In Winter provide ample quantities of soft-cut hay; Alpacas will eat 2 – 4% weight per day depending on how many animals there are eating it! The winter is a difficult time for alpaca farmers. The mammals need more food than other seasons, and they also have trouble staying warm keep them dry when out grazing.
What do Alpacas Eat in the Winter?
Alpacas are domesticated animals that live in the mountains of South America. The average alpaca weighs about 150 pounds and can be up to five feet long! They have an extremely thick fur coat for protection against the cold weather, but their diet consists mainly of grasses which provide insufficient nutrients during the winter months. Alpacas eat hay, grain, fruit, and vegetables when they need more nutrition than what is available from just grazing on grasses.
Check Out Amazon’s Educational Resources for Raising Alpacas
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Do Alpacas eat Hay?
Alpacas are foragers and in the winter they eat hay, grasses, leaves, and bark. They also like to eat clover, wheat straw, oat straw, barley straw, and other grains. Alpacas will not overeat on any one food but they do need a variety of different things in their diet to stay healthy. These abound in the summer but have died back or been covered in snow during the winter. In addition to hay, alpacas will eat grasses and leaves that have died back or been buried under a blanket of snow. These can be difficult for them to access because they are not strong enough to break through the frozen ground but it’s important for their health that they at least try to get to them.
Alpacas are grazing animals and they need to eat a lot of hay every day to maintain their health. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least one bale of hay for every four alpacas per day. Alpacas will not overeat on any one food but they do need a variety of different things in their diet to stay healthy.
In the winter, alpacas also need access to a salt lick and freshwater. Make sure the salt lick is placed in an area where it won’t be covered with snow and check the water troughs regularly to make sure they haven’t frozen over. If necessary, break the ice so that the alpacas can have access to fresh drinking water.
Domestic alpacas should be fed hay, grasses, leaves, and a small number of grains. They should also have access to clean water at all times. Alpacas that live in cold climates should have a shelter with windbreaks and be provided with extra bedding if needed.

Do Alpacas Eat Grass?
In the winter when alpacas are foraging, they mostly eat grass. They also consume a variety of other plants, including shrubs, trees, and herbs. Alpacas are browsers rather than grazers; this means that they selectively browse for food instead of eating everything that is within their reach.
Alpacas have three stomachs which help them digest their food properly. Their cecum is specifically adapted to breaking down the cellulose in plant matter. The cecum ferments the food, allowing the alpaca to extract more nutrients from their diet.
Alpacas also consume a lot of water, especially in cold weather when they need to stay hydrated. They can drink up to 20 liters of water in a day.
Do Alpacas Eat Grain?
Domesticated alpacas are typically fed hay or grass pellets, along with other supplements depending on their breed and environment. Hay is an important source of roughage which helps keep the digestive tract working properly. It also provides fiber to help maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Grain is not a necessary part of the alpaca diet but can be given as a supplement to help increase their weight. Alpacas that are used for fiber production may be fed grain year-round in order to maintain high wool yields.
What Else do Alpacas Eat?
In the wild, alpacas eat a variety of plants that are native to their habitat. They also may consume small amounts of dirt or mineral licks as a way to supplement the minerals they need in their diet.
Alpaca owners can feed their animals hay and grass pellets year-round, plus other supplements depending on what kind of animal they have. Some good supplements to consider include:
- Oats
- Barley
- Wheat
- Beet pulp
- Brewer’s yeast
- Flaxseed oil
- Vitamin E supplement
- Salt lick or mineral block
Alpacas are browsers rather than grazers; this means that they selectively browse for food instead of eating everything that is within their reach.
Can Alpacas Eat Sweet Feed? Yes But Small Amounts
What is sweet Feed? Sweet feeds are a particular type of feed that alpacas love to eat. It can be purchased at many places, including online stores. One place you may purchase sweet feeds is from your local Tractor Supply Company.
What are Sweet Feeds Ingredients?
There are a few different ingredients in most sweet feeds for Alpacas, however, the main ingredient is molasses. Molasses is a sweetener that comes from sugar cane or sugar beets. It is high in minerals and vitamins, which is why it is often used as a feed additive.
Other ingredients can vary depending on the brand of sweet feeds you purchase but may include grains such as corn, oats, barley, and soybeans; as well as minerals and vitamins.
How Much Sweet Feed Can Alpacas Eat?
The amount of sweet feed that should be fed to alpacas will depend on a few factors, including activity level, age, health status, weather conditions outside (hot/cold), other food sources available in the region it is being raised, etc. In general, a healthy alpaca will need to be fed about one pound of sweet feeds per 100 pounds of body weight.
How Long Do Alpacas Need to Eat Sweet Feed?
In some cases, it may be necessary for an alpaca that is sick or injured to eat sweet feed long-term in order to help them gain weight and/or get better. Otherwise, alpacas should only be given access to sweet feeds for a short period of time each day (30-60 minutes). This will help them stay healthy and avoid any health problems that could arise from overeating sweet feeds.

