic yaks have been kept for years for their Meat, Milk, and Coat for people.
Their poop is the only fuel in some treeless regions they live in. They burn it. They will not eat grain and will starve unless they can graze. They will not eat grain.
They are used to pull plows. Their milk makes Cheese, butter, and butter tea.
Breeders over the years have crossed Yaks with Domestic Cattle. They also have been crossed with the American bison. They usually have one calf at birth.
Yaks fur is extremely warm allowing them to be comfortable in extremely cold conditions. They have an outer coat, then an inner one that resembles down. It is extremely rare and valuable.
Wild Yaks
Today there are fewer than 10,000 Yaks remaining left alive roaming free. Their population has declined over uncontrolled hunting and poaching. It has lost a lot of its natural habitat to farming.
Most of the wild ones are in Northern Tibet Grassland They are not aggressive to people. In the wild, they live to about 20 years old.
Domestic Yaks
Yaks gestation lasts for 260 – 270 days. They ARE raised Domestcally for farming. They are raised for their meat, like most cattle. They are also raised for yak milk.
There are a few Yak farms in the United States now. Some have estimated over 6,000 being Raised domestically.
Yaks are a tremendously hearty animal. They love and thrive in Fierce snow. They need no shelter and are not affected by cold winds. You can see the attraction to farmers. It is the same attraction for Bison farmers. A tougher breed that is less affected by harsh winters that play havoc on cattle farming.
Are Yaks Dangerous
Yaks are not dangerous. They are naturally very friendly. That is one of the reasons for their domestication. Yaks will fight but it is usually during mating season with other male yaks.

Is Yak Good to Eat
I have never tasted yak meat. But from those who have, it is said to be a very tasty red Meat. Much more flavor than beef minus the gamey taste.
Not very popular yet, Yak meat sells for around $10.00 lb. Sold as exotic Novelty meat currently. You can get your Yak Burgers Here – Smile
What is the difference between a cow and a yak?
They are from the same family. Yaks are more wooly and able to handle extreme weather conditions than domestic cattle. They live in the highest plains of the world.
They have been cross-bred with cattle, from breeders looking for a sturdier, hardier, domestic cow.
Yak sporting events
- Yak Races
- Yak Polo
- Yak Skiing
What is a Yak and buffalo hybrid?
A yak and buffalo hybrid is a cross between a yak and a domestic buffalo. The resulting animal is called a buffalak. Buffalaks are usually sterile and cannot reproduce.
Size and Appearance
Buffalaks are large animals, usually weighing between 1,000 and 1,200 pounds. They are larger than yaks but smaller than buffalo. They have the fur of a yak and the horns of a buffalo.
Buffalaks live in the same habitats as their parent animals. Yaks live in highland areas of Asia, while buffalo live in lowland areas. Buffalaks can live in either type of habitat.
Buffalaks eat grasses, leaves, and other vegetation. They also eat twigs, bark, and other woody plants.
Buffalaks are social animals that live in herds. They are gentle and calm animals that are not aggressive.
Conclusion: Buffalaks are interesting animals that are created when a yak and buffalo mate. They are large creatures that have the fur of a yak and the horns of a buffalo.
It’s easy to get confused between bison, buffalo, and yaks; after all, they share many similarities. All three animals are members of the bovidae family, possess a large frame and sturdy build, and are found in grasslands, marshes, and mountains. But, despite these similarities, there are several distinct differences between them. Let’s explore the differences between bison, buffalo, and yaks.
Yak vs Bison:
Yaks are a species of wild cattle that are native to the high altitudes of the Himalayan region. They are known for their thick, shaggy fur and long, curved horns. Yaks are also incredibly strong and can carry heavy loads over long distances – making them a valuable asset to mountain dwellers. Bison, on the other hand, are large, hoofed mammals found in North and South America. They have a wide, muscular frame, short horns, and long, shaggy fur.
