Rabbits as a general rule will dig in their cages because they are 1) Instinctual 2) Pregnant Digging and scratching is normal behavior for rabbits. If a pet rabbit providing a digging Box can be quite helpful
Why is my Rabbit Digging in her Cage?
Digging is a natural behavior for rabbits. They dig to create a burrow in which they can live, hide from predators, and store food. If your rabbit is digging in her cage, there are probably a few reasons why. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common reasons why rabbits dig in their cages, and we will provide tips on how to prevent this behavior. Jump to 18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming **CHARTS**
What are Some Common Reasons Why Rabbits Dig in their Cages?
When a Pet Rabbit begins scratching and trying to dig in earnest, it is termed ‘normal behavior’. It is instinctual for them to do this as their wild ancestors would dig burrows in which to live, hide from predators and store food.

Rabbits have a normal instinct to burrow and dig. This is because their ancestors would dig burrows in order to live, hide from predators, and store food. Their long nails allow them to dig easily, and they will often scratch at the ground or use their front paws to dig. Why is my Rabbit Digging in her Cage?
This also helps wear down their nails, which grow constantly.
If your rabbit is scratching and trying to dig in earnest, it is termed “normal behavior.” Instinctual behaviors are those that are natural and occur without any prompting from humans.
If your rabbit is pregnant, she may be digging in her cage to create a nesting area. Pregnant rabbits will often prepare a nest of hay and bedding in which to give birth.
Some rabbits will start to dig in their cages when they are pregnant. This is because they are preparing a burrow for their unborn babies.
Another reason your rabbit might be digging in her cage is that she is pregnant. If you have recently acquired a female rabbit and are not sure if she has been spayed, it is important to take her to the vet for a check-up. If your rabbit is pregnant, she will likely start digging more around the time she gives birth.
How can you Stop your Rabbit from Digging in her Cage?
If your rabbit is digging in her cage for one of the reasons mentioned above, there are a few things you can do to stop her from doing this. One way to deter your rabbit from digging is to provide her with a designated digging area outside of her cage. You can do this by placing a sandbox, hay rack, or another type of designated digging area in an easily-accessible location.
Another way to stop your rabbit from digging in her cage is to make sure that the cage is clean and free of debris. Be sure to give your rabbit a fresh litter box every day, and empty it regularly. You should also check the cage for any sharp objects or pieces of wire that could injure your rabbit.
It is also important to provide your rabbit with a healthy and stimulating environment. Make sure that the cage contains plenty of toys and fun activities for your rabbit to play with.

What Should you do if your Rabbit starts to Dig Outside of her Cage Instead?
If your rabbit is digging outside of her cage instead of in it, there might be a different reason for this behavior. Some common reasons why rabbits might start digging outside of their cages include boredom, stress, and lack of exercise.
If you think that your rabbit is digging outside of her cage because she is bored, you can try to provide her with more toys and activities to keep her occupied. If your rabbit is stressed or lacks exercise, you should consider taking her for walks or playing with her more often.
In order to ensure that your rabbit has a healthy and stimulating environment, it is important to provide her with both indoor and outdoor space to dig in. By following the tips in this blog post, you can help your rabbit stay healthy and happy while preventing her from digging in her cage.
How to Provide a Rabbit Digging Box?
You can build or buy a digging box for your rabbit. A digging box is a designated area where your rabbit can dig and play to her heart’s content.
There are a few things you need to consider when building or buying a digging box for your rabbit. The first thing you need to think about is size. The box should be large enough for your rabbit to fit inside comfortably.
The next thing you need to consider is location. The box should be placed in an easily accessible location so that your rabbit can get to it quickly.
You also need to make sure that the box is safe for your rabbit to use. It should be made from sturdy materials that can withstand being chewed on, and it should have a solid bottom so that your rabbit cannot dig through it.
The final thing you need to think about is the type of material you want your box to be made from. Options include wood, plastic, or metal.
If you are handy with tools, you can easily build a digging box for your rabbit using wood scraps and a few nails. If you prefer, you can buy a ready-made digging box at most pet stores. Whichever option you choose, make sure that the digging box is large enough for your rabbit to play in and that it is safe for her to use.
Final Thoughts – Why is my Rabbit Digging in her Cage?
By providing your rabbit with a designated area to dig, you can help prevent her from digging in her cage and ensure that she has a healthy and stimulating environment. Happy Digging!