Can Rabbits Drink Milk – As pet owners, it’s important to understand what we should and shouldn’t feed our furry friends. We know that cats are lactose intolerant, but what about rabbits? Can rabbits drink milk?
Can Rabbits Drink Milk (Drink Cow Milk)
The short answer is no. The long answer is that milk isn’t the healthiest choice for rabbits, and they can’t properly digest it.
Milk contains lactose, a sugar that rabbits can’t digest. Lactose is broken down by an enzyme called lactase. Humans, cats, and some other animals have lactase in their digestive systems, but rabbits do not. This means that they can’t properly break down lactose and the milk simply passes through their digestive system without being absorbed.
Even if your rabbit has the ability to digest lactose, it may not be the best choice for their diet. Milk is high in fat and calories, and doesn’t provide any essential nutrients for rabbits. Too much fat or calories can lead to weight gain and other health problems.
If your rabbit does ingest some milk, it will likely cause diarrhea or other gastrointestinal issues. This is because their digestive systems aren’t equipped to handle the lactose from the milk.
So, can rabbits drink milk? Unfortunately, no. Rabbits cannot digest the lactose in milk, and it can be a source of many health problems if they ingest too much.
That being said, there are some dairy products that are safe for rabbits to eat. Yogurt, for instance, is low in lactose and can be a healthy treat for your rabbit. Cheese is also a safe option, as it’s low in lactose and high in protein. Just make sure that the cheese you feed your rabbit is low in salt, as too much salt can be dangerous for rabbits.

If you’re looking for a healthy way to give your rabbit some extra nutrition, try adding leafy greens or vegetables to their diet instead. These are healthy and safe for rabbits, and will give them the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy.
In conclusion, rabbits cannot drink milk. Milk contains lactose, which rabbits cannot digest. Even if they can digest the lactose, it’s still not a healthy choice for your rabbit. Instead, try adding some leafy greens or vegetables to their diet, or occasional treats of yogurt or low-salt cheese.
7 reasons why Cow’s Milk is not Healthy for Rabbits
- Cow’s milk is too high in fat and protein for rabbits, which can lead to obesity and digestive problems.
- Cow’s milk is difficult for rabbits to digest, as their digestive systems are not evolved for the consumption of dairy products.
- Cow’s milk does not contain any of the nutrients necessary for a healthy rabbit diet, such as fiber and Vitamin C.
- The lactose in cow’s milk can cause digestive issues like bloating, diarrhea and gas.
- Consuming cow’s milk can lead to an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the rabbit’s diet, which can cause bone and joint problems.
- Cow’s milk may contain bacteria that can be dangerous to rabbits, such as salmonella and E. coli.
- Cow’s milk can cause an allergic reaction in some rabbits.
What Milk Supplements to feed Orphaned Baby Rabbits (Baby Bunny Milk)
If you’ve recently taken on the responsibility of caring for an orphaned baby rabbit, you’ll need to provide it with the proper nutrition it needs to grow and thrive. Unfortunately, baby rabbits can’t eat solids like other animals, so you’ll need to provide them with supplemental milk.
The best milk supplement for orphaned baby rabbits is one specifically designed for them. These supplements should contain all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that baby rabbits need. Look for a product that contains lactose-free milk, maltodextrin, vitamins, minerals, and other additives. You’ll also want to make sure the supplement is free of hormones and antibiotics.
When it comes to feeding the baby rabbit, you’ll need to prepare the milk supplement according to the directions on the package. Once the supplement is prepared, you’ll need to feed it to the baby rabbit using a syringe or bottle. Depending on the age of the rabbit, you’ll need to feed it anywhere from four to eight times a day.
When feeding the baby rabbit, you’ll want to ensure that the milk is at body temperature before giving it to the rabbit. This will help ensure that the rabbit is able to digest the milk and get the nutrients it needs.
It’s also important to remember that baby rabbits can become dehydrated quickly and require more fluids than adult rabbits. To ensure your rabbit is getting enough fluids, you’ll want to offer it fresh, clean water at all times.

