The reasons are Hens may lay fewer eggs due to light, stress, poor nutrition, molt, Too Young. Too Old, Lacking Space, Too Hot, Too Cold, Sickness, Disease, Not Enough Water, Lack Rooster, or Breed
Why Won’t My Chickens Lay Eggs?
Some of the reasons chickens are not laying eggs are:
- Too Young: If the chickens are less than one year old, they may not be laying eggs just yet.
- Too Old: Chickens usually stop laying around two to three years of age, although it varies by breed and if the chicken is a hen or rooster.
- Not Enough Light: Chickens need at least 14 hours of light each day in order to lay eggs.
- Not Enough Space: Chickens need enough room to roam and scratch around in order to produce eggs.
- Stressful Environment: A chicken that is stressed out will not be able to lay an egg. Make sure the chickens have a safe environment free from predators, dog attacks, or any other disturbance so they can relax and feel comfortable when trying to lay an egg.
- Heat: If the chicken coop is too hot or cold, it can impact their laying habits negatively.
- Sickness: Sick chickens will not be able to produce eggs and may need vet care in order for them to get better. Chickens that are sick should always see a veterinarian right away so they can get better.
- Disease: There are various diseases that can impact a chicken’s laying habits, such as egg drop syndrome and coccidiosis. Make sure to vaccinate your chickens against these common poultry diseases so they stay healthy and lay eggs regularly.
- Not Enough Food or Water: A chicken needs access to food at all times and should always have water available. If the chickens do not feel nourished, they will be too weak to lay eggs.
- Unhealthy Eggs: Sometimes a chicken’s body does not recognize an egg as it is forming and leaves it behind in its oviduct or uterus for future laying. These “unproductive” eggs can be seen on the ground outside of the coop.
- Lack of a Rooster: If you only have hens and no roosters, they will not be able to lay eggs as it is up to the rooster’s crowing or physical touch for them to start laying.
- Incorrect Lighting Cycle: Chickens need at least 14 hours of light each day in order for them to lay. If the chickens are getting too much light or darkness, this can impact their laying schedule.
- Breed: Some breeds of chicken such as Buckeyes and Chanteclers do not produce eggs quickly like other breeds such as Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns.
- Temperature: Chickens need to be in a temperature that is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit when trying to lay eggs.
- Lack of Attention: Chickens need attention and love from you in order for them to feel comfortable laying their eggs. Make sure the chickens are getting enough time out of their coop each day, especially if they are confined during the winter months or other times where they cannot get fresh air.
Check Out Amazon for Educational Resources for Breeding Chickens
Jump to 12 Ways to Make Money by Chicken Farming **CHARTS**
What are Signs Chickens are about to start Laying?
Some chicken owners find that their birds start laying eggs around 18-20 weeks old, but there are a few signs to watch for before then. If you’re curious about when your chickens will start laying eggs, keep an eye out for the following behaviors: Why Won’t My Chickens Lay Eggs
• Increased activity and scratching around in the coop or yard
• More vocalization, either crowing or clucking
• More dust bathing
• Spending more time perched on top of the nesting boxes you see any of these signs, it’s likely that your chickens are getting ready to start laying eggs. Keep an eye on them and provide a fresh layer of straw or hay in the nesting boxes to make them more comfortable when they do start laying. And congratulations – you’ll soon be enjoying those delicious farm-fresh eggs!
Why Aren’t my Chickens Laying Eggs in the Summer?
There could be a few reasons why your chickens aren’t laying eggs during the summer. The most common reason is that they are molting. Molting is when a chicken loses their feathers and it will not lay eggs until they have regrown new feathers. Another reason could be that they are too hot and need to be moved to a cooler environment.
Needing more water is also a common reason why chickens stop laying eggs. Make sure your chickens always have fresh water to drink and if you live in a hot climate, consider adding a pool or sprinkler for them to cool off in.
Some hens just naturally slow down their egg production during the summer months. If this is the case with your flock, there isn’t really anything you can do to increase egg production again. It is best to just wait until the cooler months of fall and winter before expecting your hens to start laying eggs again.
Jump to When Do Chickens Lay Eggs Day or Night?
Why Aren’t my Chickens Laying Eggs in the Winter?
Chickens need a minimum of 13 hours of light in order to lay eggs. During the winter when there is less daylight, your chickens will not be able to produce as many or any eggs at all during this time. You can add artificial lighting to help supplement them and you should start seeing an improvement within one week!
If you live in an area where the winters are particularly harsh, your chickens may need to be brought inside during this time. You can either provide them with a heated coop or bring them into your home. Make sure that they still have plenty of space to roam and scratch around as they like!

Why do Chickens stop laying in the Fall?
Some of the Reasons your Hens stop laying in the fall.
- Daylight Time shorter
- fewer daylight hours
- cooler weather make hens less active
- hens need 14 to 16 hours of light per day to lay eggs
- chickens prefer a temperature range of 55-80 degrees Fahrenheit
- molting season – when the hen’s feathers are replaced, they stop laying eggs temporarily.
- seasonal changes – many birds instinctively stop laying eggs during the winter
- So, What Can You Do to Help Your Chickens Lay Eggs Throughout the Year?
- Make sure your chickens have enough light – they need 14 to 16 hours per day.
- Keep their environment at a comfortable temperature range – 55-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Provide plenty of food and water.
- Remove any obstacles that might be in their way – like nests that are too close to the roosting bar.
