As a General Rule bunnies can drink tap water! But, there are some things you should know before you give your bunny a sip. Tap water can contain chemicals that can be harmful to your pet. It is also important to note that it can have high levels of chlorine or fluoride which can irritate their gastrointestinal tract and mouth. If You allow Tap water to sit, the Chlorine will gas off Naturally.
Can Bunnies Drink Tap water
Can Rabbits Drink Tap Water – It means if they are drinking from the tap bowl, they may not want to drink as much because it could make them sick. They might drink more water throughout the day in an attempt to replace what they lost from drinking tap water. This can lead to over-hydration which can cause kidney problems in bunnies. Pregnant Rabbit Labor Signs Can Bunnies Drink Tap water
1. What is the Best Water for Bunnies to Drink?
- Tap Water – Tap water is generally safe for your bunny, however, there are a few things to keep in mind when considering what you should offer them. First of all, if yours has never had it before be sure that they have access only during regular free-feeding hours so that they don’t drink too much and get sick or obese. The other consideration is the flavor. If your bunny has a taste for plain water they can become bored with it quickly, so you may want to consider adding unsweetened cranberry juice or apple cider vinegar if desired.
- Well, Water – Well water is usually a better choice than tap water, but you still may need to test it. If the well has been tested and approved for human consumption then you can be sure that it’s at least acceptable.
- Spring Water – If you have access to spring then it may be the best choice of all. Many people swear by high-quality, naturally-sourced water for their bunnies and report that they have fewer health problems when using this type of water instead of tap or well water.
- Bottled Water – Bottled waters can range widely in quality and price, so it’s important to consider what you are buying. If your bunny is used to tap water then the difference may be difficult for them to adjust to, unless they were drinking spring or well water beforehand. It should also be noted that many bottled glasses of water contain fluoride which can cause dental problems in rabbits if ingested over several years on a daily basis.
Check Out Amazon for Resources about Breeding Rabbits

- Water Filters – Water filters can be used with any type of water, whether it comes from the tap or is spring-derived. They are more expensive than bottled waters but many people enjoy using them to ensure that their bunnies get only the best quality drinking water possible. If your budget allows for this luxury then they can be well worth the money.
- Distilled Water – Distilled water is usually not recommended for rabbits, however, there are some exceptions.
- RO Water – Reverse Osmosis water is almost pure water with very few impurities, and can be used in place of distilled or purified water for your rabbit.
- Rainwater – Use caution when offering your bunny rainwater. If it has been sitting for a long time or is contaminated with air pollution then you should avoid providing this type of water to them.
- Pond Water – Pond water is not recommended for rabbits. It contains too many parasites and organisms that can cause intestinal upset or trouble breathing, so it should be avoided at all costs if you have a pond on your property.
- Lake Water – Lake waters are generally safe to use in place of tap or well-water but still need to be tested before being given to your bunny.
- Stream Water – Stream waters are generally safe as well but need to be tested before being offered on a regular basis, so using bottled water is recommended instead.
- Snow/Ice/Melted Snow – If you have access to only to snow or ice then it may not be advisable to give this type of water for drinking. It can be harsh and difficult to consume, so you should avoid it unless necessary for survival purposes only.
- Water Bowls – If your bunny does not like having a water bottle then they may enjoy drinking from a bowl instead. Just keep in mind that if the bowl is too large or has steep sides then there’s more of a chance that they will spill it and become soaked. Be sure to provide a shallow bowl that is not too wide or tall so your bunny can easily access the water inside without getting wet.
- Water Bottle – If you have an older rabbit who does not enjoy drinking from bowls then using a water bottle may be necessary for them to stay hydrated, especially if they are used to this method of obtaining water. Be sure that the nozzle is not too narrow otherwise it may be hard for them to drink from, and provide at least one backup bottle in case your bunny manages to break or chew through the first one.
- Water Bottle Holder – If you have a rabbit who enjoys drinking from bowls but tends to get a little too excited and spills the water then a holder may be a good option for them. Make sure that you use it with any type of bowl or container since some have narrow openings that could pose an issue.
How to Give Bunnies Water
Water Bowls
- Water Bowls – If your bunny does not like having a water bottle then they may enjoy drinking from a bowl instead. Just keep in mind that if the bowl is too large or has steep sides then there’s more of a chance that they will spill it and become soaked. Be sure to provide a shallow bowl that is not too wide or tall so your bunny can easily access the water inside without getting wet.
- Water Bottle – If you have an older rabbit who does not enjoy drinking from bowls then using a water bottle may be necessary for them to stay hydrated, especially if they are used to this method of obtaining water. Be sure that the nozzle is not too narrow otherwise it may be hard for them to drink from, and provide at least one backup bottle in case your bunny manages to break or chew through the first one.
- Water Bottle Holder – If you have a rabbit who enjoys drinking from bowls but tends to get a little too excited and spills the water then a holder may be a good option for them. Make sure that you use it with any type of bowl or container since some have narrow openings that could pose an issue.
Ceramic Water Bowls – If you want to provide a water bowl for your bunny then ceramic ones are the best type available. They are sturdy, durable, and easy to clean if any build-up occurs that could cause contamination or illness.
Plastic Water Bowls – If you prefer a plastic water bowl then be sure that it is BPA-free and low on the sides to make it easier for your bunny to get in without getting too wet.
Metal Water Bowls – Metal bowls can also work but do not provide as much of an advantage over ceramic or plastic ones, so they are usually best left to rabbits or other animals who are prone to chewing on items.
Stainless Water Bowls – Stainless steel bowls are the best option because they do not rust and can be easily cleaned with a little bit of dish soap and water. They will last for years without any major problems, but you should still check every now and then to make sure that there’s no damage occurring or build-up inside that could cause contamination or illness if consumed.
Bottles – If you have an older rabbit who does not enjoy drinking from bowls then using a water bottle may be necessary for them to stay hydrated, especially if they are used to this method of obtaining water. Be sure that the nozzle is not too narrow otherwise it may be hard for them to drink from and provide at least one backup bottle in case your bunny manages to break or chew through the first one.
Bottle Holder – If you have a rabbit who enjoys drinking from bowls but tends to get a little too excited and spills the water then a holder may be a good option for them. Make sure that you use it with any type of bowl or container since some have narrow openings that could pose an issue.
Nipples – Nipples on automatic watering systems are suitable for rabbits who are used to drinking from a bottle. Just make sure that water is available at all times and replace the nipples as needed since they may cause your bunny’s tongue or teeth to be cut if they become worn down.
- Rabbit gets water as he needs
- Does not run out like individual bowls, bottles
- Make Husbandry Task much easier

