As a general rule chickens love to eat bread and use it as a treat. Bread has little nutritional value, chickens will overeat, caution with baby chicks, their gizzards have not developed. Bread can be moldy. If you have a lot of chickens, some farmers have gotten leftovers from bread shops. The Thing that needs to remember is that bread has little nutritional value. So it is not wise to give too much bread, because of its poor nutritional benefits. it can affect their own eggs, avoid large quantities
Can Chicks Eat Bread
Can Baby Chickens Eat Bread. Most Chicken Farmers refrain from giving Bread to baby chicks. Older Developed Chickens it is used as a treat or light supplemental feed. The Reasons for not feeding it to baby Chicks. Can Chicks Eat Bread?
- Little Nutritional Value for Developing Chicks
- Baby Chicks gizzard is not fully developed
- Grit and chickens bread can cause impaction if too much is eaten
- Baby Chicks will overeat
- Most Farmers prefer Chick Starter Feed – to get them developing correctly
- Free Range – bugs / Insects / larvae
Check Out Amazon for Educational Resources for Breeding Chickens
Many farmers use white bread from various stores to add to their feed for their chickens. They make sure that none of it was moldy. All said that because of white bread’s low nutritional value, that is was only fed as a supplement, many described it as treat. It also seems that the Chickens love the grain bread in preference to white.
What can Baby Chicks Eat Beside Chick Starter
Can Chickens Eat Bread – The Diet of Chickens in the wild, many countries they are called Jungle Fowl. They spend their days foraging for food. The closest we see today are the farmers that are Free-Ranging their chickens.
Chickens love many types of natural Food. Some of their most tasty treats is
- Earthworms
- Grasshoppers
- Ants
- terminates
- Grasses
- Green leafy items
- Berries
- Hookworms
- Larvae
- Spiders
- Scorpions
- Beetles
- Grubs
- Mealworms
- Crickets
- Ticks
- Slugs
- Parasites – Eggs
- Mayflies
- Gnats
- cockroaches
- Japanese Beetles
- Earwigs
- Butterflies
- Salamanders
- Tiny Lizards
- Tomatoes Worms
- Fleas
- Fire Ants
- Pill worms
- Amphids
- Fly / Maggots
- Mosquitos
12 Ways to Make Money by Chicken Farming—Extensive Guidelines for Chicken Farmers

This is one of the big Benefits that farmers that use rotational Pastures, and combining that with rotating different types of Livestock also. The chicken will put a real hurt to the parisite population in a pasture before you let your sheep back in. Chicken digestive anatomy is perfect for eating pesky bugs.
Bugs That Chickens Will Not Eat
There is a selection of insects that chickens do not care for, usually, ones that have some natural smell, odor, or tastes to discourage birds from being eaten
- Elder bugs
- LadyBeetles
- Honey Bees
- Wasp
- Bumblebees
- Stink Bugs

Optimal Chicken Nutrition
To have your Chickens as healthy as possible you need to make sure that in the feeding of your chickens is a balanced diet. They need to include the basics of Nutrition
- Water – Clean Fresh Water Source
- Proteins
- Fats
- Carbohydrates
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Nutrition for Broilers
- Nutrition for Layers
Also, there are other factors that also affect how much feed is needed and consumed by your flock
- Breed of Chicken
- Where in the Life Cycle
- Purpose of Breed – Layers / Meat
- Food accessibility
- Health of Chickens
- Egg Production
- Outside Temperatures
For adult birds – poor nutrition can result in reduce egg production
- Optimal Nutrition For Raising Feeders – Merck Vet Manual
- Optimal Nutrition Laying hens, egg production – Merck Vet Manual
When Can Chickens Eat Bread?
Yes, Chickens generally love to eat bread. many use it to wisely use brown bread scraps and feed it to their full-grown chickens as a treat. It is an easy food to acquire from stores etc. If you have a lot of chickens, some farmers have gotten leftovers from bread shops. The Thing that needs to remember is that bread has little nutritional value. So it is not wise to give too much bread, because of its poor nutritional benefits. it can affect their own eggs, avoid large quantities
Can I Feed my Chickens White Bread?
White bread can be harmful to chickens. It lacks the nutrition that they need, and it’s full of sugar which isn’t good for them either. You should avoid giving your hens white bread at all costs!
Brown bread is okay, but it lacks energy.
Better options are vegetables and fruit scraps! Carrot peelings are a great way to get your chickens all of the nutrition they need without giving them too much sugar or empty carbohydrates which will make them feel sick.
Can Chickens Eat Bread Crust?
Chickens can eat bread crust. Chickens love eating bread crust because it is a good source of calcium and protein. Bread does not have much nutritional value for chickens, so you should feed your chickens other foods as well to make sure they get the nutrients that they need from their food. The different types of food that hens eat are insects, seeds, greens, and grain.
What Can Baby Chickens Eat Besides Feed

