As a general rule Goats are not only Great Pets and Farm Animals, But Research Shows Very Intelligent, Smarter than anyone First Believed. Problem Solvers, Picky Eaters, Expert Climbers. Can be Potty Trained and do many Goat Tricks. Recognize their names and come when called. Popular names are Billy, Billy the Kid, Ramsey, Scape Goat, and Butter
Names for Goats
The best goat names are ones that fit the animal’s personality. If you have a silly goat, then choose something funny like Fluffy or Puddles. The same goes for goats who are more serious and mature – they could carry dignified titles such as Queenie or Charlotte.
See Amazons Resources on the Science of Raising Goats
Goat Names After Countries: The strongest-willed goats are named after powerful countries such as France or Russia. For a more gentle and friendly goat, why not use the name of a peaceful country like Hungary?
Goat Names After Food: Some owners give their goats names that are related to food because of how much they enjoy eating. If you have an especially sweet tooth for your pet, then perhaps you could name them Cinnamon.
Goat Names After Fruits: If you’re passionate about growing your own produce, then why not give your goat a fruit-related title such as Cherry or Pineapple? For goats who enjoy eating these fruits, they could be named after the food itself like Banana or Strawberry.
Goat Names for Girls and Boys: The following list of names has been organized under traditional boy and girl titles.
Goat Names for Boys: Ben, Jasper, Chip, Cliff
Goat Names for Girls: Charlotte, Goldie, Daphne, Daisy
Names for Goats / Goat Intelligence Test
Researchers from the Queen Mary University of London and the Institute of Agricultural Science in Switzerland, have done intelligence tests.
One Test Scientist has developed for Goats a Game/Puzzle called the Artificial Fruit Challenge.
Researchers place fruit in a box, to be able to get the fruit the Goats had to solve a puzzle by using their teeth. They pulled a rope attached to a lever, then used their nose to complete the task. If they solved the puzzle they received the Fruit in the box as a Reward
The Researchers tested 12 Goats, out of the twelve goats
- 9 of the Goats master the test after 4 Tries
- 3 – who failed lost patience and tried to open the boxes with their Horns
- 1 – goat tried 22 times never got it
Goats were tested again in 10 months to test their memory. All Goats remembered how to solve the puzzles after that 10 months – Showing Memory and Learning

Quenn Mary University Elodie Briefer, the lead author of the paper Showed this Video of Challenge
“Our results challenge the common misconception that goats aren’t intelligent animals – they have the ability to learn complex tasks and remember them for a long time.
Dr Alan McElligott from Queen Mary’s School of Biological and Chemical Sciences
Are Goats Able to Come when you Call Their Names
Names for Goat – Undoubtedly, there are smart animals such as dogs that can be trained to know their names after some series of pet training. However, the same might not be said about some not-so-clever ones like the goats, right? Well, you can’t be so sure, as they are some records of how goats can be trained to know their names. Whatever the case may be, we’ll get to find out whether or not goats can be trained to know their names. They will come when called.
See Our Guide – 8 Ways to Make Money from Goat Farming
What Can a Goat Learn?
In contrary to popular beliefs, goats are not so dumb as most people would love to think. If you own a goat, you can train it to learn all sorts of things like heeling as a dog, backing up on command, and to come when you call them. Plus, you can train a goat to help you in pulling a wagon or cart, and to carry a pack on an overnight hike.
Goat Potty Training / Tricks
In regards to trickeries, you could train your goats to do all kinds of tricks. Put differently, there is little to nothing your goats can do, and they can learn quickly.
- Come
- Shake Hands
- Dance
- Jump Through Hoops
- Training Through Positive reinforcement
- Potty Training
If you want to use them as showboats, goats can also be trained to stand on platforms (think circus ponies), jump thru hoops (covered and open), walk on their hind legs, pull ropes on pulleys to get treats out of cans, to wear clothes, hats, and sunglasses, to bow, to give you a kiss, to spin in a circle, shake their heads yes and no, to play a toy piano and a lot more.
