Chicks, Peeps, Biddies, and baby chickens are called chicks. 3-month-old females become pullets (until they start laying eggs around 6 months) and an adult female that lays eggs is a hen while males can be either roosters or cockerels depending on what breed it may come from!
What is a Young Female Chicken Called?
What are young chickens called? This is a question that many people have, but it is not always easy to find the answer. Baby chickens are also known as chicks. They are sometimes called hatchlings or poults, depending on their age. In this blog post, we will discuss the different names of baby chickens and provide some interesting facts about them! What are Baby Chickens Called? What is a Young Female Chicken Called ?

Why Are Baby Chickens are Called Chicks?
Baby Chickens are called chicks because they are small and cute. also, when they are born, they have a lot of energy and need to be constantly moving around. What are Baby Chicks Called
Small Young Chicks can be young males or young hens (female chicks), these are also same title for All chicken breeds young Chickens. A group of Baby Chicks is called a brood.
What are the terminology definitions for groups of Chickens? ( Hens / Hen)
- Adult Birds – A mature chicken that is one year old or older.
- Cockerel – A male chicken that is less than one year old.
- Pullet – A female chicken that is less than one year old.
- Broiler – A young chicken (usually up to eight weeks old) raised specifically for meat production.
- Fryer – A chicken that is between the ages of eight and twelve weeks old.
- Roaster – A chicken that is older than 12 weeks, but not quite ready to be considered an adult bird.
- Capon – A male chicken that has been castrated; typically this makes them larger and their meat more tender.
- Poult – A young chicken of either gender.
- Chick – A baby chicken of either gender. This term is most often used when referring to newly hatched chicks.
- Hen – An adult female chicken.
- Bantam – A small chicken, usually less than two-thirds the size of a standard chicken breed.
- Organic Chicken – Chickens that have been raised according to specific organic standards. These standards include guidelines for feed, housing, and overall care.
- Pasture-Raised Chicken – Chickens that are raised on pasture land where they have access to grass, bugs, and other natural chicken foods.
- Free-Range Chicken – Chickens that are allowed to roam freely, typically within a certain area.
- Heritage Chicken – Chickens that come from breeds that were popular in the past, but are now considered rare. These chickens are often used for egg production.
- Hybrid Chicken – Chickens that are a cross between two different chicken breeds. These chickens are often higher-producing than other types
- Older Hens – Hens that are no longer productive layer hens, but can still be used for other purposes such as chicken soup or stew.
- Mother Chicken – A hen that is used for incubating and hatching eggs.
- Cock – An adult male chicken.
- Rooster – A male chicken that is less than one year old.
- Stag – A male chicken that has been castrated; typically this makes them larger and their meat more tender.
- Group of Baby Chickens are Called – Chicks, Poults, or Pullets.
- Group of Adult Chickens are Called – A Flock of Chickens.
- Group of Castrated Male Chickens are Called – Stags or Capons
- Group of Female Chickens over One-Year-Old are Called – Hens
- Peep of Chicks – A newly hatched chick.
- Immature Female Chicken – A pullet.
- Immature Male Chicken – A cockerel or rooster.
- Group of Hens – A flock of chickens.
- Brood of Chickens – A group of chicks being raised together.
- A clutch of Eggs – The number of eggs a chicken lays at one time.
- Adult Female Chicken – A hen.
- Baby Hens – Chicks.
- Female Baby Chickens – Pullets.
- Male Baby Chickens – Cockerels or roosters.
- Juvenile Chickens – Broilers, fryers, or roasters.
- Grown Male Chicken – A cock.
- Castrated Male Chicken – Stag or capon.
- Grown Female Chicken – A hen.
- Chicken Breeders – Poultry farmers.
- Baby Roosters – Chicks.
- Lay Pullets – Female chickens that have reached the age where they will start laying eggs.
- Layer Hens – Chickens that are kept for egg production
- Father Chicken – A rooster.
- Meat Chicken – A chicken raised for meat production.
- Cull Hens – Chickens that are no longer productive layer hens and are typically sold for chicken soup or stew.
- Industry Chickens – Chickens were raised in large numbers for meat or egg production.
- Dual Purpose breed – A chicken breed that is used for both meat and egg production.
- Egg Layers – Chickens that are kept for egg production.
