Peacock Sounds – What Sound Does a Peacock Make? The peacock is a well-known bird in the world. This animal has very beautiful feathers and they make an interesting sound that can be heard from far away. The peacocks are not just known for their beauty, but also for their ability to produce an amazing sound. These birds have many different sounds that they can make, which makes them unique among other animals on earth.
Our Other Articles – 5 Vocals: Why do Peacocks Scream? & Peachicks – Baby Peacocks **NEWBORN**
Peacock Sounds | Peacock Noises
Peacock Noises – As a General Rule Peacocks can make up to 27 Different Vocalaziations or sounds. The most common are the 1) Scream 2) Courting Calls 3) Chase Call 4) Food Call. The alarm call is a high-pitched, screeching noise that can be heard up to half a mile away. It’s one of the most commonly heard peacock sounds and is easily distinguishable from their other calls. What Sound Does a Peacock Make?
Peacocks are Large, Colorful Birds that are native to India and Southeast Asia.
They are members of the pheasant family and have a very distinctive call that sounds like “chack-chak” or “shree”. Peacocks often make this sound when they see something, such as a human being approaching their home in an outdoor aviary. This is also what makes them popular zoo animals because they make such a loud noise. What do Peacocks Sound Like? Peacock Noise, Peacock Sounds
What Sounds and Calls do Peacocks make? – This noise is usually made in the morning when peacocks are waking up and getting ready to eat breakfast. It can also be heard at night when they’re going to go to sleep, or during their mating season when males use it as part of their courting display for females who live within his territory.
This is a very distinctive sound that comes from the male peacock’s train of tail feathers. It can be heard when peacocks are disturbed and feel threatened by something in their environment.
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The female of the species does not have this same type of feathery appendage on her backside so she cannot make any sounds like this at all.

What Sounds Do Peacocks Make?
Peacocks are known for the distinctive and beautiful feathers that they fan out when courting a mate. They also have an impressive “song” which is made up of high-pitched noises such as whistles, screams, grunts, and hisses.
Peacocks make different sounds depending on what type of predator is present in the area. If a human is nearby, there are some sounds peacocks make that would not typically be associated with their behavior.
Peacock noises can range from very loud to soft and subtle depending on the situation they are in at the time. They will use different calls for various reasons including warning fellow peafowl of danger or alerting them to a food source.
Jump To Why do Peacocks Spread their Feathers? ** IRIDESCENCE**
One of the most interesting things about peacocks is that they can mimic other bird calls very accurately. Researchers believe this might be an adaptation to help them avoid becoming prey.
When threatened, peacocks will typically make a loud noise called the “alarm call”. This usually scares off predators and warns other birds in the area that there is danger.
The alarm call is a high-pitched, screeching noise that can be heard up to half a mile away. It’s one of the most commonly heard peacock sounds and is easily distinguishable from their other calls.
Other common peacock noises include:
• The “courtship call” which is a low-pitched whistle that males make to attract females
• The “chase call” which is a high-pitched scream made by males when they are chasing another male or female
• The “food call” which is a grunt or hiss made when peacocks are eating
So next time you are around peacocks, listen carefully. You might just hear one of these unique sounds that they make!
They have a unique call that sounds like “ark-ark” or “keh-keh”
When they feel threatened, peacocks will make loud calls and flap their wings
The sound of the peacock’s call is said to be similar to the cry of a monkey
Male peacocks also make a distinctive sound with their feathers called crooning which is used during mating season
This sounds like a mating call or bird song
This is done at sunrise and sunset when the peacocks are most active. They have also been known to produce this sound during rainstorms, they will often do it more frequently if they see a predator nearby. This is called their flight scream which has earned them another nickname of “shrieking pheasants”.
The female peacocks also make a sound, although it is not as loud or distinct. They will hiss and cluck to communicate with other females or they’re young.
Jump to Peachicks – Baby Peacocks
Female Peahens are much less vocal than Males but can sometimes make soft Clucking noises when Laying Eggs.
Males have a wide range of calls that can be used to communicate with other peacocks, potential mates, and warn others of danger. The most well-known call is the “pride call” which is a loud roar that can be heard up to a mile away.
