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5 Symptoms: Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up (With 4 Videos)

Why is My Sheep Throwing Up

Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up? Sheep Being Ruminants – Have 4 Stomachs – suffering from Acidosis – severe Case of indigestion – can cause sheep to begin vomiting, other causes poisoning, hardware disease can be fatal to your sheep. It cannot be confused with normal cud-chewing which is regurgitated foods that are re-chewed.

Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up?

Sheep are commonly kept as small ruminants. They are very pretty and lovable animals and are domesticated for various beneficial reasons. Sheep are considered grazers. Sheep are ruminants so they have complex stomachs. There are many questions like why sheep throw up? What are the causes of throwing up in sheep?

Here, we will have a detailed overview of throwing up in sheep with scientific literature and field experience.

5 Symptoms: Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up (With 4 Videos) 1
Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up

Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up / Reasons

There are many reasons for throwing up sheep. Let’s discuss them one by one.

What is Sheep Cuddling

Cuddling is a kind of regurgitation. Sheep cud pre-chewed food again and again to extract more nutrients. So, they throw up the gastric content. This is a normal behavior of sheep. This is usually observed by the sheep owners.

1. RUMINAL ACIDOSIS / Grain Poisoning

this is also called grain poisoning. This condition occurs in sheep when they eat too much grain. As you know the pH of a rumen is acidic, too much grain means too much carbohydrate consumption. The rate of fermentation becomes high due to the large amount of carbohydrates present in the diet.

This all leads to the overproduction of lactic acid (a product of carbohydrate fermentation) that causes a severe drop in the rumen’s pH. This all causes rumen acidosis. Your sheep can show signs of throwing up, nausea, and severe dehydration.

5 Symptoms: Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up (With 4 Videos) 2
Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up

It is recommended to you if you see this condition in your sheep, seek veterinary consultancy. Provide plenty of water to your sheep along with mature hay. Your vet can suggest soda bicarbonate to correct rumen’s pH.

Severe Bloat Dr Pol


this is another condition that causes vomiting in your sheep. Enterotoxaemia is caused by a bacterium called Clostridium perfringens, this is normally found in the gastrointestinal tract of sheep but a change in the sheep’s diet usually feeding high sugar, protein diet can cause sudden proliferation in these bacteria which causes this condition in sheep. Bacteria release potent toxins which lead to gastrointestinal troubles in sheep.

This is highly recommended to seek veterinary attention when you suspect such signs and symptoms. Your vet will suggest you the best solution after analyzing the whole situation.


5 Symptoms: Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up (With 4 Videos) 3
Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up

Throwing up has also been commonly observed in case of any poisoning ( if you sheep has ingested any toxic chemical or eaten poisonous plant/substance). In poisoning, sheep throw up frothy feed material out of their mouth. Additionally, if she ingests any foreign body such as nail, grits, etc through the feed, she will try to throw it out. Remember, if your sheep ingests any sharp or pointing material then it can put her life in danger.

There are many key signs and symptoms associated with poisoning in sheep. Being a responsible owner, this is a part of your duty to keep an eye on the overall performance and health of your sheep. Moreover, veterinary advice is also useful while fighting any serious condition in your beloved sheep.


This is very important to know that sheep are ruminants. Regurgitation is a normal phenomenon in ruminants. Vomiting or throwing up is basically forceful expulsion of stomach content. On the other hand, regurgitation is simply chewing of feed again that has not been reached to the stomach yet.

See Our Extensive Guide – 16 Ways to Make Money Sheep Farming

That is why; owners should clearly differentiate between throwing up and vomiting.


Lambs usually throw up in the case of any poisoning such as rhododendron poisoning. In addition to that, you can clearly observe bloat conditions in lambs due to eating legumes and sudden changes in their diet. They will throw up frothy/foamy material out of their mouth. These situations can be so much serious and life-threatening in lambs. So, contact your veterinarian without delay.

Grain Overload / Acidosis


This is an irritating and confusing condition that is mostly found in young sheep. Dysphagia(unable to eat anything) is one of the major causes of this. This occurs in lambs when their esophageal groove is not properly functional or any infection establishes. Any sharp or pointing object can also cause this cud spilling condition in lambs.

You need to contact your vet when you see green, slimy material stuck around the mouth of the lamb. Your vet can suggest the best treatment after visualizing the whole situation and making a proper diagnosis.

Sheep Scours


Regurgitation is a normal phenomenon in ruminants. Sheep owners should have a clear idea about this. This is the responsibility of sheep owners to not confuse regurgitation with any other medical condition. It has been discussed that there are various factors that cause throwing up in sheep such as acidosis, poisoning, or any other foreign object that goes in the rumen.

This is important to observe the overall health of sheep and keep an idea about what is the actual cause of throw-up. It is also wise to stay in contact with your veterinarian and to take his consultancy to deal with such situations.

Your vet can suggest you the best for your sheep. NOTE: An owner should know this basic thumb rule that any change in the animal’s feed must be gradual, not sudden, as a sudden change in feeding pattern/material predisposes animals to a number of complications which can, later on, put their lives in danger.

5 Symptoms: Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up (With 4 Videos) 4
Why Are My Sheep Throwing Up


Barker IK, Van Dreumel AA, Palmer N: 1993, The alimentary system. In: Pathology of domestic animals, ed. Jubb KF, Kennedy PC, Palmer N, 4th ed., vol. 2., pp. 1–318. Academic Press Inc., San Diego, CA.

Dabak M, Gul Y. Thiamine deficiency in sheep with chronic rumen acidosis. Vet Rec. 2004;154(2):58-59. doi:10.1136/vr.154.2.58-b

Stangassinger M, Giesecke D. Untersuchungen zur Genese und Biochemie der Pansenacidose. 4. Verteilung von D(-)Milchsäure nach Infusion bei Ziege, Schaf und Rind [Etiology and biochemistry of rumen acidosis. 4. Distribution of D(-)lactic acid following infusion in goat, sheep and cow]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A. 1977;24(10):789-798.

Uzal FA, Kelly WR, Thomas R, et al.: 2003, Comparison of four techniques for the detection of Clostridium perfringens type D epsilon toxin in intestinal contents and other body fluids of sheep and goats. J Vet Diagn Investig 15:94–99

Copper Poisoning

KEY WORDS (SHEEP’S VOMIT) (sheep enterotoxaemia) (ruminal acidosis) (sheep health) ( sheep diseases)


  • Darlene and Greg

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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