What Sex are Chicks? ( Female Chickens)
Chicks can be either male or female. The majority of chicks that are sold in stores are females because they will lay eggs when they grow up. Males are typically used for meat production. What are Baby Chickens Called? Jump to 12 Ways to Make Money by Chicken Farming **CHARTS**
Paragraph For Amazon Resources for Raising Meat Chickens
What is there Anatomy of a Chicken Some of the Anatomy of a chicken include;
- Primary Feathers – The primary feathers’ function is to provide lift while flying.
- Secondary Feathers – The secondary feathers are located on the chicken’s wing and help to keep the chicken stable in flight.
- Tail Feathers – The tail feathers are used for steering and braking while in flight.
- Wattle – The wattle is a fleshy protuberance on the neck of a chicken. The wattle is used to attract mates.
- Comb – The comb is a fleshy protuberance on the head of a chicken. The comb is used to regulate the chicken’s body temperature.
- Beak – The beak is an important part of the chicken’s anatomy as it is used for eating and drinking.
- Eyes – The eyes of a chicken are located on the sides of its head and provide the chicken with binocular vision.
- Legs – The legs of a chicken are used for walking and perching.
- Cloaca – The cloaca is an opening at the end of the chicken’s digestive tract. The cloaca is used for the elimination of wastes and for reproduction.
- Wing Feathers – The wing feathers are used for flying.
- Larger Comb – some breeds of chicken have a larger comb which is used to cool their head.
- Egg Tooth – inside the egg is a small tooth that the chick uses to break out of the egg.
- Saddle Feathers – the chicken’s saddle is for insulation and to attract mates.
- Thicker Legs – Some breeds and roosters have thicker legs to help support their body weight.
- Spurs – Spurs are located on the back of a chicken’s leg and are used for fighting.
- Reproductive Organs the basic reproductive organs are the same in both the male and female chickens. These include the comb, wattles, Cloaca, oviduct, ovary, and testes.
- The males have an additional reproductive organ called the spermatic cord which runs from the testes to the cloaca. This is where sperm is stored before it is ejaculated.
The anatomy of a chicken is fascinating and complex. Each part of the chicken’s body plays an important role in its daily life. From the primary feathers that provide lift while flying to the beak that is used for eating and drinking
What age Range are Chicks?
Chicks range in age from 0-16 weeks old. At 0-12 weeks old, they are considered chicks. From 12-16 weeks old, they are called pullets if female or cockerels if male. After 16 weeks, they become hens (females) or roosters (males).
What is Best Feed for Baby Chickens?
The best feed for baby chickens is a high-quality chick starter. This type of feed is higher in protein and fat than regular chicken feed, which helps chicks grow quickly and develop strong bones and feathers.
You can buy Chick feed online, any Farm Mills. They will also do a special mix for you if you ask.

How to Care for Baby Chickens?
Caring for baby chickens is not difficult, but there are a few things you need to do to make sure they stay healthy and happy.
First, you need to provide them with fresh water and food at all times. Chicks should have access to water so they can drink whenever they want. They also need a high-quality chick starter feed that is rich in protein and fat.
Second, you need to keep their living area clean. This means cleaning out their brooder (a container where chicks live) regularly and making sure there is no build-up of dirt or manure. Third, you need to make sure the temperature in their brooder is warm enough. Chicks need a temperature of 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit for the first week of life, and then the temperature can be slowly decreased by five degrees each week until it reaches 70 degrees.
Finally, you need to provide them with plenty of space to move around. Chicks should have at least two square feet of space per chick. If they are crowded, they will become stressed and may start pecking at each other.
Providing these basic needs for your chicks will help them grow into healthy chickens that will lay plenty of eggs!
Can I Hatch our Own Baby Chicks
If you have a hen that is broody (wanting to sit on eggs to hatch them), then you can let her hatch her own chicks. However, it is often easier to incubate the eggs yourself using an electric chicken egg incubator. This way, you can be sure that the eggs will hatch successfully and that the chicks will be healthy.
What is a Chicken Egg Incubator?
A chicken egg incubator is a device that is used to hatch chicken eggs. It provides the perfect environment for the eggs, keeping them at a constant temperature and humidity level. The incubator will also turn the eggs regularly, which is necessary for proper development.
What are the types of Egg Incubators available?
The types are:
- Small incubators that can hold up to 50 eggs
- Medium incubators that can hold up to 100 eggs
- Large incubators that can hold up to 200 eggs

What is the hatching process?