Baby Chicks just hatched need nutrition as they get older. If You are Free-Ranging them Mother will provide helping them find food for them. The best is the Starter Chick feed, but if that is not available here are a few items you can use. The major point to remember is that they need a heavy nutrient load for them to develop properly. Here are what some have used to help with their baby chicks – no specific order.
- Clean Water
- Bird Crumbles
- Crumbled boiled egg yokes
- Crushed Cheerios
- Corn Meal
- Oatmeal, other grains
- Grits
- quinoa
- Crushed Eggshells
- Warm Bread mash
Things Chickens can Eat / Common Foods
Many Commercial Farmers give their chickens a complete diet from feed Mills. These feeds are balanced with proper nutrition for your birds. So You have all your bases covered.
Chickens are omnivores they will eat many things, But let’s look at this from a broader set of glasses. What can My Chickens eat – many can get gotten from your local grocery store. Here is our List.
- Leafy Greens
- Cooked Beans
- Corn
- Non Sugar Cereals
- Grains
- Apples
- Berries
- Bananas
- Brocolli
- Tomatoes
- Pineapple
- Grapes
- Grass
- Celery
- Celery Leaves
- Cabbage
- Popcorn
- Cucumbers
- BlueBerries (chickens eat Blueberries)
- Blackberries
- Watermelon
- Pumpkin
- Peaches
- Carrots, carrot peels
- Pears
- Kiwi
- Bell Pepper
- Zucchini
- Spinach
- Beans – Cooked Only
- Almonds
- Walnuts
- WaterMelon Rinds
- Radishes
- Peas
- brussels sprouts
- Meat scraps
- Fish scraps
- Raw eggs
- Squash
- Layer Mash
Can Chickens Eat Celery
Yes, you can feed your chicken celery scraps. They are full of Nutrition. But do it as a supplement, a favorite treat, Too much even of a good thing can become bad

Things Chickens Can Not Eat List / Hard on Digestive System / Catastrophic Blockages / Avoid Feeding
- Citrus fruits
- Rhubarb
- Avocado skin / Pits / Toxin called persin
- Uncooked Beans
- Potatoe Skins
- Onions
- Chocolate (chicken eat chocolate)
- Moldy bread, stale bread
- Moldy Food / Anything that has Mold
- Alcohol
- Tea Bags
- Caffeine
- Highly Salted Items
- Peanuts
- Nightshade Veggies
- nightshade family
- Banana Peels
What Foods are Poisonous to Chickens
Things that are poisonous to chickens is here and should not be in chicken’s diet
- Chocolate – Theobromine
- Dry / Raw Beans – Impaction
- Green Tomatoes – solanine
- Green Potatoes – solanine
- Anything Moldy, moldy bread, stale bread
- Avocado Pits – Persin
- Apple Seeds – cyanide
- Uncooked rice – will swell and possibly impact
- Coffee Grounds – Caffeine
How Can I Feed My Chickens Cheaply
Feeding your chickens as cheaply as possible is wise and you might have some access to some of these items to help supplement your chicken feed bill. Our list above includes a lot but here are some more that you might be able to acquire and save a few $
- Sprouting Seeds / Fodder
- Eggshells / crushed – Calcium
- Garden and Yard Clipping – Caution No Pesticides or weed killers
- Sunflowers
- Deer Corn Leftovers
- Camelina Meal
- Cottonseed meal
- Flaxseed Meal
- Safflower Meal
- Potatoe Starch
- Animal Guts
- Fish / Fish Guts
What Do Free Range Chickens Eat
Free Range Chickens roam freely around the farm and forage for their own food. It is very healthy for them and allows them to turn your insect population into Chicken meat or Eggs. If you put up a perimeter fence they can be held where you would like them to feed. Mesh movable fencing is great. You still need to think about Predatory animals, but they are fantastic to help clean up insect populations.
Natural Foods for Free Range Chickens
Insects They Love to Eat | Insects they will not eat |
Earthworms | Elderbugs |
Grasshoppers | Lady Bugs |
Grasshoppers | Honey Bees |
Ants | Wasp |
Terminates | Bumble Bees |
Grasses | Stink Bugs |
Green Leafy | |
Berries | |
Hookworms | |
Larvae | |
Spiders | |
Scorpions | |
Beetles | |
Spiders | |
Grubs | |
Mealworms | |
Crickets | |
Ticks | |
Slugs | |
Mayflies | |
Parisite Eggs | |
Gnats | |
Cockroaches | |
Japanese beetles | |
Earwigs | |
Butterflies | |
Salamanders | |
Tiny Lizards | |
Tomatoe Worms | |
Cabbage Worms | |
Fleas | |
Pill Bugs | |
Amphids | |
Misquitos | |
Fly / Maggots | |
Fire Ants |
Insects they will Eat
Insects they will not eat
How Much to Feed Free Range Chickens
Many Free Range Chicken Farms allow most of their flocks to eat what they can find foraging. Farmers use supplemental feed for several reasons. To complete out any nutritional deficiencies that the birds may not be able to get on their own. Also, many farmers lock up their free-range chickens at night to help keep them safe from nighttime predators.
Those usually put ou feed at night inside their chicken coop to use it as an encouragement for them to come back to one place to roost. It also allows them each night to take a count and check their flocks.
Usually, during the summer, the chickens are able to find much more food, so winter is a big factor in offering more food. Usually, when you are free-ranging even if you offer it all the time, you will see that the chickens eat less because of their foraging.
See Our Guide – Free Range Chicken Farming vs Chicken Run
Then of course you have the Free-Loaders, who will just wait until you bring feed instead of searching for their own…..Smile