2. How much Water should a Bunny Drink each Day
The average bunny will drink around 0.25 liters of water a day, but this can change depending on factors such as diet and climate. Drinking more than 0.75 liters is considered excessive for the average bunny–a sign that he may be sick or have diarrhea due to an illness or stress from being in unfamiliar surroundings.
Bunnies raised domestically and given a consistent supply of hay, water, pellets, and fresh vegetables will drink less than those raised in outside hutches.
Bunnies should always have access to clean drinking water that is changed daily or every other day at least. Water bottles often work better than open dishes because the small ones can walk in and out without spilling much and they can’t tip over larger water bottles.
Water should be changed at least once a day, and more often if the bunny is messy or drinks large amounts of it. If you’re using an open dish, make sure to clean it twice daily (morning and night) because bacteria such as salmonella from droppings can get into that water and make your bunny sick.
A water bottle is the easiest way to provide clean, fresh drinking water for your bunnies. Bacteria from droppings can get into an open dish of water if it’s not cleaned daily or even twice a day. If you are raising more than one rabbit together, many people recommend having no more than two bunnies to one water bottle.
3. Why do I Need to Make sure my Bunny has Enough Water
Clean Fresh Water goes miles in keeping your rabbits healthy. Bacteria from droppings can get into an open dish of water if it’s not cleaned daily or even twice a day. If you are raising more than one rabbit together, many people recommend having no more than two bunnies in one water bottle.
Bunnies will eat and chew throughout the day they need access to clean water for their digestion processes to work properly.
4. Signs that your Bunny Needs more Water
- Bunnies can look dehydrated even when they are not. However, it is also possible that your bunny actually needs more water. Signs of dehydration in rabbits include sunken eyes and rapid breathing or heart rate. If you notice these signs, take your rabbit to the vet immediately for treatment before things get worse!
- -A dry nose
- -Dropping ears
- -Rapid breathing and/or heart rate
- -Sunken eyes.
- If you notice these signs, take your rabbit to the vet immediately for treatment before things get worse! If it is hot outside or if they have been playing hard, provide them with a bowl of cool water so that they can take a drink when they need it.
- -Make sure that you provide your rabbit with fresh water at least once per day, and more frequently if needed in hot weather or during especially active times such as breeding season.
- Nursing Does need more water than usual as they nurse their litters.
- Not having enough water does milk production will drop resulting in smaller litters.
- Kits not gaining weight is another sign that a bunny needs more water.

6. How can you tell if your Rabbit is in Danger of becoming Dehydrated
- The environment is Hot and Dry
- Climate Temperatures are cold and water can be frozen
- The rabbit has a dry mouth with no drool coming out.
- A dehydrated animal will feel cool to the touch because their body temperatures are lower than normal. This should never be confused for an overheated rabbit that feels warm to the touch from being in a hot climate all day. If your rabbit feels cool to the touch, then they are in danger of becoming dehydrated.
- The rabbit has a dry nose with no mucous coming out.
- A dehydrated animal will have their nasal passages and sinuses clogged up while breathing heavily because it is taking more effort for them to breathe due to dehydration. This should never be confused for an overheated rabbit that has a runny nose and breathing heavily from being in a hot climate all day. If your rabbit’s nasal passages and sinuses are clogged up, then they are dehydrated.
- The skin on the animal is loose and will not return to place quickly after it has been pinched between fingers or pulled up and released.
- A dehydrated animal’s skin will be loose and wrinkled because the water inside their body is being drawn out by dehydration, making them feel lighter than normal. This should never be confused for an overfed rabbit that has a large amount of fat under its fur which makes it feel like they have more weight to them than they actually do. If your rabbit’s skin is loose and wrinkled, then they are dehydrated.

Final Thoughts
- If it is hot outside or if they have been playing hard, provide them with a bowl of cool water so that they can take a drink when they need it.
- Make sure that you provide your rabbit with fresh water at least once per day, and more frequently if needed in hot weather or during especially active times such as breeding season.
- Nursing Does need more water than usual as they nurse their litters. Not having enough water does milk production will drop resulting in smaller litters. Kits not gaining weight is another sign that a bunny needs more water.