In the United States, it is not Illegal to Feed Mealworms. Places Like UK and Korea have regulations of feeding insects to poultry. Highlighting Samollia and Pesticide Contamination.
Why is it illegal to feed Chickens MealWorms?
Did you know that it is illegal to feed chickens mealworms in the United States? Why is this the case, and what are the consequences of breaking this law? In this blog post, we will explore these questions and more. Stay tuned for some interesting information about chicken feeding laws in the United States!
What are Mealworms?
Mealworms are the larvae of the darkling beetle. They are small, wingless insects that are typically brown in color. Mealworms can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, fields, and gardens.
Check Out Amazon for Educational Resources for Breeding Chickens
What is the Life Cycle of Mealworms?
The life cycle of mealworms consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The eggs hatch into larvae, which grow and molt several times before entering the pupal stage. Once they emerge from the pupa as adults, they mate and lay eggs to begin the cycle anew. Why is it illegal to feed Chickens Meal Worms?

Why is it illegal to feed Chickens and Mealworms in some Countries?
There are a few reasons why it is illegal to feed chickens mealworms in some countries. One reason is that mealworms can transmit diseases to chickens, which can then be passed on to humans. Another reason is that mealworms can compete with chickens for food, which can lead to malnutrition in chickens.
Additionally, some countries have regulations against feeding insects to poultry due to concerns about animal welfare. In the US Food and Health Regulations.
Some Countries caution against it because of:
- Salmonella poisoning
- Pesticides residuals in the insects
How to Raise Mealworms?
If you would like to raise mealworms for your chickens (or for other purposes), there are a few things you will need.
- First, you will need a container in which to keep the worms. This could be a plastic bin or an aquarium.
- Second, you will need bedding material for the worms to live in. This could be shredded newspaper, sawdust, or sand.
- Third, you will need food for the worms. This could be bran, oats, or vegetables.
- Fourth, you will need water for the worms to drink. A dish of water placed in the container will suffice.
- Finally, you will need to keep the container in a dark, cool place such as a basement or garage.
Are Mealworms Raised Commercially?
Yes, mealworms are raised commercially for a variety of purposes. One common use for commercially-raised mealworms is as food for reptiles and amphibians. They are also used as bait for fishing and as live food for pets such as chickens and fish. Additionally, mealworms are often used in scientific research due to their easy-to-care-for nature.
How Much do Mealworms cost and how are they sold?
Mealworms are typically sold by the pound, and they can cost anywhere from $0.50 to $20 per pound. They are often sold in bulk quantities, such as five or ten pounds at a time.
What are the benefits of feeding Chickens mealworms?
There are a few benefits of feeding chickens mealworms. One benefit is that mealworms are an excellent source of protein for chickens. Another benefit is that they can help to keep chickens healthy and free from disease. Additionally, mealworms can provide enrichment for chickens, as they offer a fun and challenging way for them to obtain food.
Where can you Buy Mealworms?
Mealworms can be purchased from many different places, including pet stores, feed stores, and online retailers. They are typically sold in containers or bags and can be purchased live or dried.
Are there any Risks Associated with Feeding Chickens Mealworms?
Yes, there are some risks associated with feeding chickens mealworms. One risk is that mealworms can transmit diseases to chickens, which can then be passed on to humans. Another risk is that mealworms can compete with chickens for food, which can lead to malnutrition in chickens. Additionally, some countries have regulations against feeding insects to poultry due to concerns about animal welfare.
How do you know if your Chickens are getting enough Protein in their Diet?
One way to tell if your chickens are getting enough protein in their diet is to look at their feathers. Healthy chicken feathers should be strong and shiny. If your chicken’s feathers are dull or brittle, this could be a sign that they are not getting enough protein in their diet. You should also consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns about chicken’s diet or health.

What is the best way of feeding mealworms to chickens?
Chickens love insects and mealworms are no different! Mealworms can be fed to chickens in a number of ways, including live, dried, or as part of a chicken feed mix.
However, it is important to note that there are some risks associated with feeding chickens mealworms. One risk is that mealworms can transmit diseases to chickens, which can then be passed on to humans.
Another risk is that mealworms can compete with chickens for food, which can lead to malnutrition in chickens. Additionally, some countries have regulations against feeding insects to poultry due to concerns about animal welfare.
For these reasons, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before adding mealworms to your chicken’s diet.
Can you buy Dried Mealworms for chickens?
Yes! Dried mealworms are a great way to add extra protein to your chicken’s diet. They can be found at most pet stores or online retailers.
Is it best to buy live Mealworms for Chickens?
That depends on your chicken’s preferences! Some chickens prefer live insects, while others prefer dried insects. If you’re not sure what your chicken prefers, you can always start by offering a small number of both live and dried mealworms and see which they go for first.
Are there Organic Mealworms for Chickens?
Yes, there are organic mealworms available for purchase. However, it is important to note that organic does not necessarily mean safe.
There are still some risks associated with feeding organic mealworms to chickens, such as the potential for disease transmission and competition for food.
As always, it is best to consult with a veterinarian before adding organic mealworms (or any new food) to your chicken’s diet.

How many mealworms should be in the Chicken’s diet?
The number of mealworms that should be in a chicken’s diet will vary depending on the size of the chicken and its overall dietary needs.
For example, a large chicken will need more protein than a small chicken. A chicken that is molting (losing feathers) will also need more protein than a chicken that is not molting.
As a general rule of thumb, most chickens will do well with between five and ten mealworms per day.
Final Thoughts – Why is it illegal to feed Chickens Meal Worms?
In conclusion, mealworms are legal to feed to your chickens in the United States. They can be fed to your chickens either live, dried, or as part of a chicken feed mix.
Mealworms can be a great source of extra protein for your chicken, but there are some risks associated with feeding them to your chickens.
These risks include the potential for disease transmission and competition for Chicken’s food.