Why is my Bunnies pee red? Cases of bloody urine in rabbits often turn out to be normal rabbit urine which is simply a deep red color due to the excretion of plant pigments within the diet. True cases of blood in the urine (haematuria) are often due to stones/sludge within the urinary tract, cystitis, uterine adenocarcinoma, polyps, or abortion. Always Consult Your Local Vet
Why is my Bunnies Pee Red?
Have you ever wondered why your rabbit’s pee is red? Well, the answer is actually pretty interesting! The color of a rabbit’s urine may vary depending on its diet. If they eat more foods high in beta-carotene such as carrots and tomatoes, then their pee will be orange or dark yellow. However, if they don’t get these types of foods in their diet and instead eat mainly hay and grasses, then the urine will turn a pinkish-red color due to an increase in bilirubin production by the liver. Why is my Bunnies Pee Red?
What is the Normal Color of Rabbit Pee?
A normal Healthy Rabbit’s pee is a Clear to Yellow color. It should not be orange or brown.
If you have a rabbit that is white, or yellow pee can look like it’s orange sometimes… but remember: It will not always be the color of carrots! If your rabbit has clear to yellow urine and does not appear sick then there isn’t anything wrong with him/her. Jump to 18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming **CHARTS**
However, if your rabbit’s urine is orange or brown
, it could be a sign that he/she has a urinary tract infection (UTI) and needs to see a vet. Brown pee can also mean that the rabbit is dehydrated.See Amazons Educational Resources on Rabbit Diseases
Pee is made of waste products that the body is trying to get rid of.
Rabbits’ urine will be clear before it goes out their urethra because there are no bacteria in their bladder, but then as soon as it comes into contact with air it can change colors due to oxidation from red blood cells dying and other chemical reactions (this is why you need to clean up after your rabbit right away). If a rabbit’s pee stays clear for more than an hour or two, this means his/her kidneys may not be working well.
Brown Urine: A healthy bunny’s urine should be yellow or golden in color which indicates good kidney function and clarity of organs. Brownish-colored urine might mean dehydration caused by diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, infection, kidney stones, or liver disease.
A healthy rabbit’s urine should be light yellow to almost clear in color and very runny.
The longer your bunny’s urine sits around un-changed, it will become more concentrated as water evaporates from the surface leaving behind waste products (see above). If you have several bunnies sharing one cage then make sure they have plenty of room so each individual cannot “mark their territory” with pee all over their living space. You do not want them to mark any part of their cages/crate or toys because bacteria can
What Foods can cause Red Urine?
If your Bunnies urine has turned red check his/her diet. Foods that can cause red pee are:
- Red cabbage
- Beets,
- Cranberry juice
- Rhubarb leaves
- Beet greens
- All other foods with red colorants such as Red food coloring in treats, pet stores, and human food.
What Could Cause your Rabbit’s Urine to Turn Red? (Blood) ( Rabbit Urine Color)
- UTI Infection
- Rabbit Sludge
- Bladder Infection
- Kidney Stones
- Internal Bleeding
- Cystitis,
- Uterine adenocarcinoma,
- Polyps,
- Abortion / Miscarriage
What is UTI Infection in Rabbits?
An UTI infection is an infection in the urinary tract. It is often caused by E. coli bacteria, which live normally in your bunny’s intestines and are passed through feces into its litter box or bedding material where they can enter a rabbit’s body if it grooms itself with contaminated paws.

What types of rabbits get UTI infections?
All breeds of domestic house rabbits are susceptible to Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Rabbits that have previously been spayed or neutered may be more likely than unaltered bunnies to develop them due to changes in their hormone levels after surgery.”
Rabbits who were not given probiotics right before being spayed/neutered, then continue taking antibiotics might also experience this problem.
What are the symptoms of a UTI infection in rabbits?
The most common signs that your bunny may have a UTI infection include: straining to urinate, increased frequency of urination, blood in the urine, and dribbling urine. Your rabbit may also exhibit general signs of illness such as lack of appetite, lethargy, and swollen genitals.”
