As a general rule peahen eggs are very tasty. Similar in taste to chicken eggs. The average egg is about three inches long and weighs egg is around 90-100 grams or 3.2-3.5 oz. This is almost as long and heavy as a chicken’s egg, but it contains 1/3 times more yolk than the average chicken egg. They are not produced commercially to scale yet so their availability is not common and pricing is high.
Can You Eat Peacock Eggs?
Peacocks are beautiful birds that you might have seen in a zoo or on TV. But, have you ever heard of the peacock’s egg? These eggs come from the Indian Peafowls and can be found in southern India. Unlike most other eggs, these ones do not contain any yolk so they are very rich in protein and nutrients.
Can You Eat Peacock Eggs? – The egg is also quite large which makes it easy to peel off the shell. The egg has been traditionally eaten by pregnant women because it is said to increase breast milk production. In addition, this traditional food is typically boiled before being peeled off its shell and then eaten with tea or coffee as part of breakfast!
Peacock Eggs are Larger than Chicken
Peacocks lay the largest eggs relative to the body size of any bird in the world. The average egg is about three inches long and weighs egg is around 90-100 grams or 3.2-3.5 oz. This is almost as long and heavy as a chicken’s egg, but it contains 1/3 times more yolk than the average chicken egg.
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The peacock eggshell is thicker and harder than the chicken eggshell. The peacock’s eggs are also rounder and have a smooth surface. This makes them more difficult to crack than chicken eggs. Peacocks lay about 12-15 eggs per year, compared to chickens who lay around 250-300 eggs per year.
Jump to 10 Ways to Make **MONEY** Peacock Farming
Peacock eggs are bigger and have a different color of the shell, due to their composition they are stronger than chicken eggs. Peacocks lay a smaller amount of eggs per year compared to chickens’ larger production. Therefore peacocks do not require special feed for hens since it is not necessary to increase the number of eggs.
What is the Nutritional Value of Peacocks Eggs?
Peacock, peafowl eggs also possessed more advantages in nutrition owing to their higher carbohydrate and protein and lower fat and cholesterol, richer mineral element (Zn, Se, Mn, and P), higher VC, reasonable proportion of amino acids, and much more volatile compounds than those in hen eggs
This study on the Nutritional values of Indian Peafowl is very informative
The nutritional value of peacock eggs is still being studied, but they are believed to be higher in protein and other nutrients than chicken eggs. They may also be lower in cholesterol and saturated fat. Peacock eggshells are also a good source of calcium.
So far, the only place you can buy peacock eggs is from specialty stores or online. But as more people learn about the benefits of peacock eggs, it is likely that they will become more widely available.
Peacock, peafowl eggs also possessed more advantages in nutrition owing to their higher carbohydrate and protein and lower fat and cholesterol, richer mineral element (Zn, Se, Mn, and P), higher VC, reasonable proportion of amino acids, and much more volatile compounds than those in hen eggs

Raising Peacock for Eggs
Peahens are not reliable layers until they reach the age of almost three years. Peahens start laying eggs at the age of one year, but their eggs become fertile at the age of two or three years.
Therefore, you have to wait for years to have your peahen ready to lay eggs. during the spring season once a year, and they lay clutches of dozens of eggs and sit on them when broody. Peahens lay eggs making a small hole in the ground, sitting on the eggs for a month, and then the eggs hatch.
Their egg is off-white and around two to three times larger than chicken egg but tastes almost the same. However, some people find the taste of peafowl egg gamey. It is good to raise eggs at your farm; you can earn from it in two ways.
First, you can sell the eggs for food purposes, and second, you can sell fertilized eggs to other farms. There is much demand for peafowl eggs; you can sell them to retailers, free-range farmers, families, and organizations who want to keep peacocks as pets. Free-range chicken farmers keep peacocks against snakes as peacocks are very hard on snakes.
How to Cook Peacock eggs?
- Fried peacock eggs are a popular dish in many parts of the world. The best way to cook peacock eggs is by frying them.
- Boiled peacock eggs are a popular dish in many parts of the world. The best way to cook peacock eggs is by boiling them.
- Scrambled peacock eggs are a popular dish in many parts of the world. The best way to cook peacock eggs is by scrambling them.
- Poached peacock eggs are a popular dish in many parts of the world. The best way to cook peacock eggs is by poaching them.
- The shells of boiled or fried peacock eggs are generally easier to peel off than those of scrambled and poached ones, as their membranes tend to stick more firmly on the shell surface. To remove a boiled egg’s membrane without damaging it, you first need to chill the egg. Let it cool completely in a refrigerator to make sure that its shell and membrane are as firm as possible before you attempt peeling off its membranes.