Yak vs Buffalo:
Yaks and buffalo are both members of the bovidae family, but there are several key differences between them. Yaks are native to the Himalayan region, while buffalo are found in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Yaks have a thick, shaggy coat and long, curved horns, while buffalo have a shorter, smoother coat and short, curved horns. Additionally, yaks are much more agile and able to traverse the rocky terrain of the Himalayas, while buffalo prefer to stay in flat, grassy areas.
Difference between Buffalo and Bison:
Although buffalo and bison are both members of the bovidae family, there are several key differences between them. Buffalo are native to Asia, Africa, and the Americas, while bison are native to North and South America. Buffalo have a shorter, smoother coat and short, curved horns, while bison have a wide, muscular frame, short horns, and long, shaggy fur. Additionally, buffalo prefer to stay in flat, grassy areas, while bison are much more agile and able to traverse rocky terrain.
Yak vs Water Buffalo:
Yaks and water buffalo are both members of the bovidae family, but there are several key differences between them. Yaks are native to the Himalayan region, while water buffalo are found in Southeast Asia.
Yaks have a thick, shaggy coat and long, curved horns, while water buffalo have a short, smooth coat and short, curved horns. Additionally, water buffalo prefer to stay in flat, watery areas, while yaks are much more agile and able to traverse the rocky terrain of the Himalayas.
When it comes to bison, buffalo, and yaks, there are several distinct differences between them. Yaks are native to the Himalayan region, while buffalo are found in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
Buffalo have a shorter, smoother coat and short, curved horns, while bison have a wide, muscular frame, short horns, and long, shaggy fur. Additionally, water buffalo prefer to stay in flat, watery areas, while yaks are much more agile and able to traverse the rocky terrain of the Himalayas. Knowing the differences between these animals can help you better appreciate the unique characteristics of each species.
Unique Facts about Buffalos
- Buffalos are the largest of the wild cattle species. They can weigh up to 2,200 pounds and stand 6 feet tall.
- Buffalos can run up to 30 miles per hour and are excellent swimmers.
- Buffalos are not true buffalo but are actually bovines, related to cows.
- Buffalos are herd animals and can be found in grasslands, savannas, and other open areas.
- Buffalos are herbivores, meaning they eat mostly grass and other vegetation.
- Buffalos have a long lifespan, living up to 25 years in the wild.
- The horns of buffalos are made of keratin, the same material as human fingernails.
- Buffalos are very protective of their young and will fight off predators if necessary.
- Buffalos are currently listed as “near threatened” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.
- Buffalos are important to many cultures around the world, including Native American tribes. They are often used in ceremonies and are revered as symbols of strength and fertility.
Unique Facts about Bison
- Bison are the heaviest land animals in North America, weighing up to 2,000 pounds.
- Bison have thick brown fur that can reach lengths up to 4 inches.
- Bison are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants.
- Bison live in herds of up to 200 individuals.
- Bison have an average life span of 25 years.
- Bison are an important source of food for predators like wolves and bears.
- Bison can run up to 35 mph in short bursts.
- Bison use their horns to defend themselves from predators and spar with other bison.
- Bison are native to North America and were once widespread across the continent.
- Bison have been declared the national mammal of the United States.
Unique Facts about Yak
- Yaks are extremely hardy animals that can survive in freezing temperatures and high altitudes. They are found in the Himalayan region of Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and India.
- Yaks are a member of the Bovidae family, which includes bison, cows, and goats.
- Yaks have a thick double layer of fur that helps them survive in extreme cold temperatures. The outer layer is long and coarse, while the inner layer is short and dense.
- Yaks are herbivores and will feed on grasses, herbs, and mosses.
- Both male and female yaks have horns, but the males’ horns are larger and more curved.
- Yaks can reach a height of 2.2 meters and a weight of up to 600 kilograms.
- Yaks are powerful animals, capable of carrying up to 150 kilograms of weight.
- Yaks are often used as a source of milk, meat, and leather.
- Yaks are a protected species and their population has been declining due to habitat loss and poaching.
- Yak is the national animal of Mongolia.