Rabbits have a third clear eyelid. They close this when they sleep, in appearance their eyes are open but that third eyelid called a nictating membrane protects and keeps the bunnies eye moist as it sleeps.
Do Bunnies Close their Eyes when they Sleep?
Do bunnies close their eyes when they sleep? This is a question that has long been debated by bunny owners and enthusiasts alike. Some say that bunnies keep their eyes open as they sleep in order to stay vigilant against predators, while others maintain that all rabbits close their eyes while snoozing. So what’s the truth? Jump to 18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming **CHARTS**

In lagomorph husbandry. Let’s examine a Bunnies Sleeping Habits?
A Rabbits most active at dawn and dusk this is called crepuscular. Do Bunnies Close their Eyes when they Sleep?
They are also active during the night as well, they can be seen to do so in their natural habitat and captive rabbits like domesticated rabbits will spend many hours of the day sleeping. Their sleep is broken up into short periods that last for around 15 minutes each.
Check Out Amazon for Resources about Breeding Rabbits
Obviously, this means a rabbit spends most of its time asleep but it does not mean that your bunny sleeps all day long, no instead he or she will have a very busy schedule with waking times between his naps!
What is a Rabbits Third Eyelid (nictating membrane)?
The nictitating membrane is a thin, translucent eyelid that helps keep the eye moist and protected. It’s also known as the ‘third eyelid’.
Rabbits have three eyelids – the upper lid, lower lid, and nictating membrane. The nictating membrane is located in the middle of the eye, between the upper and lower lids.
It’s not clear why rabbits have a third eyelid. Some people think it helps protect the eye from dust and dirt, while others believe it helps keep the eye moist. Whatever its purpose may be, it’s a very important part of a rabbit’s anatomy!
Do rabbits have three Eyelids?
- Upper Lid – the rabbit upper lid is the one you are all familiar with it closes when the rabbit blinks
- Nictating Membrane (Third Eyelid) – The nictating membrane is a thin, translucent eyelid its function is to clean and keep the eye moist, it is located in the middle of the eye between the upper and lower lid.
- Lower Lid – The lower lid is very small in most rabbits, the function is to keep debris out.
How Long do Rabbits Sleep?
They sleep in total about 12 hours a day. They take naps and will nod off during the day and then sleep through most of the night.
Rabbits are crepuscular so they are active at dawn, dusk and throughout the night as well. They also take naps in-between times for about 15 minutes each time to give a total of approximately 12 hours of sleep per day.
Most rabbit owners think their bunny is sleeping all day long when in fact he or she is quite busy taking a nap every now and then. If you are lucky enough to have a rabbit who likes to snuggle, you will get to see your bunny sleep during the day!
Do They close their eyes when they sleep?
Rabbits do not close their upper eyelid when they sleep, so you can see their eye quite clearly when they are taking a nap. The nictating membrane, or third eyelid, will close over the eye when the rabbit is asleep.
The lower lid may also close partially to keep out debris. So if you see your bunny with his eyes open while he’s sleeping, don’t worry – he’s just resting!