If you see any of these symptoms in your pet rabbit, please take it to a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Untreated urinary tract infections can lead to serious health problems in rabbits including bladder or kidney stones, sepsis (a potentially fatal whole-body inflammation), and even death.
Prevention is always better than cure so make sure your bunny’s diet is high in fiber and low in sugar. Also, make sure it has lots of fresh hay to nibble on throughout the day.”
What is Rabbit Sludge in Rabbits?
Rabbit Sludge is the waste product that is created when a rabbit digests their food. This sludge contains the undigested parts of the food, as well as bacteria and other organisms that help with digestion.
While it may not sound too appetizing, this sludge plays an important role in keeping a rabbit healthy. The bacteria in the sludge helps to break down complex carbohydrates and proteins, while also providing essential vitamins and minerals.
This can become harmful when it accumulates in the intestines, as it can cause blockages and other health problems. For this reason, it is important to keep your rabbit’s diet balanced and to provide plenty of freshwaters.
What are the Symptoms of a Rabbit having Complications from Rabbit Sludge?
A rabbit that is suffering from complications caused by too much sludge in the intestines will usually experience a number of stomach pains and problems. These include:
- Hiccups
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Abdominal Pain (especially after eating) How to Prevent Rabbit Sludge Problems?
There are a few things you can do to help prevent rabbit sludge problems. These include:
- Make sure your rabbit’s diet is balanced and includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Providing plenty of clean, fresh water at all times
- Regularly grooming your rabbit to keep their fur clean and free from debris
- Not overfeeding your rabbit or giving them too many treats
- If you suspect that your rabbit is suffering from complications caused by Rabbit Sludge, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

What are Bladder Infections in Rabbits?
Bladder infection in a rabbit is a serious condition. It can be caused by a number of different things, including bacteria, fungus, and parasites. If left untreated, it can lead to death.
Symptoms of Bladder Infection in Rabbits.
Symptoms of a bladder infection in a rabbit include drooling, lethargy, loss of appetite, and urine that is cloudy or has blood in it. If you notice any of these symptoms in your rabbit, take him or her to the veterinarian immediately.
Treatment of Bladder Infection in Rabbits.
The treatment for a bladder infection will vary depending on what is causing the infection. However, antibiotics are often prescribed to treat bacterial infections. Fungal infections may require antifungal medication, while parasitic infections may require antiparasitic drugs.
It is important to remember that rabbits are more susceptible to bladder infections than other animals, but they are not the only ones who can get them. It is important that you take any signs of infection seriously and consider taking your pet rabbit to a vet if he or she has any symptoms.
Prevention of Bladder Infection in Rabbits.
There are things you can do at home for a minor bladder infection in rabbits including:
- Providing fresh water daily
- Giving plenty of vegetables high in vitamin A (like carrots)
What are Kidney Stones in Rabbits?
Kidney Stones in Rabbits are when there is a build-up of crystals in the rabbit’s kidney. Kidney stones are common in rabbits, especially on males and older bunnies over five years old… This can be very painful for your rabbit but there are ways you can help relieve the pain.
Symptoms of Kidney Stones in Rabbits
As well as diet changes, calcium supplements or medications might also be suggested by your vet to prevent this condition from occurring again so always remember that prevention is better than cure!
The symptoms to look out for are:
Blood in the urine (this is usually caused by a different medical issue though so if you see this and your rabbit also has kidney stones, don’t worry as they’re not related)
- Passing large amounts of urine…and straining when doing it. *
- Crying or squeaking when urinating/passing stools.
- The smell of ammonia from their droppings means there’s too much nitrogen present
This can be dangerous because rabbits’ bodies aren’t made to process high quantities of sugar like humans; all that excess sugar will cause diarrhea and dehydration, something no bunny should go through! If you see any of these symptoms, it’s time to get your rabbit checked by a vet!
Prevention of Kidney Stones in Rabbits.
