As a general rule need to check the chicks, tailfeathers, if they have spurs (Males), check for Caruncle ( Females), Size Males are larger than females
Male Baby Peacock – How to tell?
The first thing you need to do is check the tail feathers. These beautiful birds have a long, showy tail with iridescent green, blue, and bronze colors that fan out from the center. Many people believe these feathers to be eyelashes, but they aren’t. A male peacock’s tail is full of elongated “eyelashes,” which are just feathers called sickle feathers or train feathers. Jump to Peachicks – Baby Peacocks **NEWBORN**
The eyespots or ocelli found on peacocks and peahens are located at the top central part of their tails, while the roundness of these spots varies according to species difference. But there must be an even number of them on each side to be classified as true in both genders. A peacock has eyespots on both sides of its train, while a peahen only has one. If you see an even number of ocelli on each side, then it’s a peacock. Male Baby Peacock – How to tell?
The length of the tail feathers determines the overall length and size of the peacock, so if it looks like it has eyes on each side or is not very long, it probably isn’t a peacock at all! The second best way to tell whether your bird is male or female is to look at its legs.
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Peafowls born with spurs will be male. Otherwise, they’ll be female. This cannot be clear since males typically grow faster than females in early life, but the reverse may be true for spurs. The reason is that male peacocks need their spurs for dominance against other males while females do not.
On the forehead, near the base of their neck, you should be able to see a fleshy nub called a caruncle. This indicates that the bird is female; however, not all females have these. She will also likely have one at the top of her head where her neck meets her back right above the plumage. How to tell if a Baby Peacock is Male or Female?

Male Peacock Vs. Female Peacock
One of the most noticeable differences between peacocks is their size. Peacock males are usually much larger than females. On average, males are about twice as big as females. As a result, the male bird’s tail is approximately six feet across, while the female is only four feet when fully spread out.
The male bird’s tail is also much more colorful and eye-catching than that of the female. The huge tail makes up about half the length of a peacock’s body. On the other hand, female peahens do not possess very ornate tails, and their overall coloration is usually much duller than their male counterparts. A female peacock’s tail is usually colored in shades of brown instead of the vibrant blues, greens, oranges, and golds found on a male’s tail.
The tail feathers on male birds are much longer and wider than those of females. Both sexes possess “eye plumes,” which look like solid disks with an iridescent eye in the middle, but such plumes are much larger on males.
Another obvious physical difference between peacocks is their heads. The head of the male Peafowl is much bigger than that of its female counterpart. The size disparity can also be noted in the bird’s beak. Male peafowls have a longer and sharper upper mandible than females, which they fight other peacocks over mates.
Male and female peacocks display their plumage to attract mates, but the similarities between the two sexes end there. Males spend most of their time searching for females while females remain still, hoping males will come to them. When a male spots a female, he woos her with some eye-catching behaviors: He spreads his tail feathers like an umbrella, struts, prances, shakes his wings, and bounces on the tips of his feet. The male then “struts his stuff” by fluffing out his tail feathers, holding them wide apart with each eye on a different side of the tail. He lowers his head and neck while puffing out all but one of his tail feathers to create a pleasing, swinging shape. Then he walks around the female while dragging the raised train feathers on his backside across the ground. The male may also bounce to make them rustle or shake his wings to make a sound.
How Can you tell a Peacock from a Peahen?
Peacocks (males) and peahens (females) are distinct birds with different appearances. A bird called a “peacock” is always male; one called a “peahen” is always female. They look very much alike, but some differences can tell them apart. Here is a list of the main differences:
- Peacocks (males) have colorful tail feathers, which they raise and show off to attract peahens (females). Peahens do not have such beautiful tail feathers; their tail feathers are brown and plain.
- A peacock’s tail covers about half of its body. A peahen’s tail does not cover as much space and is quite small compared to a peacock’s tail.
- The female bird is duller than the male bird in coloration. If you look closely, you will see that the colors on her breast are different shades than those on the male’s breast.
- The peahen has no train of tail feathers. The peacock has a long train of tail feathers visible during the breeding season.
- If you see one bird by itself, it is more than likely to be a peahen because only the male bird has the beautiful tails that make them stand out from other birds.
- Peacocks are usually larger than peahens because they have extra weight in their tail feathers.
The best way to tell them apart is by looking at their tails. Peacocks show off their colorful “train” while peahens don’t have such beautiful tails! If you find yourself with only one peacock or one peahen, the bird is probably the opposite sex of what you are looking at.
What is a Peacock?
Peacock is the male of the Peafowl. The Peafowl includes two species known as Indian Peafowl and Congo Peafowl. They are pheasants that live in South Asia and Africa, respectively. Peacocks have iridescent blue or green feathers which fan out like a train up to two meters long. Their tails have a plume of feathers on each side which makes them look extravagant, and it helps Peafowl attract a female as a mating partner.
What’s the Opposite Gender of a Peacock?
The female counterpart of a peacock would be called a peahen. They’re usually smaller and don’t have such a colorful display as their male counterparts. Peacocks and peahens belong to a group of birds called pheasants along with dozens of other species, so they may not always be referred to specifically as peacocks and peahens. The female counterpart of a peacock is called a peahen.
What is a Peacock’s Train?
Train or tail is the fan-shaped structure on either side of the bird’s rump, just behind the wings and above the tail. They can be brightly colored and contain eyespots (ocelli) which are circular patterns of concentric circles of contrasting color formed by optical trickery to convince would-be predators that the eyespot is on the bird’s body, not in the middle of its wings so that a predator aiming for the head will hit the wings instead and leave the eyespot unharmed to deter future attacks.

What is a Baby Peacock Called?
The most common name for a baby peafowl, also known as peachicks, is peachick. A baby peafowl can be identified by its yellow fluffy body and long tail feathers, which will fall out after several months.
Peacocks are considered one of the largest flying birds in the world, especially when they spread their tail feathers. Their tail feathers can extend to more than six feet in length. The male peacocks are usually larger than the females and have brilliant blue color on their neck and chest region with an attractive pattern of brown, green and gold colors on their plumage. They also have beautiful blue-green colored eyes that appear like jewels. These birds mate with multiple females and are observed to be rather protective about their chicks.
Peacocks are known for their spectacular courtship displays, where they dance around to attract the female peahen. The males also make loud noises with their feathers, like ‘ge-wa’ or ‘bo-o’. Peafowls are mainly found in Asia, Africa, and Europe, including India, China, Japan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.
Final Thought – How to tell if a Baby Peacock is Male or Female?
Generally, male peacocks are larger than peahens. Their tails also take more space compared to that of female peacocks. Male peacocks have a long train of tail feathers with intricate patterns on them, which resemble the eye of a peacock. On the other hand, female peafowls have short tails that are somewhat rounded or fan-shaped rather than eyed patterns.
The peacock (Pavo cristatus) is a large and brightly colored bird. Peacocks are best known for the distinctive “train” of feathers displayed by the male in courtship, which is not a tail but a long upper-tail coverts train. Both sexes have similar coloration throughout most species. They can be seen in Asia, India, and surrounding areas. The peacock is the national bird of India and Bangladesh.