- The hatching process takes 21 days from the time the egg is laid. During this time, the chick will develop inside the egg and absorb the yolk for nourishment. On day 21, the chick will begin to pip (make a small hole in the eggshell) and then hatch out. Once it has hatched, it will be wet and exhausted from all its effort! It is important to provide warmth and food (such as chick crumbs) for the newly hatched chick.
- Incubators regulate Heat – The temperature inside the incubator must be kept at a constant 99.
- Fahrenheit for the eggs to hatch successfully. Most incubators have a built-in thermostat to regulate the temperature.
- They also provide Humidity – The humidity level inside the incubator must be kept at a certain level or the eggs will not hatch properly. Too much humidity will cause the chicks to drown inside their shells and too little humidity will cause them to dehydrate and die.
- Most incubators have a system that automatically adds water to the air to keep the humidity at the correct level.
- They also turn Eggs – The eggs must be turned regularly (usually every few hours) during incubation so that they do not stick to one side of the shell. This turning helps the chick develop properly inside the egg.
- Some incubators have a motor that turns the eggs automatically, while others must be turned by hand.
What is a DIY Chicken Brooder?
A chicken brooder is a heated enclosure where chicks can go to stay warm. The brooder should have a heat lamp to provide warmth, as well as food and water. The sides of the brooder should be high enough so that the chicks cannot escape.
You can Build a DIY Brooder by following these simple instructions:
First, you will need to gather some supplies. You will need a large plastic storage bin, a heat lamp, a thermometer, chicken wire, and wood screws.
Next, you will need to cut two holes in the storage bin for ventilation. One hole should be near the top of the bin and the other should be near the bottom.
Then, you will need to attach the chicken wire to the top of the bin using wood screws. This will create a mesh ceiling that will allow air to flow into the brooder while keeping the chicks from escaping.
Now, you will need to place the heat lamp inside the brooder and position it so that it is not touching any of the surfaces. The heat lamp should be placed on one side of the brooder so that the chicks can move away from the heat if they get too warm.
You will also need to place a thermometer inside the brooder so that you can monitor the temperature. The ideal temperature for a brooder is 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Once you have assembled the brooder, you will need to add some bedding. You can use shredded newspaper, straw, or wood shavings. The bedding should be about two inches deep.
Now, you are ready to add your chicks! Chicks should be added to the brooder at a rate of one chick per square foot of space. So, if your brooder is four square feet, you should add four chicks.
The brooder should be kept at the correct temperature and humidity levels for the first few weeks of the chicks’ lives. After that, you can slowly start to reduce the temperature and humidity until they are able to tolerate the conditions outside.
You will also need to provide food and water for the chicks inside the brooder. A chick feeder and waterer can be purchased at your local farm store or online. The feeder should be filled with quality chick starter feed and the waterer should be filled with fresh, clean water.
Chicks need to eat frequently, so you will need to check their food and water levels several times per day. The brooder should also be cleaned out regularly to prevent the spread of disease.
Now that you know how to build a DIY chicken brooder, you will be able to provide your chicks with a safe and warm place to live.
What is a DIY Chicken Coop?
A chicken coop is a structure where chickens can live and lay their eggs. The coop should have an enclosed area for the chickens to sleep in at night and a separate area for them to roam during the day. The coop should also have a nesting box where the chickens can lay their eggs.
The size of the chicken coop will depend on the number of chickens you have. For example, if you have four chickens, you will need a minimum of four square feet per chicken. This means that your coop should be at least 16 square feet.
When choosing a location for your chicken coop, you will need to consider the following:
- The coop should be located in an area that gets plenty of sunlight.
- The coop should be located in an area that is protected from strong winds.
- The coop should be located in an area with good drainage.
Once you have chosen the perfect location for your chicken coop, you will need to start construction. You can build a simple chicken coop using lumber and chicken wire. The floor of the coop should be made out of solid lumber so that it is easy to clean. The walls and roof can be made out of either chicken wire or plywood.
The chicken coop should have two doors, one for the chickens to enter and exit and one for you to enter and exit. The door for the chickens should be large enough for them to get in and out easily but small enough to keep predators out. The door for you should be big enough so that you can clean the coop easily.
You will also need to install a chicken ramp so that the chickens can get in and out of the coop easily. The ramp should be made out of non-slip material so that the chickens can grip it easily.