- Consider adding a light supplement in the winter months if there is not enough natural daylight.
- Give your hens some time off from laying eggs every now and then by letting them go “natural”.
- Consider the seasons and our poultry’s natural instinct to stop laying eggs in winter.
- By adding these simple tips, you will give your hens a happy and healthy life – so they can continue providing for you!
Jump to How Long do Chickens Sleep?
Will Chickens stop Laying if the coop is Dirty?
Chickens will prefer to lay their eggs in a clean coop. If the coop is too dirty, they may stop laying eggs altogether. Make sure to keep the coop clean and free of droppings to encourage your chickens to lay eggs.
Higher poop in the coup can cause other related problems like:
- Abundance of Flies
- Increased acidic odor
- Unhealthy living conditions for the chickens
- Diseases transmission
- Hens will look for a clean place to lay their eggs. If the coop is dirty, they will be forced to look for a new and clean spot in your backyard or around your farm where they can deposit their eggs into the ground.
Do Some Chickens not Lay Eggs?
All Chickens lay eggs for procreation. Some Chickens need special care, diet, and environmental conditions to lay eggs. If you are raising chickens for meat or show purposes then don’t worry about having your Chicken lay eggs as they will be slaughtered earlier than the average backyard chicken that is raised for egg-laying purposes.
Some Breeds that lay smaller amounts of eggs are
- Ameraucana – lay less than once a week
- Anconas- lay around 280 eggs per year (Ave. 47/wk)
- Australorps- lay nearly 200 eggs a year (ave. 33/wk)
- Barnevelders- lay nearly 260 eggs a year ( Ave. 44/wk).
- Black Copper Marans – lay around 200 to 220 per year
- Brahmas- lay nearly 170 eggs a year (Ave. 29/
- Buckeye- lay nearly 140 eggs a year (Ave. 24/wk)
- Buttercups- lay nearly 120 eggs per year ( Ave. 20/wk)
- Campines- lay nearly 100 eggs per year (Ave. 17/wk)
- Catalinas lay nearly 80 eggs a year ( Ave. 13/wk)
- Chantecler – lay less than one egg per
- Cochin – lay nearly 160 eggs per year ( Ave. 27/wk)
- Delawares – layover 175 eggs per year (Ave. 30/
- Dominique -lay over four eggs in over 24 hours (Ave. 77/wk)
- Dorking-lay over 200 eggs a year (Ave. 34/wk)
- Faverolles-lay nearly 150 eggs a year (Ave. 25/wk)
- Gooch – lays nearly 300 eggs in its lifetime,
- Hamburg-lay over 150 eggs a year (Ave. 23/wk).
- Jersey Giants- layover 300 eggs a year (Ave. 54/wk)
- Lakenvelder-lay a little over 200 eggs per year (Ave. 33/wk).
- Leghorn – lay about 300 eggs per year (ave. 51/wk) and stops laying for up to two months when they molt,
- Maran- lay around 200 to 220 per year,
- Minorca- lays nearly 280 eggs a year ( Ave. 47/wk)
- Mottled Houdans- lay nearly 110 eggs a year (Ave. 18/wk)
- New Hampshire Red- lay nearly 260 eggs a year ( Ave. 44/wk)
- Orpington- layover 200 eggs per year (Ave. 33/wk)
- Penedesenca- lay nearly 90 eggs a year ( Ave. 15/wk)
- Plymouth Rock- lay about 260 eggs per year (ave. 44/wk)
- Polish-lay nearly 280 eggs a year (Ave. 47/
- Redcaps- lay nearly 160 eggs a year ( Ave. 27/wk).
- Rhode Island- lay nearly 220 eggs a year (Ave. 37/wk)
- Senepol-lay nearly 240 eggs per year ( Ave. 41/wk)
- Silkies- lay nearly 130 eggs per year ( Ave. 22/wk)
- Sussex-lay nearly 250 eggs a year ( Ave. 42/week)
- Welsummer – lays around 170 to 200 eggs in their lifetime,
- Wyandottes-lay nearly 150 eggs a year (Ave. 25/wk).

Ways to encourage your chickens to Lay Eggs?
- Provide them with nesting boxes.
- If you have your hens in the coop at night, but you’ve seen them still laying eggs on the floor of their nesting boxes or elsewhere around their yard during the day, consider increasing light exposure for them so that they lay more often and in their nesting boxes.
- Try adding a perch or two in the coop, as chickens like to roost at night. This will also give them someplace to lay eggs during the day if they’re not using their Nesting Boxes.
- Keep your hens’ diet in check! Make sure they’re getting enough calcium and protein in their feed.
- Check that they have water available to them at all times. If you see a chicken lagging behind the flock to get a drink, this could be why she isn’t laying eggs yet!
- Make sure your chickens are healthy and disease-free – if one or more of your hens is sickly it could affect her ability to lay eggs. Consult with your local veterinarian if you have any concerns.
- Some people believe that adding a little apple cider vinegar to your hens’ water can help them produce eggs more regularly, but this is something you’ll need to test out on your own flock to see if it works.
- If all else fails, you might just need to give your girls a little break. Try letting them rest for about three weeks and then try again!
Final Thoughts – Why aren’t My Chickens Laying Eggs yet?
In conclusion, you can see that there are many reasons why your chickens aren’t laying eggs yet, but with a little research and some effort on your part, you will be able to find out what is causing the problem.