Lastly, you can teach your goats to know their names, even when they are in the midst of other goats. And how can you train them to know this? Let’s have a look at that.
Training Your Goat to Know its Name
Probably the first thing you should do is to train your goats to know their names. And the logic behind this is in how often you call them the name. As long as you call them most times, the goat is most likely to become attached to the name and move towards you once you call them.
If your goat is not named yet, there are a few things to take into consideration. You do not want a name like “Snow,” Snow rhymes with “no” and can easily confuse an animal (of any species) A short and “hard” sounding name like “Jake” is better than a soft name like “John.”
The principle with goats is that they are most likely going to learn the harder-sounding name because easy-sounding names can blend with the rest of your sentence to them, and thus confusing them. Also, it can be very confusing if you have two or more goats, you do not want their names to rhyme, or to sound too much alike. Chose names that sound very different, especially if you will be working the goats at the same time (like both in a harness or on a packing trip or doing a little trick show.
Best Names for Goats
Here are some names you might want to give your goat;
- Billy: All male goats are “billy goats.””
- Nanny: All-female goats are “nanny goats.”
- Billy Goat Gruff: From the famous tale “The Three Billy Goats Gruff.”
- Pan: Pan, the Greek and Roman god of nature, looked a great deal like a goat
- Lambert: A sheep name provided through a Disney short
- Wooly: Another Disney sheep name with an obvious provenance
Using The Right Methods
One of the best ways to get a goat to carry out some tricks is to use a cue stick. A cue stick is a stick that has some tip on it, more like a magic wand. It may be a black wand with a white tip. The logic there is for the goat to focus on the tip so that you can channel it through or to an area of desire.
You want the goat to touch the tip of the wand with its nose. And even though this helps in many kinds of training with the goat, when it comes to trick training, it’s a must that you use this method. You can use your finger, but using the cue stick will get you moved back away from the animal and the item of interest and improve the look of the trick to onlookers.
Types of Training
Rules in Goat Training
There are some rules that guide the training of goats, and these include;
By nature, goats are very stubborn and could pose an annoying trait when trying to train them in things like knowing their names. Thus, you’ll have to be extremely patient with them, especially when it seems like they are not assimilating when you’re being taught. If you’re not patient enough with them, the training could turn sour, and your aim will be defeated.
The rule of thumb in training goats is that, if your training doesn’t seem to be panning out well for you in terms of result, whether it’s in trickery or knowing their names, you will need to hire the help of a professional trainer to school them in whatever you need them to learn. A professional trainer will know when or not to implement the strategies.
Confined Space
Another way to successfully train a goat is to make sure you keep them in a confined space. This will ensure discipline and control, as goats are most likely to run or flee whenever they are being trained or taught a new trait.
- Animals are learning constantly
- They learn by getting what they want
- Animals remember and associate training with good/bad outcomes
- Animals are individuals / Have their own Personalities
Discourage Bad Behavior
In a nutshell, yes, goats are stubborn animals that could most times post a threat when training them to know their names. That is why, if you’re not successful in training them personally, you’ll have to employ the help of a professional who will assist in getting the job done. So next time someone argues if goats can be trained to know their name, all you need to do is redirect them to this article.
Goat Breeds
Goat Breeds | Meat | Dairy | Wool | |
Boer | Alpine | Angora | ||
Genemaster | Lamancha | Cashmere | ||
Kiko | Nigerian Dwarf | Pygora | ||
Kinder | Nubian | |||
Myotonic | Oberhasil | |||
Pygmy | Saaneen | |||
Savanna | Sable | |||
Spanish | Toggenburg | |||
Tennessee Meat Goat | ||||
TexMaster |
Goat Breeder Associations
Goat Association | Location | Link |
American Goat Breeders Association | United States | AGF |
English Goat Breeders Association | UK | EGBA |
Canadian Meat Goat Association | Canada | CMG |
Minature Goat Breeders Association | Australia | MGBA |
Boer Goats | South Africa | BGSA |
American Boer Goat Association | United States | ABGA |
World Goat Breeders Associations | List | WGBA |