The favorite foods of Alpacas are grasses and Hay 50%, Fruits, Vegetables, Carrots, Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Cucumbers, and Mangos. However, alpacas cannot digest grains very well and do not need to consume large amounts of grain in order for their diet to be balanced.
What Do Alpacas like to Eat?
Alpacas are domesticated animals that live in South America. They have been around for centuries, and today they are popular pets all over the world! Alpacas eat hay, grasses, vegetables, and grains. In this article, we will go into detail about what alpacas like to eat and provide you with some recipes so you can try them out at home!
Check Out Amazon’s Educational Resources for Raising Alpacas
What are normal Foods for Alpacas?
Alpacas are herbivores, meaning that they only eat plants. Their diet consists of hay, grasses, vegetables, and grains. Alpacas love to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, but they also enjoy chewing on hay and grass. Grains like oats and barley are a good source of fiber for alpacas, and they will eat them if they have a chance. However, alpacas cannot digest grains very well and do not need to consume large amounts of grain in order for their diet to be balanced.
Jump to Alpaca (What Do Alpacas Eat?)**DIET**
What are Foods That Alpacas Enjoy Eating?
Alpaca’s favorite foods are vegetables and green food, alpacas can eat many kinds of fruit.
- Sweet Potatoes – Alpaca will enjoy a lot if you give him the sweet potato which has high nutritions value for alpaca.
- Apple – Alpacas love apples, and they are a good source of Vitamin C.
- Carrots – Carrots are a great snack for alpacas and are high in beta-carotene.
- Turnips – Turnips are a favorite food of alpacas and are high in fiber and Vitamin C.
- Grass – Alpacas love to eat grass, and it is a good source of fiber.
- Hay – Hay has high amounts of Vitamin A, D, E, K & B12 in addition to being low in fat with no artificial flavors or sweeteners. However, note that alpacas will not typically consume hay if it is not fresh.
- Vegetables – Green vegetables are a great source of fiber and antioxidants for alpacas, so they can have them as part of their diet.
- In addition to the foods listed above, alpacas also love fruit! They will eat apples,
- Bananas – Bananas are a great source of potassium for alpacas.
- Oranges – Oranges are high in Vitamin C and other antioxidants.
- Cucumbers – Cucumbers provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help keep your alpaca healthy.
- Tomatoes – Tomatoes are another favorite food of alpacas
- Mangos – Mangos are a sweet and juicy fruit that alpacas love to eat.
The majority of Alpaca feed needs to be hay and grass. If you do give your Alpaca fruits or vegetables, make sure they are freshly picked from the ground as opposed to ones that have been sitting on a shelf for weeks!
The percentage of fruits to grass, hay, and vegetables in the diet will vary with the seasons. In winter, when green grass is scarce, you may have to give your alpaca mostly hay supplemented with a small number of other items. However, as the weather gets warmer and new growth appears on trees and plants, you can increase the percentage of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet.

What are foods that they will eat, but are not favorites?
While alpacas love to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, they also enjoy chewing on hay and grass. Grains like oats and barley are a good source of fiber for alpacas, and they will eat them if they have a chance. However, alpacas cannot digest grains very well and do not need to consume large amounts of grain in order for their diet to be balanced.
Grains are formulated into many different alpaca feeds, so they can have some even if they are not their favorite food.
Alpacas love water and will drink fresh or saltwater.
In the wild, alpacas eat a variety of plants including grasses, leaves, vines, and shrubs.
What do Alpacas eat for Treats?
Special treats for Alpacas include
- carrots, apples, and other fruits and vegetables. However, alpacas should not have too many treats because they are high in sugar and can upset the balance of their diet.
- Alpacas also enjoy chewing on hay cubes or straws. You can give them small amounts of these as a special treat. Be sure to only give them hay and straw as a treat and not their daily staple food because alpacas cannot digest them very well.
Do Alpacas Eat Weeds?
Alpacas do not typically eat weeds, but they will if there is nothing else to eat.
Alpacas are ruminant animals that have four stomachs designed for digesting plant material like grasses and hay, so they must rely on these types of food sources for their diet. Alpacas do not need the same amount of carbohydrates as other animals like horses, so they cannot digest grains very well. This is why you should not give your alpaca too many treats that are high in sugar and carbohydrates. Alpacas will also eat a variety of plants in the wild, including some weeds. However, if there is nothing else to eat, alpacas will consume them.
Some weeds alpacas will eat are clover, dandelion greens, and sweet potatoes.
In the winter when green grazing is sparse alpacas will eat hay supplemented with a small number of other items. However, as the weather gets warmer and new growth appears on trees and plants, you can increase the percentage of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet up to 50%. This will provide them with all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.
Can Alpacas Eat Apples?
Yes, Alpaca loves apples as a treat.
What Can Alpacas not Eat?
Things that Alpacas should not eat are :
Rhubarb leaves, which can kill them.
Ragweed and other plants in the daisy family -as they are poisonous to Alpacas.
Onions or Garlic – these vegetables contain Thiosulphate that is toxic for Alpacas.
Chocolate – it contains theobromine, which is toxic for Alpacas.
Grapes and Raisins – cause kidney failure in animals when ingested.
Apple seeds and Cherry pits – contain cyanide which is poisonous.
Grass (sometimes they eat too much grass and get sick)
Lettuce (it causes bloat)
Coffee beans and tea leaves – contain caffeine. Caffeine is toxic to Alpacas.
Avocado – it contains person can, which cause stomach pain and damaged airways.
Alcohol – It causes intoxication, respiratory paralysis, and death in Alpacas.
Mushrooms (they are poisonous)
Cereal grains – cause bloating and indigestion
Fat trimmings – Alpacas cannot digest fat and it can kill them.
Moldy Grains (corn, wheat, etc.) – This food causes molds in the intestines of animals which is very harmful.
Also avoid bread, potato, rice cakes, or any other food with high sugar content.
Sugar is toxic to Alpacas

Alpacas only need hay and water in order to survive. However, they do require minerals that are found in salt licks for optimal health. They also love molasses which can be mixed into their feed once per week.
Also, our article on What Types of Hays and Grasses do Alpacas Eat
Final Thoughts – What Do Alpacas like to Eat?
In summary, alpacas can eat apples, hay cubes, or straws as treats. Alpacas cannot have too many sugar-rich foods because this will upset the balance of their diet and they are ruminant animals that have four stomachs designed for digesting plant material like grasses and hay, so they must rely on these types of food sources