As a general rule Peacocks – Are Not Peacocks Friendly – are considered cuddly pets, but they do make good companions for many people who keep them as pets. They can be affectionate with their owners and will often follow them around the yard. Peacocks have been known to lay down next to their owners and take a nap, which can be very endearing to the owner.
Are Peacocks Friendly: Pet Peacocks
Peacocks are noisy, messy, and they can be dangerous too. They’re also really hard to take care of; you need to make sure that they don’t get cold or overheated, and that their feathers stay clean. But if you want a pet with personality (and who doesn’t?), peacocks might be the right choice for you! Are Peacocks Friendly?
They have a long life span of up to 25 years.
What are Peacocks?
Peacocks are large birds with gorgeous feathers. They have been used in art and mythology for thousands of years, even appearing on coats-of-arms from the middle ages!
See Amazons Educational Resources on Raising Peacocks
Pet Peacocks – Peacocks are not for everyone. They can be expensive to care for properly, and their sounds might bother your neighbors! Peahens do lay eggs but they do so infrequently, so you won’t get many new birds from them unless it’s in captivity.
Peacocks are large birds with gorgeous feathers, and they have been used in art and mythology for thousands of years! They make great pets because they’re friendly to humans, can be tamed easily, and their beautiful plumage is fun to look at!

Peacocks can be expensive to care for properly and their sounds might bother your neighbors. Peahens do lay eggs but they do so infrequently, so you won’t get many new birds from them unless it’s in captivity. People who keep peacocks usually use the hens as a food source.
Jump to Peacock: A History of Glamorous Grace **PLEASE BOW**
Why do Peacocks make Good Pets?
- Tame Easily
- Beautiful to look at
- Gorgeous feathers
- An enriching experience for kids
- Peacocks are beautiful birds that can make good pets for people who have the time and space required to care for them. Peafowl, which includes both peahens (females) and peacocks (males), are fairly easy to tame if they’re hand-raised from chicks or hatchlings. They tend to become attached to their owners and can thus make wonderful pets.
- In addition, peacocks are very pretty birds with gorgeous feathers that will add beauty to any environment where they’re kept. Their beautiful colors also provide a great opportunity for children who want an animal pet in which they can take pride in caring for and showing off.
Jump to Peacock Babys Peafowl – Extensive Guide
How to care for your new Pet Peacock?
-Provide a cage that allows enough room for roosting and exercise. A minimum of two to three feet in width by four to five feet in length should be provided per peacock, with the height being at least six feet high. -Choose an area away from windows or fences where your pet can’t see out; this will prevent them from going berserk.
-Offer a variety of perches and platforms made out of branches, rope swings, wood dowels, or other materials that your peacock can use to get up high off the ground. You should also have places for him or her to hide such as cardboard boxes with holes cut in them so they can get in and feel secure.
-Do not use cedar or pine shavings as bedding, since these woods can cause respiratory problems for your peacock. Straw is the best choice of bedding material when keeping a peacock indoors; however, care must be taken to ensure that there isn’t mold present in the straw because your pet will be breathing in the air immediately above the straw.
-Include a source of ultraviolet light or sunlight from an outside window if you plan on keeping your peacock indoors for long periods of time to prevent health problems such as metabolic bone disease, which can lead to fractures and paralysis. If they are kept outdoors, make sure their shelter is protected from the sun so they do not overheat.
-Offer a variety of foods that are high in protein, low in fat, and full of fresh greens. Peacocks may be fed things like grasshoppers or crickets, mealworms, earthworms if your peacock will eat them (most won’t), cooked lean meats, fish, and beef heart.
-Provide fresh water daily in a container that is heavy enough to not be tipped over by your pet; this will prevent spillage of the water onto their feathers, which can lead to feather picking or bacterial infections. -After they eat, make sure all food is picked up so it does not spoil and attract bugs.
-If you plan on breeding your peafowl, make sure that they are kept separate from each other to prevent fighting; usually, a ratio of one male to two or three females works well. Make sure the enclosure has plenty of room for multiple nests so the female can lay her eggs in private, away from prying eyes.