Do Leacocks lay Eggs?
Like other poultry, peacocks do not lay eggs. The female of the species incubates her fertilized eggs on a nest she has built-in tall grass or shrubs, for about 28 days until they hatch as chicks.
The peacock (Pavo cristatus) is a large, colorful bird native to the jungles of Southeast Asia. The male is easily recognized by his long, iridescent tail feathers which can span up to six feet in length. These ornate feathers are used in courtship displays and play an important role in mating rituals.
Peacocks (peafowl) have been domesticated for centuries and are now found all over the world. They are prized for their beauty and are popular as pets, in zoos, and on farms.
Peahens incubate their fertilized eggs on a nest until they hatch into chicks. The male is easily recognized by his long, iridescent tail feathers which can span up to six feet in length.
These ornate feathers are used in courtship displays and play an important role in mating rituals. Peacocks have been domesticated for centuries and are now found all over the world. They are prized for their beauty and are popular as pets,
How often do Peacocks lay Eggs?
Peacocks typically lay two eggs at a time. The eggs are incubated for 28 days, and the chicks stay with their parents for about eight weeks. Peacocks will usually lay another egg if the first one is lost or destroyed.
A Peahen will lay eggs every day until her clutch is complete. The number of eggs in a Peahen’s first and second clutches are usually the same, but she will lay more eggs for subsequent clutches as long as enough male peafowl are present to fertilize them. If there aren’t enough males around to supply sperm then she’ll stop laying.
A single peahen will lay about 12 eggs per season.
A season lasts about 12 weeks.
The average size of a peahen’s clutch is about 13 eggs.
Peafowl lower laying numbers
Because of fewer eggs raising peahens for the purpose of eating peacocks, and peahens’ eggs are not as available on the commercial food market, their numbers have been lowered.
Opposite to that large-scale poultry farms make chicken hen eggs available in most stores.

Where to buy Peacock, Peahen Eggs?
- Online
- Peacock Farms
- Egg laying is a natural process that will continue as long as there are enough males to fertilize the eggs. If you’re interested in getting your own peacock or peahen eggs, be sure to check with local farms and online resources to find out where you can buy them. You may even be able to find them at your local grocery store.
- Peacocks and peahens are beautiful birds that lay eggs every year, but the number of peacock and hen eggs available to purchase has been lowered due to more efficient methods of egg production for chickens. If you’re interested in getting some peacock or peafowl eggs then be sure
Peacock Eggs for Incubating
Many Peacock farms sell eggs for a very affordable price, and Peacock eggs will cost about $20 per dozen or higher
Peafowl eggs are usually white, but can also be cream or light brown in color depending on the bird that laid it.
Fertile peacock eggs can cost up to $40 per dozen.
If you’re looking for eggs to incubate, peacock eggs are a good option because they hatch at a slightly higher temperature than chicken eggs. You can usually find fertile peacock eggs for sale online or through local farms. Be prepared to pay a little more for them, but the beauty of these eggs is well worth the cost.
If you are incubating your eggs it takes 28 days for them to hatch. They can be hatched in a chicken egg incubator.
Peacocks Chicks
Peacock chicks take between nine and eleven months before they become fully mature.
Do Peacocks lay Eggs in trees?
An egg is laid by the female in a nest built on the ground or branches. Therefore, peacocks do not typically lay eggs in trees.
Benefits of eating peacock eggs? Meat
The benefits of eating peacock eggs are
- Very Nutritious
- Very Tasty
- Decreases Heart Diseases Risk Factors
- Increases Metabolism Rate
- Improves Immunity System Function.
- They are also high in calcium, zinc and iron which helps strengthen bones and the immune system. Although peacock eggs have more cholesterol than chicken’s eggs they do not raise blood pressure or cause heart disease because of their low
Do peacocks (Peafowl) lay eggs without a mate?
Peahens like other poultry have menstrual cycles they will lay an unfertilized egg without a mate. Just like chickens, a rooster is needed to fertilize an egg for it to hatch. Peahens will lay unfertilized eggs which are great for eating
Peacocks need to fertilize their eggs. This is done by a rooster which makes it so peacocks don’t lay eggs without a mate. Peahens will lay an unfertilized egg, this makes them great for eating and very nutritious! They are high in calcium, zinc, and iron which strengthen bones and the immune system. Although peacock eggs have more cholesterol than chicken eggs they don’t raise blood pressure or cause heart disease because of their low saturated fat levels.
Other Peacock Eggs Thoughts
- it is perfectly legal to eat peacock egg
- peacock eggs are also edible
- you can eat peahen eggs
- peacock eggs are perfectly edible
- edible and nutritious