As a general rule peacocks are like raising chickens if you provide security, fresh foods, and water. A place where peacocks can find shelter and a place to roost. They will remain without a lot of effort. In many warm communities, Free-Ranging peacocks have even become pests. Difficult to remove, this problem contains nuggets. Helping you provide the environment so that peacocks willingly want to stay
29 Ways on How to Keep Peacocks from Flying Away
See Our article – Can Peacocks Fly? – Peacocks are beautiful creatures that can add a lot to your backyard or farm. By following these tips, you can help keep them from flying away and make sure they stay happy and healthy.
See Amazons Educational Resources on Raising Peacocks
- Feed them regularly – make sure they get plenty of protein-rich foods like peanuts.
- Providing fresh food allows you to keep them close – they are foraging birds. This also discourages them from raiding your garden or scavenging on the street.
- Don’t leave water out overnight – peacocks are attracted to standing water and will drink all night long if you let them.
- Provide a clean, fresh bowl of water every day and change it regularly to keep mosquitoes at bay.
- Install a roosting pole – a roosting pole is a long pole or branch that is set against a wall and offers the peacocks somewhere to sleep and relax.
- This keeps them close by during nighttime (and they won’t fly away if you don’t want them to). Make sure it’s high enough off the ground so birds can get on easily but not too tall as to make it difficult for you to reach.
- Put up a fence – if you’re having trouble with peacocks wandering into your yard, putting up a fence will help keep them inside.
- Make sure the fence is high enough that they can’t fly over it and consider adding a top wire to keep them from landing on top.
- Give them time outside – every day take some time out with your peacock by letting it roam around an enclosed area or run along a fence line.
- Play with them often – spend quality time playing games with your peacock every day so that it knows that you’re there for it when it needs companionship.
- Keep area predator free – if you’re letting your peacock roam free, make sure there are no dangers lurking in the bushes that could harm it.
- like raccoons, hawks, or other predators.
- Ground predators are the biggest threat to free-ranging peacocks. Ground predators can be kept away by making sure the area is well lit at night.
- Fence security will help keep roaming predators at bay.
- Guard Alpacas will also give them protection from predators.
- Don’t keep them in an enclosure – if you have a peacock that wanders into your yard, don’t put it inside of its own fenced-in area right off the bat.
- This will make it feel confined and unhappy which can lead to problems for both of you.
- Keep an eye on them – if your peacock is coming back to you, don’t lock it up in a pen or leave it out all day while you’re at work.
- This can lead to tensions between the two of you and might cause him/her to fly away again.
- Safe from aerial predators – this can include netting over the top of their enclosure to keep them safe from hawks or other birds of prey.
- By following these tips, you can help keep your peacock from flying away and make sure it stays happy and healthy. With a little bit of effort on your part, you’ll be able to enjoy the beauty and majesty of these amazing creatures for
- Safe Nesting Aera – Pea Fowl are very protective of their young chicks.
- Provide a safe nesting area to prevent them from flying off.
- Pea Fowl are known for the protective behavior of their young chicks, so it’s important that you provide an enclosed space that they can feel secure in while the baby birds grow up and learn to fly on their own.
- Safe Night Perching locations – give them a safe location where they can roost at night.
- Safe from cars – peacock-like to wander forage, they can be easily run over by cars. Especially a road where traffic moves fast.
- Give them time to forage on their own – it’s important that you give your peacock some freedom and let them explore the world around them, but make sure they have a safe place at night where they can roost.
- Install an automatic feeder. Deer hunters have deer feeders that you can fill and schedule them to spread a 16′ area of feed at a pre-determined time. Be great to have one of the feeding times close to night time to bring them back each evening
- Safe from people – peacocks can be easily scared if they don’t feel safe around people.
Will My Peafowl Fly away?
Peacocks are foragers and If you have a pet peacock, it’s important to provide a safe and secure area for your bird to roam. Peacocks can fly short distances, so if they get out of their yard or pen, they may try to fly away. Make sure your fence is high enough and that there are no gaps in it that your peacock can fly through.
