Alpacas generally will spit if they are Stressed, threatened, being dominant, and if the female is rejecting the male’s advances. Generally, Alpacas are gentle animals. They are Protective of their herds.
When Do Alpacas Spit?
Alpacas are stereotypically thought to be docile creatures, but they can spit at humans. This is often done as protection from predators or other threats. When do alpacas spit? It’s important to know that there are two types of spitting: spontaneous and provoked. Spontaneous spitting usually occurs when an alpaca is startled or feels threatened by something nearby, while provoked spitting happens when an alpaca has been abused by a human for some time.”
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Alpacas Spit when they’re Stressed Out
Alpacas spit when they’re angry or excited, and if you get too close to their babies (called crias) then there’s a good chance that your clothes will end up with some alpaca spittle on them! They also spit when they’re trying to ward off a predator, or if they feel like they’re in danger. While it might seem strange to us humans, spitting is actually pretty normal behavior for alpacas! When do Alpacas Spit?

Alpacas spit when they’re feeling Threatened or Aggressive.
Alpacas are peace-loving animals, which means spitting happens very infrequently. Dogs, unfamiliar humans, and other animals who come near young alpacas may prompt spitting. Spitting is part of the natural defense mechanism for these herd animals. If they feel you are getting between them and their feed, they may spit.
Also, if you get too close to a female alpaca and her baby when she is in heat, the male might feel competitive.
Alpacas spit as a form of Communication to other Alpacas
Some of the reasons that alpacas spit at other alpacas are to show dominance, to signal displeasure or anger, and to establish territory. Alpacas will also spit at humans if they feel threatened or intimidated.
Spitting is usually preceded by a loud humming noise that the alpaca makes in order to warn the other animal of what’s coming. The saliva contains a green-colored dye that can stain the fur of the alpaca being spit on, as well as any nearby objects.
Males seeking to mate with females will often spit on them as well.
An alpaca will usually only Spit once, but if the Threat Continues, They may Continue Also
They usually aim at the other alpacas face, but they can also spit at an alpaca’s legs.
When they are spitting they are communicating that they are unhappy and want the other alpaca or person to go away.
Alpacas will usually only spit when they feel threatened, but sometimes they may do it when they are playing.
The Average Distance an Alpaca can Spit is about 10 Feet
There are two types of spitting, one where they focus the spit on one spot and the other where they just spray it.
- Focused Spit – Approx 10 Ft
- Spray with wind can go 20 Ft
About half of alpacas are habitual spitters, so if you have more than one they might gang up on a given individual and spit at them continuously. The most common time for spitting is when an alpaca smells something new or unusual to them, usually, this means that it’s not food but just some kind of object or animal.
Be sure not to Wear any Black Clothing Tround them
This could be considered a sign of aggression and lead to more spitting!
- Black Clothing
- Gentle speaking / Shouting can spook them
- Gentle action /
- Stillness can calm them
- Avoid direct eye contact before they know you well.
- Alpacas are prey animals, so it’s important to be aware of the signals that lead up to a spit as this is how they defend themselves from predators in the wild. In general, alpacas don’t seem particularly bothered by humans unless we do something to scare them. If you’re calm and avoid making sudden movements, they’ll usually stay calm around you, but keep in mind that they are still animals with their own personalities so some might be more skittish than others.
Not all Behaviors Need Intervention
Sometimes it’s best to let them have their space and move away from them slowly until they feel comfortable again. Remember that some people might find these animals intimidating due to their size and temperament, so always keep safety first! They can weigh up to 175 pounds.

Final Thoughts – When Do Alpacas Spit?
In Summary
Alpacas spit for any number of reasons, but the most common ones are when they’re scared or surprised by something.
They’ll usually calm down if you move away slowly without making eye contact and speaking to them in a gentle tone. If necessary, try distracting their attention with food to break their focus on whatever is scaring them.
Just remember to always be aware of their behavior and never put yourself in danger!