Finally, you’ll want to monitor the baby rabbit’s health and weight to make sure it’s getting enough nutrition. If you notice that the rabbit is losing weight or not thriving, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Overall, providing the proper milk supplement for an orphaned baby rabbit is an important part of keeping it healthy and happy. Be sure to use a milk supplement specifically designed for baby rabbits and monitor its health to ensure it’s getting the nutrition it needs.
What to Feed Newborn Baby Rabbits ( Goat’s Milk Esbilac – GME)
Hand rearing orphaned baby rabbits can be a rewarding experience for both you and your pet. However, it is also a very responsible task and requires a great deal of dedication and commitment to ensure the health and welfare of your pet. Knowing what to feed, how to feed, and how often and how long to feed are all important components of successful hand rearing.
The best food for newborn baby rabbits is goat’s milk Esbilac (GME). This is a special formula designed specifically for small animals and is available in both powder and liquid form. GME is a complete nutrition source for young rabbits and contains all the necessary nutrients for development.
How to Feed ( 1-3 CC Syringe /without Needle)
When feeding newborns, a 1-3 cc syringe should be used without the needle. When feeding newborn baby rabbits, it is important to remember that their stomachs are very small and therefore should not be overfilled. The amount of GME given should be small and should be given slowly. It is also important not to overfeed the rabbits as this can cause digestive upset and other health problems.

How Often and How Long to Feed Newborn Bunnies
It is recommended that newborn baby rabbits be fed every two to three hours, with the amount of GME increasing as the rabbit’s age and become more active. At one week old, the rabbits should be fed every three hours and should be given 4-5 cc of GME per feeding. At two weeks old, the rabbits should be fed every four hours and should be given 8-10 cc of GME per feeding. At three weeks old, the rabbits should be fed every five hours and should be given 12-15 cc of GME per feeding.
Hand-rearing orphaned baby rabbits can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Knowing what to feed, how to feed, and how often and how long to feed are all important components of successful hand rearing. By providing the proper nutrition and care, you can ensure that your pet rabbits will have a long and healthy life.
Final Thoughts – Can Rabbits Drink Milk
Feeding rabbits cow milk can be a difficult task as cows milk is not the natural diet of rabbits and can be difficult to digest. Rabbits are herbivores and their diet consists mainly of hay, vegetables, and some fruits.
Unlike cows, rabbits do not produce the enzyme lactase which is needed to break down lactose in cows’ milk. As a result, rabbits can suffer from digestive problems and diarrhea if given cow’s milk. It is also important to note that cows milk is higher in fat and protein than what rabbits need and can cause obesity if given in excess.

For orphaned baby bunnies, it is best to use goat’s milk or a special milk replacer such as Esbilac-GME. It is important to note that any milk replacer should be formulated specifically for rabbits or it could contain ingredients that are not suitable for rabbits. Esbilac-GME was developed for orphaned rabbits and is nutritionally balanced for their needs.
It is a powder that is mixed with water and contains the essential vitamins and minerals that baby bunnies need for proper growth and development. It is also low in fat and protein which makes it more suitable for baby rabbits.
When feeding a baby bunny, it is important to use a syringe or bottle to feed the milk replacer. The syringe or bottle should be filled with the milk replacer and held in the mouth of the bunny. The bunny should be allowed to suckle the milk replacer slowly and not be fed too quickly.
Overfeeding can cause the bunny to become bloated or aspirate the milk. It is also important to note that the milk replacer should be replaced with fresh milk every two hours and the feeding should be done slowly and gently.

In conclusion, feeding rabbits cows’ milk is not recommended and can cause digestive problems and obesity. For orphaned baby bunnies, using a special milk replacer such as Esbilac-GME is the best option. This milk replacer is nutritionally balanced for the needs of baby bunnies and should be fed slowly and gently with a syringe or bottle.
It is important to remember to replace the milk replacer every two hours and to not overfeed the bunny. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the bunny is getting all of the necessary nutrients and vitamins for proper growth and development.
God Bless Greg