As a general rule, peacocks are not kept as pets. There are some exceptions to this rule. Peacock owners will generally agree that they make great family pets for experienced bird keepers or would be ideal in an aviary with other birds of similar size and temperament, such as parrots, macaws, etc. They can also be housed with other poultry such as ducks and geese.
Are Peacocks Good Pets?
Peacocks are alert, active, and have personalities that can be very engaging. They are also beautiful to look at with their iridescent feathers. However, they do require a lot of space – up to 500 square feet per bird – and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in their
Are Peacocks Good Pets? There are many misconceptions about peacocks, including the idea that they make good pets. I’m here to tell you that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Peacocks will not only cost a lot of money to buy and care for, but their feathers can create a mess with all those colors! This article discusses some important things you should know before adopting a peacock as your pet.
Jump to 10 Ways to Make **MONEY** Peacock Farming
How Long do Peacocks Live?
Peacocks live about 15 – 20 years on average. Depending on whether they are in the wild or have been domesticated, peacocks may have a shorter lifespan. Peacocks were first domesticated in India, but are now kept as pets all over the world.
They can be housed indoors or outdoors depending on weather conditions and their owner’s preferences.
The following list of pros and cons will help you decide if keeping a peacock is right for you.

-Beautiful, vibrant feathers
-Intimidating and impressive display when angered or threatened
-Can be kept as indoor or outdoor pets
-Require a lot of space – up to 20 square feet per bird!
-High maintenance – need fresh fruits and vegetables daily, plenty of clean water, and a safe, secure shelter
-May not get along with other pets in the household such as cats or dogs
-Can be loud during mating season (spring)
Is It Legal to own a Peacock?
Peacocks are a type of poultry, not a type of pet. Therefore it is legal to own one in many places, but maybe illegal where you live. This happens because the laws are different for poultry and pets. For example, if your county doesn’t allow chickens or other birds, they won’t likely have rules about peacocks either-and vice versa!
The U.S. Department of Agriculture classifies peacocks as poultry, which means they are considered agricultural animals. Regulations about owning them vary from state to state and even county to county within states. In some places, it is illegal to keep a peacock on your property if you don’t have at least an acre of land.
It is best to check your local ordinances for legality also to consider
- Peacocks take a lot of space
- Peacocks are very Loud
- Unless clipped can fly and perch on roof, car, porch
- A peacock is related to the chicken – chickens poop once every two minutes.
Pet Peacock Price?
The price of a pet peacock can vary depending on the breeder, but typically they cost around $300 – $600.00. Some breeders may charge more if they have rare or exotic feathers. There are also additional costs to consider such as food, shelter, and medical care. Like all animals, peacocks require routine vet check-ups to ensure they stay healthy and require a large amount of care.
Pet Peacocks for sale?
- Buckeye Birds
- Facebook Market place
- Craigslist
- Local Peacock Farms
- Feed Mills can order them
Final Thoughts
Are peacocks good pets? That depends on your definition of “good.” They are beautiful, fascinating creatures that can be a joy to watch, but they also require a lot of space and maintenance. If you have the means to provide for their needs and want something truly unique, then a pet peacock may be right for you! Just be sure to do your research and know what you’re getting into before bringing a peacock home.
They require fresh fruits and vegetables daily, plenty of clean water, and a safe shelter with at least 20 sq ft per bird! They can be loud during mating season (spring) which is not typically good for those who live in apartments or condos. Peacocks are considered poultry by the US Department of Agriculture, which means owning them may be regulated in your area. It is best to check with your local ordinances before deciding if a peacock is right for you. The price of a pet peacock can vary depending on the breeder, but typically they cost around $300 – $600.00. Some breeders may charge more if they have rare or exotic feathers. Peacocks take a lot of space and need routine vet check-ups to ensure they stay healthy. If you are interested in owning a peacock, be sure to do your research!