As a general rule Peacocks Defend themselves in different ways depending on the circumstances. They have strong legs to run, they have bright colors to intimidate especially when they spread their feathers. They have claws and spurs to attack with their legs. They can attack with their beaks.
How do Peacocks Defend Themselves?
Peacocks are known for their beautiful feathers, but what do they use them for? The peacock’s plumage is an amazing defense mechanism that helps it to survive. A peacock will usually spread its tail feathers and make the eyespots on its tail really stand out in order to scare away predators. They also have a loud screech that can be heard from up to 200 yards away!
See Amazons Educational Resources on Raising Peacocks
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When Do Peacocks Spread Their Feathers
- Beaks – a peacock’s bead can inflict a lot of damage, with a sharp point and serrated edges. They are also powerful enough to break the neck of prey.
- Claws – peacocks have sharp claws on their feet which they use for defense as well as climbing trees to find food.
- Spurs – males have spurs on their legs that can be up to two inches long. They use these to attack other males in fights over females during mating season, and can be very dangerous – drawing blood up to seven inches away!
- Legs – peacocks have really powerful legs that are perfect for running long distances at speeds of 30mph, but also kicking predators with their sharp claws.
- Tails – the plumage on a peacock’s tail is not just for decoration! The large, eye-catching feathers can help to deter predators from attacking. In addition, the peacock has a loud screech that it can use to scare away enemies.
- Flight – a peacock is a prey animal and it will always flee rather than attack, if threatened it can fly up to 25 mph.
- Eyesight – a peacock’s eyesight is a lot sharper than humans, which helps them to see predators from far away.
- Their bright colors and strong defenses help peacocks survive in the wild!
- Hearing – a peacock’s hearing is also very sharp, and they can hear predators coming from far away. This helps them to escape danger before it becomes too dangerous.
- Feather Expansion / Train expansion – a peacock when threatened will expand its train, making itself seem much larger and more intimidating.
- As a general rule Peacocks Defend themselves in different ways depending on the circumstances. They have strong legs to run, they have bright colors to intimidate especially when they spread their feathers. They have claws and spurs to attack with their legs. They can attack with their beaks.
Are Peacocks Dangerous to Humans?
Final Thoughts
Peacocks are prey animals, they will if given the choice will always flee rather than attack. Though they may seem defenseless, their plumage and defenses can help them to survive in the wild. With strong legs for running, bright colors to intimidate predators, sharp claws and beaks, and a loud screech, peacocks are well equipped to defend themselves from danger.
They will run, they will flee, they will hide, they will fly to escape, if cornered they will try to fight and protect themselves.