Dogs Eat Rabbit Poop for some of the following reasons, Dogs are hunters, rabbits are prey, Rabbit Poop is nutritional because of the rabbit’s diet, Rabbit Poop smells sweet, the dog is lacking nutrients in the diet
Why Do Dogs Eat Rabbit Poop?
Ever seen a dog tear into something and then start chewing on it? You may have been wondering why they do that. The answer is simple: dogs eat rabbit poop because they think the poop is delicious! Rabbits produce two types of poop, one for eating and one for excreting. Dogs can smell this difference in their droppings and use their powerful noses to find the tastiest ones to devour. Jump to 18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming **CHARTS**
Is Eating Rabbit Poop Dangerous for Dogs?
There is some debate over whether or not eating rabbit poop is dangerous for dogs. Some people say that it can give your dog parasites, while others claim that there is no danger in it at all. The bottom line is that if your dog eats rabbit poop, there is a chance he could get sick. However, the likelihood of this happening is fairly low. Why Do Dogs Eat Rabbit Poop?
Some of the parasite eggs they may ingest include Toxoplasma gondii, cryptosporidium, and roundworms. If your dog contracts one of these parasites, he could experience symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and even death.
The nutritional benefits of eating rabbit poop
Rabbits eat a specific kind of plant that is beneficial to both their muscles and bones. Therefore, it makes sense that a dog would find the taste appealing because they too need this same type of nourishment for their own body.
However, there are also other reasons why dogs eat rabbit poop such as an upset stomach or simply out of curiosity due to the smell. In any case, it is not harmful to let your dog eat this type of feces and in fact, could provide some health benefits.
Some of the key nutrients that can be found in rabbit poop are protein, fiber, vitamins A, B12, and C, as well as minerals such as calcium and phosphorous. All of these are useful to a dog’s body and can help with dental health as well.

However, it is important that your animal does not eat too much of this type of poop because there are also some negative side effects associated with eating rabbit feces for dogs. One reason is diarrhea due to the high fiber content which causes gas in the intestine. Also, if your dog eats too much of this it could upset its stomach and cause vomiting.
Additionally, for those dogs who eat rabbit poop out of curiosity because of the smell, there are also some health risks to be aware of such as internal parasites or intestinal blockages. This is why it is important that you keep an eye on your pet if they do choose to eat this type of feces and to consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
The behavioral reasons dogs might eat rabbit poop
Some of the reasons that a dog may enjoy eating Rabbit Poo are the same reasons that they eat their own feces. These dogs are usually scavengers and have a low level of anxiety. They may also be looking for nutrients that they are not getting from their regular diet. Dogs that were raised on a farm or around other animals tend to be more likely to eat poop than those who were raised in an urban environment. Certain medical conditions can also cause a dog to eat their own feces or the feces of other animals, including parasites, liver disease, and pancreatic problems. If you think that your dog’s interest in Rabbit Poo may be caused by a health problem, please contact your veterinarian.
How to stop your dog from eating rabbit poop
some of the suggestions to discourage your dog from eating rabbit poop include the following:
- Feed your dog different food. Dogs are not picky eaters, but they may be sensitive to certain ingredients in their meals that make eating bunny droppings unpalatable or even avoidable.
- Minimize contact with rabbits and other small furries if possible, especially for dogs who have already demonstrated an inclination to eat their droppings.
- Increase your dog’s activity level. A bored, inactive dog is often one of the biggest reasons for scavenging behavior, including eating rabbit poop.
- Keep your yard clean and free of feces from all animals, not just rabbits. This will help reduce the temptation for your dog to explore and eat whatever he or she finds.
- If all else fails, consider using a canine fecal aversion product such as DogWatch Fecal Repel™. This unique spray helps make rabbit droppings unappetizing to dogs, discouraging them from eating them in the first place.
- If he is on leash – sharp command
- Using positive reinforcement with a tasty dog treat
What to do if your dog has ingested a large amount of rabbit poop
If your dog is showing symptoms after eating rabbit poop, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, call your veterinarian immediately. If your dog has ingested a small amount of rabbit poop, you may be able to wait and see if there are any adverse effects. However, if your dog is displaying any symptoms at all, it’s best to call the vet just in case. Treatment will depend on the amount of rabbit poop that your dog has ingested and what symptoms are being displayed. Treatment usually involves a quick trip to the emergency room, where they may give activated charcoal orally or by injection to absorb any toxins from making it into your dog’s system.
Tips for keeping your yard clean and free of rabbit droppings
- Install a fence around your yard to keep rabbits out.
- If you already have a fence, make sure it is in good condition and that the bottom is secured so rabbits can’t get under it.
- Put up rabbit traps to catch the animals if they are getting into your yard.
- Clean up any droppings you see as soon as possible.
- Place chicken wire or other obstacles around plants that rabbits like to eat so they can’t get to them.
- Consider using a repellent to keep the rabbits away from your yard.
By following these tips, you can help keep your yard clean and free of rabbit droppings. This will help keep your family and pets safe and healthy.
How Do I Distinguish Rabbit Poop from Other Types of Scat?
Rabbit poo looks like dark brown, round droppings. If you are not sure if it is rabbit poop or similar-looking animal scat, look for these key features:
- Dark Brown- This is the most distinguishing characteristic of rabbit droppings.
- Round- Rabbits produce round droppings, as opposed to other animals that produce elongated droppings.
- No fur or feathers- If you see fur or feathers in the scat, it is not from a rabbit.
- Smells sweet- This is due to the fact that rabbits consume a lot of vegetation, which gives their droppings a sweet smell.
- Small round Pellets size of a garden pea – these are the most common type of droppings produced by a rabbit.
- Usually found around Rabbit dens or grazing areas – since rabbits are vegetarians, they will leave droppings around where they have been grazing. So if you see a lot of droppings in one area, there is a good chance that there is a rabbit nearby.
- A Rabbit poops around 25 pellets per day – so if you are seeing a lot of droppings, there is a good chance that a rabbit is nearby.
Final Thought – Why Do Dogs Eat Rabbit Poop?
In conclusion, while eating rabbit poop may not be the most appealing thing in the world, it can provide some health benefits for dogs if done in moderation. So next time you see your furry friend snacking on a fresh pile of droppings, don’t be too alarmed. They may just be eating out of nutritional necessity!