-If you are rehoming an adult peacock, make sure to find a habitat that will be able to provide for its needs in terms of food and shelter; they do not need much care but do require enough space so they can roam around freely without being harassed by other animals or people. Make sure the new owner is aware of the peafowl’s need for a lot of space and privacy.
-Never overfeed your pet as this can lead to obesity, which will put undue stress on their heart and other organs. -Remember that too much protein or calcium in their diet may cause kidney stones; they should eat more greens than anything else if you are feeding them a pellet-type food.
Peacocks Need Plenty of Space
When Peacocks are adults they are very large beautiful birds that need a lot of space to roam.
If you are planning on keeping your peacock in an area where there is not much room, it would be best to get the peahen instead of the peacock because she will stay smaller and can live with less space than her mate.
A male peacock will roam around about an acre of land but will have his own territory that he defends. If you are keeping the peacock in a smaller area, it would be best to build him an aviary so that he can live in there instead of being free-roaming because otherwise, they may get into fights with your other pets or even damage furniture and walls around the home.

Peacocks can also be very loud when they call out which could result in your neighbors having to deal with the peacock’s noise.
It would therefore be best to keep a peacock where he will not annoy others and you have plenty of space for him to roam around. If you do, then owning one as a pet is not only very fun but also full of surprises.
They Like Warm Climates?
Peacocks do best at temperatures between 55 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. They are not cold-hardy, so they cannot be kept outdoors in the winter months or even in colder climates at all during the year.
A Big Cage is a Must
Peacocks require large cages that provide room to roam around with open space for flying if there is enough room for them to do so. The cage should be at least four feet high and have a length of eight feet or more to provide enough space for the peacock to fly, stretch its wings, move around, explore and feel comfortable in his surroundings.
A Variety of Toys is Important
Peacocks need lots of toys that they can climb on and play with to ensure they stay healthy and happy. Toys such as swings, ladders, perches, climbing rope and even a mirror can help provide entertainment for the peacock while also giving him mental stimulation to keep him from becoming bored.
Peacocks are Prone to Boredom
Boredom is one of the main reasons that some pet owners complain about their peacocks. They can get bored and depressed if they do not have enough to keep them entertained, but too many toys can also lead to boredom since the peacock will play with one toy for a while and then move on to another once it loses interest in that particular toy or activity.
Peacocks Have Noisy Voices
Peacocks are not quiet birds, and they have very loud voices. They make a variety of different sounds, from hissing to screeching to cooing softly at times. In fact, peacocks can get so noisy that you may need to keep your pet inside or in another contained area if the noise bothers you or other people nearby since peacocks are loud birds.
Peacocks Spread Their Tail Feathers to Attract Attention
When peacocks get excited or even angry, they may spread their tail feathers out in a way that is meant to attract attention and startle other animals away from them. This can be especially noticeable when the peacock starts shaking his body around while spreading his tail feathers.

Peacocks are Messy Birds
One of the downsides to peacock pets is that they can be messy and leave behind a lot of droppings on their cages, floors, and food areas. They also like to bathe in water dishes or puddles so you need to make sure there is always clean drinking water for them to access at all times.
Peacocks are Beautiful Birds
The bright colors and long tail feathers make peacocks very attractive birds. They also have a unique personality that sets them apart from other types of pets, which continues to draw many people who want their own pet peacock in spite of the challenges they may face caring for these birds.
Peacocks are Proud Birds that Enjoy Attention
One of the best things about peacock pets is their attitudes and personalities. They seem to know just how beautiful they are, which can lead them to be very proud birds who enjoy being admired by people around them. Peacocks tend to have a regal air about themselves, so they like to be treated with respect and may get upset if you do not approach them or interact with them in the way that they want.
Peacocks are Interesting Birds
All types of birds seem interesting because of their wings, but peacocks have an especially intriguing look about them due to their brightly colored feathers, long tail plumes, and loud voices. They also have a unique personality that makes them seem different from other types of pets, which continues to draw many people who want their own pet peacock in spite of the challenges they may face caring for these birds.
They Are Easy Prey for
- Dogs
- Owls
- Foxes
- Hawks
- Eagles
- Crows
- Peacocks are easy prey for many animals, including all of the ones listed above. This is because peacocks have bright tails that stand out against their bodies and cannot be hidden easily when they need to seek shelter or fly away from other animals in order to avoid being attacked.
