Keys to Training a Baby Peachick, Patience, Imprinting, Positive reinforcement with Treats.
How to Train a Baby Peacock?/Peachick/Peafowl/Peahen
The peafowl is a very beautiful bird, with its feathers in vibrant colors. They are also known for the long train of feathers that they have on their back. How can you keep a baby peacock tame? It is not always easy to do so, but there are some things that you can do to be able to get them used to be around humans. Here we will talk about how to train a baby peacock and what steps you need to take in order for this process to go as smoothly as possible.
How to Train Your Baby Peacock?
One of the most important things to do when training a baby peacock is to get them used to be around humans. This can be done by imprinting them at an early age. Imprinting means that you get the bird used to seeing and associating humans with food. You will want to start doing this as soon as you bring the bird home. Be sure to have someone there to help you with this, as it can be a bit difficult to do on your own. How to Train a Baby Peacock?
The next step is to start training the baby peacock with positive reinforcement. This means that you will give them a treat every time they do something that you want them to do. For example, if you want them to come when called, then give them a treat every time they come over to you. The key is to make sure that the treats are something that the bird really enjoys, such as seeds or fresh fruit.
Some other things that you can do in order to train your baby peacock include teaching them how to stand on a perch and how to walk around. You can also start working on their vocalization skills by teaching them to say words like “hello” and “goodbye”. With a little bit of patience and some tasty treats, you will be able to have a well-trained baby peacock in no time!

How to teach your Baby Peacocks to come to you?
One of the most important things that you will need in order for this process is patience. It may take some time, but if done correctly they should start coming around on their own with little effort. One thing that can help speed up the training is using positive reinforcement when teaching them new tricks or commands. When trying these methods out, it might be a good idea to keep treats nearby so that you are able to reward them every time they do something right.
As long as you put in an adequate amount of time and effort into training your peafowls, then there shouldn’t any reason why they wouldn’t willingly want to spend more time around humans other than a mating season. Just remember to always be consistent with your commands and rewards, and you should have a tame baby peacock in no time!
How to herd your Baby Peacock?
Some of the suggestions to get your Baby Peacock to go where you want to include:
-feeding them in the same spot every time (or close to it)
-putting their food on a low shelf, so they have to jump up and down repeatedly to eat. Eventually, this will condition them into jumping up whenever you call or clap your hands. This is called “imprinting”.. though if no one has ever shown them how high they are supposed to go before that’s possible, then training using positive reinforcement might be best. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding an animal when he does something good by giving him treats for example -something yummy like grapes which peacocks love). If he makes mistakes, ignore them completely — don’t scold or punish the bird–as punishment won’t work with Peacocks and could potentially damage the relationship you are trying to build. Jump to Peachicks – Baby Peacocks **NEWBORN**
-Another way of getting your Baby Peacock to go where you want is by using what’s called a “corral.” This can be anything from a simple fence made out of chicken wire, to an elaborate structure with gates and ramps. The idea is to create a small area in which the bird feels safe, and then lead it gently back out whenever you’re done training.
How to Train Your Baby Peacock to Wear a Harness?
If you are training your baby peacock as a pet as it gets older you will want to teach it to wear a harness. A baby peacock will require a leash and collar so they do not run off as they get older. You can use any type of material for this but you have to make sure it is comfortable, secure and that they cannot break free from it easily.
You should try using a lightweight chain with a clasp around their neck at first until your pet gets used to wearing one then switch over to nylon or leather if you prefer those materials more. The reason why we recommend training them on both types of collars is that some birds like different things better than others may be afraid of certain materials such as metal chains which could really scare them away from ever wanting anything else put on their head again for fear of getting caught up in it
Final Thoughts – How to Train a Baby Peacock?
In Summary
The best part about training baby peacocks is that they are smart and will eventually learn to do what you want them to. It just takes a lot of patience, consistency with your commands or requests for actions along with positive reinforcement when they get things right which should be given in the form of treats like grapes or other goodies
If done correctly there shouldn’t any reason why they wouldn’t willingly want to spend more time around humans other than the mating season. Just remember to always be consistent with your commands and rewards, and you should have well-trained peafowls in no time!