How do I know if my Rabbit is Sleeping?
If your rabbit is sleeping, he will be very still and quiet. His eyes may be closed or half-closed, and his ears may be relaxed down against his head. You may also see him breathing slowly and deeply.
If your rabbit is awake, he will be moving around and exploring his environment. His eyes will be open and alert, and his ears will be up and attentive. He may also be making noise as he eats, plays, or digs around in his litter box.
So if you’re not sure whether your rabbit is asleep or just taking a break from playing, look for these signs to help you decide:
- Stillness
- Eyes closed or half-closed
- Relaxed ears
- Slow breathing
If your bunny is sleeping during the day it’s because he/she is quite busy at night! Most rabbits sleep at night but there are some that like to nap throughout the day too!
Do Bunnies Blink?
Rabbits blink approximately every 12 seconds – about twice as often as people do. This helps keep their eyes clean and free of debris. When a rabbit blinks, both the upper and lower eyelids close and the nictating membrane (third eyelid) will close over the eye to help keep it clean and moist.
Where do Bunnies like to Sleep?
Rabbits like to sleep where it is dark and quiet. They usually sleep in a hutch or cage, but they can also sleep in a box or under a bed. Some bunnies even like to sleep on top of their owners! Bunnies should always have a place to hide so they feel safe and secure.
Rabbits are crepuscular animals, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk. This means that they may not want to sleep during the day when it is bright and noisy. If your bunny is awake during the day, be sure to give them plenty of toys to play with!
How can you tell if Your Bunny is not getting enough sleep?
here are some signs your bunny is not getting enough rest:
- They are dragging their feet when they walk. They may also stumble over objects in the room or seem a bit dizzy and off-balance.
- They may have trouble jumping up onto furniture like a couch, chair, or table where it’s usually easy for them to get up because of a lack of energy.
- Irritability is another sign your bunny needs more sleep; if you notice that your rabbit becomes grumpy with every interaction, then it’s time for them to chill out on the pillow!
- Another sign that something might be wrong with his sleeping patterns could be weight gain from not getting enough exercise due to an increase in lethargic behavior caused by fatigue which can lead to serious health issues like heart problems down the line if left untreated.
If your bunny is exhibiting any of these symptoms, it might be time to have a talk with your veterinarian about how much sleep your bun needs and see if there is anything you can do to help them get more shut-eye!
If You’re Bunny isn’t getting enough sleep, here are some things you can do to help:
- Try putting their sleeping area in a quieter part of the house or near where you spend most of your time so they know that’s where they should go when they want to take a nap.
- Limit noise exposure before bedtime by turning off the TV, radio and keeping loud conversations outside of their room.
- Make sure their bedding is clean, dry, and comfortable for them so they can get some quality rest without worrying about being uncomfortable or getting wet from leaking urine in the middle of their snooze session!
- If your bunny is not sleeping well at night due to stress caused by an illness such as arthritis then try giving them medicine before going to bed so it will help relieve pain while helping him/her relax enough sleep comfortably throughout most nights without waking up constantly throughout.
- If none of these things seem like they would work, then it might be best just go see what else could possibly be disrupting his/her routine because there could always be something wrong that we don’t even know yet!”It’s always good when you’re trying new things or changing habits to see if it helps them sleep better.”
If none of these things seem like they would work, then it might be best just go see what else could possibly be disrupting his/her routine because there could always be something wrong that we don’t even know yet!”It’s always good when you’re trying new things or changing habits to see if it helps them sleep better.”

What are other animals that have Third Eyelids?
Here is a list of other animals with nictating membranes:
- Cats
- Bats
- Crocodiles
- Dolphins
- Frogs
- Lizards
- Monkeys
- Pigeons
- Raccoons
Cats third Eyelid
Although these animals all have a third eyelid, it is not always visible. In some cases, the nictating membrane will only be seen when the animal is sick or irritated.
The only time a cat’s third eyelid will be visible is if they are sick, injured, or stressed. These membranes usually move horizontally across the eye and can keep out dirt and debris while still allowing them to see through it.
A cat’s nictating membrane has two parts: an anterior nictitating membrane and a posterior nictating membrane. The anterior nictitating membrane is the part of the eyelid that you can see when it’s open.
This part helps to keep the eye moist and clean by wiping away any discharge or debris. The posterior nictating membrane is located at the back of the eye and it helps to protect the cat’s eye from irritation and infection.

The anterior nictitating membrane can be seen as a vertical line in between your cat’s eyes, while the posterior nictating membrane is not visible at all.
A cats third eyelid may also be known as a haw or third eyelid because it is located in the same spot as a human’s haw. The haw helps to lubricate and protect the eye and it can become red and swollen if there is an infection or other problem. If you are worried about your cat’s third eyelid, you should take them to the vet for a check-up.
Final Thoughts – Do Bunnies Close their Eyes when they Sleep?
Rabbits close their third eyelids when they sleep in order to keep their eyes clean and moist. If your bunny isn’t getting enough shut-eye, try some of the tips listed above to help them get more rest!