- White Peafowl Make Great Pets
- Not all types of peacocks are good pets, but white peafowl tend to make better companions than other varieties. For example, blue or green colored birds may not live as long due to their pigment colors that also affect the health and lifespan of these animals.
- Peacocks Eat a Variety of Food Items
- When you own your pet peacock, you need to make sure that they have a balanced diet of foods that include all necessary nutrients for them. They eat vegetables, seeds, and meat on a regular basis, but may also enjoy fruits as treats from time to time.
- Peacocks are Active During the Day
- Many types of birds sleep at night or rest during daylight hours so they can be more active at night when it is cooler, but peacocks are different because they remain active during the day even though their sleeping patterns may vary.
- Peacock Pets Need a Variety of Attention
- Many people enjoy owning pet birds that can stay inside their home to receive attention from them on a daily basis. However, many types of birds do not like to be held or cuddled too much, so they prefer more space and independence than other animals.
- Peacocks Like Being Out in the Open
- While some types of pet birds enjoy being inside cages with a lot of room to move around, peacock pets tend to do better when they have more open spaces that allow them to stretch their wings and bodies. For this reason, when you own a peacock pet, the best place for them will likely be an outdoor enclosure where they can live in peace without having to deal with too many constraints or restrictions on their movements.
They Are Omnivores
A peacock’s diet is omnivorous, which means they will eat both plants and meat. They may be domesticated but their wild instincts still come out in some things such as eating habits.
Peacocks can eat a variety of fruit and vegetables including apples, grapes, strawberries, oranges cucumber, and lettuce just to name a few items on the list of foods they can eat.
In the wild, peacocks forage in grasslands and open woodlands where they feed on a variety of animal as well as plant material such as small reptiles insects, snails, spiders, fruits seeds, and fallen fruit from trees. They also will eat cultivated crops sometimes.
They are not picky about what they put in their mouth. They are also not afraid to eat something that they have seen humans eating, so feeding them table food is okay in small quantities.
Peacocks as pets can be fed a balanced diet of meat and vegetables just like other poultry diets consist of.

They Are Nocturnal Birds
A peacock’s natural habitat has it living in much warmer temperatures, but in the colder months, they adapt and sleep more to save energy. Peacocks are known as nocturnal birds, which means they spend most of their days sleeping. They don’t do much other than eat and preen during this time so it is best for them to be kept inside where it is warm enough for them to sleep.
They are most active during the day, especially in warmer months when they can be found bathing preening, and socializing with other peacocks for a few hours before returning to their roosts or nests.
How to buy or adopt a pet peacock?
The best places to look for pet peacocks are at exotic animal auctions, rescue organizations, or breeders.
To adopt a peacock from an organization that specializes in rescuing pet birds including peafowl is the most humane option for both you and your new bird friend.
Most rescues will require potential adopters to fill out an application form where they assess what kind of home environment would be suitable for your pet peacock.
If you don’t find a suitable home environment, then they will not adopt out the bird to you.
Peafowl are very active birds and need lots of space so if possible it is best to have an outdoor aviary set up in your yard where he can run around safely from predators.
It is also important to make sure your peacock gets enough sunlight and fresh air.
The best way for you to tell if the bird needs more sun is by looking at its feathers; they should lay flat on his body when he is healthy but be raised up away from his skin when in need of some extra vitamin D.
Final Thoughts
In summary Peacocks are beautiful pets that are best kept outdoors with lots of space to run around. They are strict carnivores that need a healthy diet consisting mostly of meat, but they will eat plants as well. Their natural habitat is in much warmer climates so they sleep most of the day during colder months and become more active at night when it warms up outside.
Peafowl is very active pets and needs plenty of space to run around, which means they should not be kept in small cages. If possible set up an outdoor aviary for your pet peacock so he can get enough sunlight and fresh air when indoors.
Peafowl as pets do well with lots of human companionships but also enjoy the company of other peacocks.
Peacock as a pet can be very rewarding, but they may not make the best pets for everyone due to their large size and need for space so do your research before bringing one home.