Can Alpacas Eat Vegetables?
Yes! In fact, it is a good idea to provide alpacas with access to fresh vegetables as part of their diet. Some good options include carrots, lettuce, apples, and celery.
Can Alpacas Eat Hay?
Yes! hay is an important part of the alpaca diet and should be provided daily. There are many different types of hay available, including alfalfa, timothy hay, and orchard grass.
Can Alpacas Eat Grass?
If you have a pasture for your alpacas to graze in during the day it is a good idea to let them eat as much of the available grass as they want each time they are brought out to exercise. In doing so, they will gain some of the nutrients that are found in grass.
What Other Foods Can Alpacas Eat?
In addition to hay and grass, alpacas can also eat small amounts of grain (oats/barley), fruits (apples), vegetables (carrots/lettuce) as well as other types of feed such as sweet feeds, molasses cakes, and pellets.
What do Alpacas Eat in the Winter?
In general, alpacas will eat hay during winter months or snowy weather conditions. However, there are some cases where they may need to be fed other types of feed (sweet feeds/grass). At times it is necessary for owners to provide their alpacas with winter feed such as hay and sweet feeds.
Alpaca Food Safety:
It is important to always use food sources that are safe for your animals, so you should never give them anything from the list below. These include potentially poisonous plants, moldy/spoiled foods, items intended for human consumption, etc.
There are a few cautions that should be considered when feeding your alpacas, including giving them the following items in very small amounts only (if at all): chocolate, alcoholic beverages, onion/garlic products, grapes/raisins, and caffeine-based foods/drinks. In addition to this, it is important to make sure that there is always plenty of fresh, clean water available for them to drink.
How Much Grain to Feed Alpacas in the Winter?
Alpacas need about ˜16 to 24 pounds of feed per day.
- Alpacas should be fed in the morning when they are hungry, or at night after they have finished grazing.
- Some alpaca owners prefer to let their animals forage during wintertime rather than feeding them hay because it is more natural for the animal.
- Alfalfa hay is a good source of fiber and nutrients for alpacas.
- Other types of hay, such as oat hay or barley straw, can also be fed to alpacas but they are not as high in quality as alfalfa hay.
- It is important to provide enough water for the alpacas to drink, especially in the winter when the air is dry.
- Alpacas can also be given a mineral supplement to ensure they are getting all of the nutrients they need.
- . Alpacas typically eat about 0.75% of their body weight each day, so they should have a good variety of hay and fresh vegetation
Alpacas are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants
In Describing herbivores Their characteristics are:
- Foragers
- -Chewing cud
- -Four stomachs
- Alpacas are primarily foragers, which means they browse and graze on a variety of plants. In the wild, alpacas will eat grasses, leaves, shrubs, vines, and even lichens. They also consume hay when it is available.
- Types of Foragers are
- Camels
- Bison
- Domesticated Alpacas are fed hay, minerals, and mineralized salt blocks that supply the essential nutrients they require to stay healthy.
- Alpacas have an average lifespan of 20 years in the wild and 25-30 years for domesticated alpacas. Their gestation period is 11 ½ months or about 400 days long (the longest gestation period out of all the camelids), and they have one baby or cria. Alpacas give birth during daylight hours (between 0900-1700) after a gestation period of about 11 ½ months. Crias are typically standing up within 30 minutes of being born so that mothers can nurse them while lying down.
- Llamas are also of that family.
In the wintertime, alpacas cannot graze on grass as it is covered in snow,
They do not eat leaves as those are gone by the time winter hits. Therefore, alpacas need a specific type of hay called round bale silage to get through the winter months.
Domesticated Alpacas have many different types of food that they can be fed in order to stay healthy throughout the year. One of the most important types of food for them in the winter is hay. There are many different types of hay, but alpacas need round bale silage to get through the winter months.
Round bale silage is a type of hay that is made specifically for animals like alpacas. The hay is wrapped in plastic and then sealed so that it does not spoil. This type of hay is important for alpacas because it helps them to stay warm and healthy in the wintertime.
Alpaca owners must provide hay to their animals for food and warmth
During the winter months, lush green grasses and leaves are gone it is imperative that the Alpaca Farmer Provide hay to their animals. The hay will give the alpacas the sustenance they need to get through the cold winter days. Alpacas also like to eat straw, so it is a good idea to include that in their diet as well.
In addition to hay and straw, Alpacas like to eat oat bran, beet pulp, and brewer’s yeast. These supplements will help keep the alpacas warm and healthy during winter. Some Alpaca owners also give their animals a small amount of corn each day to eat.
It is important to make sure that the alpacas have access to clean water at all times, especially in cold weather. Frozen water can be dangerous to the alpacas.
If an Alpaca’s water freezes, its digestive system will stop working and it won’t have any way of getting rid of waste until the weather warms up again. This could cause serious health problems for your animal.
Dehydration symptoms include:
- Sunken eyes,
- Dry nose and mouth,
- Lethargy,
- Sunken fontanelle (in baby Alpacas),
- and death.
- Constipation

Hay can be purchased from a feed store or made at home by chopping up the straw into small pieces.
Alpacas need a constant supply of hay in their diet to help them chew properly and wear down their teeth. They will also eat the hay if they are feeling sick or have an upset stomach.
Alfalfa is another good source of nutrition for alpacas and can be fed as hay or pellets.
Other good sources of nutrition include:
- Oats
- Barley
- Wheat
- Corn
- Soybeans
- Sunflower Seeds
- Peanuts
Alpacas also need fresh water to drink. Make sure their water trough is clean and full of freshwater
Also, in Our Article What Types of Hays and Grasses do Alpacas Eat
When feeding your alpacas make sure you have plenty of fresh water available as well.
In winter water becomes frozen easily, so make sure to have enough water available at all times.
If Alpacas are dehydrated, they may need electrolytes added to their drinking water for a day or two until the dehydration has passed.
Frozen water can be addressed by:
- Breaking the ice daily – so they can drink
- Providing water inside the barn – so they don’t have to go out in the cold
- Tank Heaters – to keep the water from freezing
- Bringing the animals in at night – so they can drink and you don’t have to break the ice
- Alpacas are a very hearty species that can withstand cold weather, but it is important for their health to provide them with the proper food and water.
- Also, our Article What Do Alpacas Eat in the Wild
Final Thoughts – What do Alpacas Eat in the Winter?
In summary, Alpacas need more care during the cold winter months months. They need safe food and water to maintain health and thrive when it is cold outside.