Peafowl needs a lot of food and water, so you’ll want to make sure they always have access to fresh food and water in their yard or pen. They’re also very social animals, so be prepared for the noise and commotion if you decide to keep peafowl as pets

Should I let my Peafowl run free?
This depends on your reasons for keeping peacocks. Peacocks, Peafowl can be kept for the following reason
- Eggs
- Meat
- Chicks
- Pets – They make great pets as they are affectionate and friendly.
- Fashion
- In general, if you are keeping peacocks for eggs or meat , they will not be flying away. In the case of Peafowl being kept as a pet, it is recommended to let them fly around your garden and roam freely during the day time. If you keep peahens in order to produce more baby
- Fertile Eggs
Commercially you will probably want to have more of a farm and may need to let them fly around your garden during the day. Providing
- Proper nutritious diets
- Nesting Aeras
- Counting at night
- Pens
- Cages
How do I get Peacocks to stop Flying?
Many peacock farmers clip the flight feathers on one wing to ensure that their peafowls stay close by and don’t fly away. Farmers also teach the birds to associate human presence with a food reward, which keeps them from leaving as well. Although clipping is usually sufficient for keeping peacocks around, some farmers continue training throughout the year in case they ever want to let the birds fly.
Pheasants and other ground-dwelling fowl can’t really escape unless you let them go in an area with enough cover for hiding, which is why we recommend keeping your peafowl enclosed at all times if possible. If they do get out of the enclosure (for example because a tree branch broke), they will probably fly back to the farm once they’ve had a chance to rest and eat.
The flight feathers keep growing so you will need to clip them every few months. It’s best to have an expert do this for you, as the feathers are sharp and can cause injury if done incorrectly.
How Long should I pen my Peafowl before Free Ranging?
For their safety chicks should be kept in their pen until they are at least three months old, if not older. This is the best age to begin free-ranging them because this allows you time to train them on where food and water will be located as well as how it works when outside of the coop.
Then also during this time, you can alternate this until they learn to stay with the flock. Peacocks like pheasants and turkeys are sociable animals and can go a while without food but it is best to be prepared ahead of time.
This will allow them time to grow and learn while you keep them safe.
Why Do Peafowl Fly Away?
- They Are Feeling Lost
- The Pen Is Overcrowded
- There Are Predators in the Area
- Food Is Scarce
- Peafowl love open grassy areas, but the problem with those types of habitats is that they are also ideal for predators. This means if a peafowl has been surviving in an area long enough to feel safe, it may suddenly take flight when a predator appears nearby. Peacocks and peahens will often run to the safety of woods or other vegetation, but if there is no such protection nearby they will fly away instead. See Our Article – Do Peacocks Fly?
- The Pen Is Overcrowded
- If you have a large number of peafowl and their populations are growing, your pen may just be getting too small to support them all. With fewer places for each bird to live and eat, the peafowl will get stressed and anxious. When this occurs they may fly away from their home in an attempt to find a new place where they can live more comfortably.
- Breeding Season
- Male peafowl start displaying their impressive feathers and making loud noises in order to attract mates in the early spring. This is also around the time when baby chicks are born, so females are especially busy taking care of their young. If there is too much disturbance from humans or other animals near the nest during this time, the mother may fly away from her young in an attempt to protect them.
- Territorial Disputes
- Peafowl are very territorial and they may not take kindly to other birds encroaching on their space. If two males encounter each other and one feels like he is being threatened, he may fly away to avoid a physical confrontation. The same can happen with females if they feel that their territory is being invaded.

Ways to Keep Peafowl from Flying Away
- Prepare a Large Pen
- Train Them to Stay Home
- Shower Them with Love and Care
- Keep Predators Away from Your Peafowl Keep the peacock’s wings clipped
- Use a leash to keep them close by
- Use a harness and leash together for more security
- Give your peacock plenty of room to roam around, but not too far away from you
- Provide enough food and water so that they can’t get hungry or thirsty
- Spend time with your peacocks every day – this will help build their trust in humans and make them less likely to fly away when approached by someone else
Final Thoughts
By following these tips, you can help keep your peacock from flying away and make sure it stays happy and healthy. With a little bit of effort on your part, you’ll be able to enjoy the beauty and majesty of these amazing creatures for years to come!