What Types of Heat Lamps should I use for my Chicks?
There are two types of heat lamps that can be used for chicks: red and clear. Red heat lamps are typically used for brooding, as they provide a warm, comfortable environment for the chicks. Clear heat lamps can be used for both brooding and growing, as they provide a brighter light that is necessary for proper development.
What is Baby Chicken Meat Called?
Meat from a young chicken is called “poussin” or “spring chicken” while meat from an older chicken is simply called “chicken”. Poussin meat is tenderer than chicken and has a delicate flavor. It can be roasted, grilled, or stewed and is often used in French cuisine. Spring chicken meat is also tender with a delicate flavor. It can be cooked using any method, but it is often roasted or grilled. Chicken that has been allowed to mature longer will have firmer flesh and a stronger flavor. This type of chicken can be cooked using any method, but it is often braised or stewed.
Now that you know the different names for baby chickens, as well as some interesting facts about them, you can impress your friends and family with your knowledge! Be sure to check out our website for more information about chickens, as well as other farm animals. Thanks for reading!`
What are Baby Turkeys Called?
Baby turkeys are called poults. Poults are small and have a lot of energy. They need to be constantly moving around to stay warm. Poults can be either male or female. The majority of poults that are sold in stores are females because they will lay eggs when they grow up.
Males are typically used for meat production. Poults range in age from 0-16 weeks old. At 0-12 weeks old, they are considered chicks. From 12-16 weeks old, they are called pullets if female or cockerels if male. After 16 weeks, they become hens (females) or roosters (males).
The best feed for baby turkeys is a high-quality turkey starter. This type of feed is higher in protein and fat than regular chicken feed, which helps chicks grow quickly and develop strong bones and feathers. If you have a hen that is broody (wanting to sit on eggs to hatch them), then you can let her hatch her own chicks.
However, it is often easier to incubate the eggs yourself using an electric chicken egg incubator. This way, you can be sure that the eggs will hatch successfully and that the chicks will be healthy
What is a Young Female Chicken Called?
A Young Female chicken is called a pullet.
A pullet is a young hen that has not yet reached maturity and begun to lay eggs. The term is used mainly in the poultry industry, but can also apply to other domesticated birds. A pullet must be at least 18 weeks old before it can begin to lay eggs.
Pullets are usually kept separate from other chickens because they are more delicate and susceptible to disease. They are also less likely to attack humans or other animals because they have not yet reached sexual maturity. When a pullet reaches maturity, it becomes a hen.`
What is a Young Male Chicken Called?
A Young male chicken is called a Cockerel.
A cockerel is a young rooster that has not yet reached sexual maturity. The term is used mainly in the poultry industry, but can also apply to other domesticated birds. A cockerel must be at least 18 weeks old before it can begin to grow and mate.
Cockerels are usually kept separate from other chickens because they are more aggressive and can harm smaller birds. They are also more likely to attack humans or other animals because they have not yet been neutered. When a cockerel reaches sexual maturity, it becomes a rooster.`

What is a Group of Chickens Called?
A group of chickens is typically referred to as a flock, but can also be called a brood or clutch.
A flock is a group of chickens that are typically kept together for egg production or meat. A brood is a group of chicks that are being raised together. A clutch is a group of eggs that have been laid by the same hen.
Chickens typically live in flocks of around 20 birds, but this number can vary depending on the type of chicken and the amount of space available.`
What is Male Chicken Called?
An adult male chicken is typically referred to as a rooster, but can also be called a cock or cockerel.
A rooster is an adult male chicken that has reached sexual maturity and is able to mate. A cock is an adult male chicken that has not yet been neutered. A cockerel is a young male chicken that has not yet reached sexual maturity.
Roosters are typically kept separate from other chickens because they are more aggressive and can harm smaller birds. They are also more likely to attack humans or other animals because they have not yet been neutered.`
What is a Mature Male Chicken Called?
A mature male chicken is typically referred to as a rooster, but can also be called a cock or cockerel.
A rooster is an adult male chicken that has reached sexual maturity and is able to mate. A cock is an adult male chicken that has not yet been neutered.
Final Thoughts – What are Baby Chickens Called?
When raising baby chicks, it is important to give them the best care possible. By providing them with a high-quality chick starter feed, keeping them in a warm brooder, and using the right type of heat lamp, you can be sure that your chicks will grow up to be healthy and strong chickens! Thanks for reading!