Other common calls include the “flock call” which is a loud chirping used in times of alarm, the “chuckle” call that sounds like a soft chuckle and can be heard by other peacocks up to 300 yards away, and the “growl,” heard only from older males.
The “growl” call is a low-pitched, hoarse sound that is used to intimidate other males.
Peacocks also make a wide variety of sounds when they are courting. The most common courtship calls are the “purr,” which is a soft, throaty sound, and the “whistle,” a high-pitched sound that can be heard up to half a mile away.
The “wing drum” is the most spectacular of all calls and it happens when peacocks fan their tails in front of peahens while strutting around them.
Peacocks also make many other sounds like hissing, growling, cackling, and mooing that are used mainly for communication within the peacock family.
Female Peacocks Sound
A Hen (female) peacock will make a repetitive, harsh “meep” when she wants to lay eggs or protect her young.
A Peacock (male) makes sounds in the presence of other male peacocks only during mating season; these are called “boasts” which can sound like loud bellowing noises.
During mating season, peacocks will make a loud, harsh “kraw” sound when they see another male in the area. This is to let other males know their territory has been invaded and to stay away from his harem of hens.
Peacock courtship starts with the Peahen (female) waiting for her mate (male) to stretch his tail feathers and show her a glimpse of the vivid colors hidden underneath. When she is interested, he will try to entice her closer with more displays. If she likes what she sees, they can mate several times before going their separate ways again.
Peahens will also make sounds in order to communicate with other peacocks. The sound is harsh and can sometimes be mistaken for a cry of distress.
Sound Of a Peacock Cry
Peacock screams can be very loud, loud enough to cause hearing loss in humans if they are close by. The scream is made up of a rapid sequence of calls that decrease in volume over time until there’s silence again.
Peacocks also have 27 different vocalizations for other situations such as four distress calls when predators are near or five courting/displaying behaviors during the breeding season.
The peacock’s mating call is the most interesting of all their calls because it is used to attract a mate. The sound starts off slowly with low-pitched notes that get higher in pitch and faster as the call progresses. Some people say it sounds like a woman singing opera!

Why do Peacocks Scream at Night?
- Predator alert
- Courting
- Excitement
- Unfamiliar Human
Why does Peacock Cry while Dancing?
Peacocks make different sounds while dancing. Some people believe that the peacock cries because of the beauty of its own dance. The sound is like a mixture of a laugh and a sob. It is also possible that the peacock makes this noise to attract a mate. When they are together, the male and female will make these noises together.
What does it mean when a Peacock Cries?
Peacocks can make three different types of sounds: a cry (a very loud noise that is used to intimidate other peacocks), a hiss (which they use as warning or threat signals), and an angry squawk. These are all intimidating sounds, so the peacock may be trying to tell you something!
When we hear a peacock cry, we generally think of it as an aggressive sound.
What do Peacocks Fear?
- Dogs
- Some Humans
- Cats
- Peacocks are usually not scared of other animals.
- They have the upper hand when it comes to physical fights with most creatures that live in their surroundings. Peacock feathers are brightly colored, helping them attract mates and show off how healthy they are to potential predators at night!
- They also use their loud noises as a way to scare away other animals that would otherwise be a threat to them.
- Peacocks can make sounds such as hisses and rasps
- They also whistle which sounds like tweeting birds, but the males only do this during mating season
- The males make a loud call, which is actually more like a roar, and it can be heard up to a mile away!
- Females usually communicate with each other through soft cooing noises.
What are the Natural Predators of Peacocks?
The natural predators of peacocks are hawks, falcons, eagles, and other birds of prey. These raptors have keen eyesight and can spot a peacock from a distance. They also have sharp talons that can easily capture and kill the bird.
Large mammals such as tigers, leopards, and wolves may also prey on peacocks. These animals are fast and agile, making it difficult for the peacock to escape. Even snakes may prey on the bird if they can catch it unawares.
- Hawks
- Falcons
- Eagles
- Large Cats
- Lions
- Cougars
- Bobcats
- Foxes
- Wolves
- Coyotes
What Noises do Peacocks Make?