Some of the recommended prevention measures for preventing kidney stones in rabbits include:
Kidney stones in rabbits can be prevented by following some simple steps. Make sure to feed your rabbit a diet low in calcium and phosphorus, switch from commercial pellets to a hay-based diet, and offer your bunny a constant supply of freshwater. For more detailed information on how to prevent kidney stones in rabbits, please consult with your veterinarian.
The recommended prevention measures for preventing kidney stones include:
• Feeding a diet low on calcium and phosphorus. The correct proportions should be around 0.15% to 0.20 % of calcium and less than 0.05%. You can find the percentages, along with other nutritional information about rabbit feed labels by using this online calculator. But remember that these are only rough guidelines so you might need to do some research or ask your vet if you want to know more details regarding the dietary requirements of your pet rabbit while following any specific treatment plan he/she recommends for treating kidney stones in rabbits;
• Switching from commercial pellets which contain high levels of protein (more than 16%) as well as too much fiber, including timothy hay, fresh vegetables such as romaine lettuce and watercress, and fruits to hay-based diets;
• Offering a constant supply of fresh, clean water.

What could cause Internal Bleeding in Rabbits?
Some of the problems that could cause internal Bleeding are:
-A ruptured liver
-A perforated stomach or intestine
-Bleeding ulcers
-Infection of the blood (sepsis)
There are many other potential causes, and your rabbit should be examined by a veterinarian if you suspect internal bleeding. Internal bleeding can be fatal, so it is important to get medical help as soon as possible.
Symptoms of internal bleeding in rabbits include:
-Pale gums
-Excessive thirst
-Loss of appetite
If you notice any of these symptoms in your rabbit, please take him or her to the veterinarian immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment is critical for a successful outcome.
What is cystitis in Rabbits?
Cystitis in Rabbits is an infection of the bladder. It may be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection, stress, and dehydration, which can cause frequent urination in Rabbits.
Cystitis is normally seen in female rabbits who are not spayed (female Rabbit castration). However, it can also affect male rabbits that have an enlarged prostate gland due to age or illness including inflammation of their urethra such as from pasteurella multocida bacteria. Other causes include kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and obesity. Cystitis will occur more often when there is less water available for your rabbit to drink so if you live in areas where temperatures drop below freezing make sure your rabbit has access to warm fresh drinking water at all times during the day!
What is uterine adenocarcinoma in Rabbits?
Uterine adenocarcinoma is the most common cause of uterine disease in rabbits, and it often results in a dramatic decline in reproductive potential. It can appear as an ovarian tumor or develop within the uterus itself, but both types frequently metastasize to other organs via the bloodstream.) This condition is usually diagnosed only when there are already signs of widespread organ involvement; if caught early enough it may be possible to treat with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. If treatment fails or if your rabbit has developed this type of cancer before being spayed then she should not breed again because her risk for developing more tumors will increase dramatically.
What are polyps in Rabbits?
Rabbits can develop Polyps, which are a growth in the tissue of the rabbit.
Polyps can be benign, meaning not cancerous (noncancerous), or malignant, meaning cancerous (malignant). If they are noncancerous polyps then your veterinarian will likely remove them to make sure there is no risk for later development into something more serious.
What is an abortion/miscarriage in Rabbits?
Pregnant rabbits have a very high rate of miscarrying, often without any warning signs. A miscarriage is the natural or induced expulsion of the products of conception before viability. This can occur in early or late pregnancy. Abortion is the premature termination of a pregnancy, and maybe either be spontaneous (occurring naturally) or induced.
A rabbit that has had an abortion/miscarriage will usually stop eating and lose weight quickly. She may also become very lethargic and develop a fever. If you think your rabbit has had a miscarriage, please take her to the veterinarian as soon as possible for help.
Final Thoughts – Why is my Rabbits Pee Red?
There are many reasons that your Rabbits Pee may turn red. Check the easy ones first Diet and fresh water Supply. Then Be wise to consult your Local Vetrinarian