Peacocks are perhaps best known for their distinctive courtship call, which sounds like a loud wailing. However, they also make a range of other sounds, including hisses, growls, and barks. Interestingly, science has shown that peacocks use these different calls for different purposes.
For example, the loud wailing call is primarily used during courtship displays, while the hisses are generally used as a form of aggression. In addition to these vocalizations, peacocks also make a variety of mechanical sounds, such as wing rustling and feet shuffling.
These noises are thought to help communicate the bird’s location to others in the flock. All of these sounds come together to create the unique vocal repertoire of the peacock.
5 Common Sounds that Peacocks make are;
- Wailing
- Hissing
- Growling
- Barking
- Rustling of feathers/shuffling feet.
They make different sounds in mating season, and their tail feathers can do the train rattle sound.
Each noise has a different meaning and purpose, such as the loud wailing being used during courtship displays, while hisses are generally used as a form of aggression. These noises help peacocks communicate with each other and create the unique vocal repertoire of the bird. Thanks for reading! I hope this gave you a better understanding of what noises peacocks make and why they make them.
What Does a Peacock Sound Like?
The peacock is an iconic bird, best known for its colorful tail feathers. But what does a peacock sound like? The male peacock has a distinctive call that is used to attract mates and intimidate rivals.
The call is a loud, high-pitched screech that can be heard up to a mile away. Peacocks also make a variety of other vocalizations, including coos, hisses, and grunts. In addition to their vocalizations, peacocks are also known for their stunning visual displays.
The males will fan out their tails and strut around in an attempt to impress potential mates. Females usually only mate with the males who put on the best display, so the males must work hard to stand out from the crowd. Thanks to their flashy plumage and distinctive calls, peacocks are some of the most recognizable birds in the world.
If you’ve ever been lucky enough to hear a peacock up close, you know that their unique cries can be both beautiful and deafening.
Peacocks are best known for the males’ distinctive vocalizations, which they use to attract mates and intimidate rivals. The male peacock’s cry is often described as sounding like a loud, harsh screech. However, it’s actually a complex call made up of multiple notes that can vary in pitch and intensity.
Depending on the situation, a peacock’s cry can also sound like a low grunt, a loud booming noise, or even a soft coo. While the males are the most vocal members of the species, peacocks of both genders are capable of
What Sounds do Female Peacocks make?

The peacock is a beautiful bird that is known for its colorful tail feathers. The male peacock is especially popular, with its long tail feathers that can reach up to seven feet in length.
But did you know that male and female peacocks make different sounds? The female peacock makes a sound that is similar to a loud screech, while the male peacock makes a sound that has been described as sounding like someone whistling.
While the male peacock’s call is used to attract mates, the female’s call is usually used to warn other birds of potential predators or to keep her chicks close by. So next time you hear a peacock, see if you can tell whether it’s a male or a female!
What does a Peacock Sound Like?
To answer that, let me first tell you what a peacock looks like. He’s a beautiful bird, with a long tail and vibrant colors. And he’s also quite noisy.
You see, the peacock has two calls: a chuckling sound that he uses to communicate with other peacocks, and a loud shriek that he uses to scare off predators. But his most famous call is his mating call, which is a high-pitched screech that can be heard for miles. So, if you’re ever wondering what a peacock sounds like, just imagine a loud, screeching noise. That’s our boy!
What is a Peacock Sound Called?
Did you know that peacocks don’t just make noise with their tails? They also have a special call that they use to communicate with each other. This call is known as the “peacock scream.”
While it might sound like a screech to us humans, it’s actually a way for peacocks to talk to each other. The loud, high-pitched sound carries across long distances, which is helpful for birds that live in areas with lots of trees and other obstacles. peacocks also use their calls to attract mates.
The males will often make the peacock scream during courtship displays, hoping to impress potential mates with their vocal abilities. So next time you hear a peacock, listen closely for the distinctive call of the peacock scream.
Are Peahens as Loud as Peacocks?
Anyone who has ever been around a peacock knows that they are not exactly the quietest birds around. With their distinctive call and flashy tail feathers, peacocks are hard to miss. But what about their mates, the peahens?
Are these birds also known for making a lot of noise? In general, peahens are not as loud as peacocks. However, they can still make plenty of noise when they want to.
Peahens typically reserve their vocalizations for times when they are trying to attract a mate or defend their territory. So while you might not hear them calling out as often as their male counterparts, peahens can still be quite vocal when the situation calls for it.
What Bird Sounds Like a Peacock?
The peacock is a bird known for its distinctive call, which has been likened to the sound of a woman screaming. However, peacocks are not the only birds that make this type of noise.
The bird that most commonly sounds like a peacock is actually the African lovebird. These small birds are often kept as pets, and they are known for their loud, screeching calls. Like peacocks, they also have brightly colored plumage.
However, their calls are not as loud as those of peacocks, and they lack the characteristic tail feathers that give peacocks their distinctive look. While both birds may sound similar, there are some key differences that set them apart.
What is Peacock Singing?
Peacock singing is a behavior exhibited by the male peacock in which he fans out his tail feathers and makes a loud, repetitive noise. The intent of this behavior is to attract the attention of females and intimidate other males.
While the exact nature of the noise made by the peacock has not been determined, it is thought to be produced by special feathers in the tail that vibrate when the peacock struts.
This behavior is most often seen during mating season, but can also be observed year-round in some cases. Peacock singing is just one example of the many interesting behaviors exhibited by this beautiful bird.
Unique Facts about Peacock Sounds
- Peacocks are known for their loud, distinctive calls. The sound of a peacock can be heard up to a mile away and is characterized by a loud, high-pitched “ke-ow” sound.
- This sound is made by the male peacock and is used to attract potential mates.
- Peacocks also make a variety of other noises, such as a low-pitched cooing sound and a soft chirping sound.
- The peacock also has a unique alarm call which is a loud, shrieking sound that can be heard over a long distance.
- When a peacock is feeling threatened, they may make a loud hissing sound to scare off a potential predator.
- Peacocks may also make a variety of other noises such as whistles, clicks, groans, and purrs.
- Peacock feathers are known for producing a variety of unique sounds when they rub together, such as a rustling or rattling noise.
- Peacocks can also produce a variety of sounds with their beaks and wings, including clucking, snapping, and even a low-pitched humming sound.
- Peacocks can also produce a variety of noises by flapping their wings and shaking their feathers, such as a loud clapping noise.
- Peacocks are capable of producing a variety of complex vocalizations, including a variety of chirps, whistles, and clicks.
Peacocks are one of the most majestic birds in the world, with their bright feathers and beautiful calls. As such, they’ve been beloved throughout history and across many different cultures. But what do peacock sounds like, exactly?
The scientific name for a peacock’s call is “coo-coo-doo”, but its sound can vary from region to region. In some areas, they sound like a rooster crowing, while in others they sound more like a dove’s cooing. In India, the sound has been described as “a soft, musical trill”.
peacock sound name
sound of peacock
what noise does a peacock make
Peacocks are also known to make a variety of other sounds, including chirps, cackles, and hisses. These are usually heard when they’re trying to ward off a potential predator or when they’re excited. The loudest sound they can make is known as “screaming”, which is usually heard when a peacock is startled or alarmed.
Interestingly, the call of a peacock is believed to be a reminder of the spiritual power of the bird. In Hinduism, the peacock is associated with the god Kartikeya, and its call is said to be a sign of good luck. In some cultures, it’s also believed that the peacock’s call can ward off negative energy.
Whether you’re captivated by the magical sound of the peacock or you’re simply curious about what it sounds like, it’s worth taking a listen and see if you can pick out the various tones and notes. It’s a reminder of the beauty and power of nature, and a reminder that sometimes the most beautiful things in life can’t be put into words.
Final Thoughts – What do Peacock Sounds Like?
In Summary:
Peacocks make three kinds of sounds: a cry, a hiss, and an angry squawk. The peacock’s mating call is the most interesting as it starts off slowly with low-pitched notes that get higher in pitch and faster as the call progresses. Some people say it sounds like a woman singing opera!
When we hear a peacock cry, we generally think of it as an aggressive sound.
Peacocks can make a loud call, which is actually more like a roar, and it can be heard up to a mile away! The natural predators of the peacock are hawks, falcons, eagles, and other birds of prey.