How Big Do Flemish Giant Rabbits Get?
If you are thinking about getting a Flemish giant rabbit, you may be wondering how big they get. These bunnies can grow to be quite large, and it is important to make sure you have enough space for them before bringing one home. In this article, we will discuss the average size of a Flemish giant rabbit, as well as some things to consider before bringing one into your home.
Flemish giant rabbits are the largest breed of the domestic rabbit and can weigh up to 20 pounds. They are characterized by their large size, thick fur, and short, square bodies. Originally from Belgium, Flemish giant rabbits were first imported to the United States in the early 1900s.
Today, they are one of the most popular breeds of pet rabbits. In addition to their size, Flemish giant rabbits are also known for their gentle dispositions and good tempers. How Big Do Flemish Giant Rabbits Get?
Check Out Amazon for Resources about Breeding Rabbits
They make great companion animals and can be easily trained to do tricks. If you’re looking for a large and friendly pet rabbit, a Flemish giant may be the perfect choice for you.

Flemish Giant is the Largest Breed of Rabbit
The Flemish Giant is the largest breed of rabbit in the world. They weigh an average of 20 pounds and can grow up to 30 inches long. Flemish Giants are very friendly animals and make great companion pets. Despite their large size, they are actually quite gentle creatures.
If you’re considering getting a Flemish Giant rabbit, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
First, these rabbits require a lot of space. They need room to run and play, so if you live in an apartment or small house, it may not be the best environment for them.
Secondly, Flemish Giants are known for being messy eaters, so be prepared to clean up after them.
Finally, because of their large size, they may not do well with small children who might accidentally hurt them.
If you have the space and resources to care for a Flemish Giant, they make great pets. They are friendly, intelligent animals that will provide you with hours of enjoyment. Just be sure to do your research before bringing one home, and always consult with a veterinarian if you have any questions about their care.

How Big are Flemish Giant Rabbits?
They can weigh up to 16 – 22 pounds and grow up to two feet long.
Flemish Giant rabbits are the largest breed of domestic rabbit. They were originally bred in Belgium and can weigh up to 22 pounds. They have thick fur, short square bodies, and are known for their gentle dispositions and good tempers. If you’re looking for a large, friendly pet rabbit, a Flemish Giant may be the perfect choice for you.
What Colors are Flemish Giant Rabbits?
Flemish Rabbits come in 7 Colors
The Flemish Giant rabbit comes in a variety of colors, including black, blue, fawn, light gray, sandy, steel gray, and white. They have thick fur that is soft to the touch and they are known for their gentle dispositions and good tempers. If you’re looking for a large, friendly pet rabbit, a Flemish Giant may be the perfect choice for you.
Temperament and Behavior
Despite their size, they make great pets and are very docile animals. They are known for being gentle and good-natured, which makes them great around children. They are also intelligent creatures and can be easily trained to do tricks. If you’re looking for a large, friendly pet rabbit, a Flemish Giant may be the perfect choice for you.
Caring for a Flemish Giant Rabbit
Flemish Giants require a lot of space and should have access to a large enclosure where they can run and play. They also need plenty of hay, fresh vegetables, and water. Because they are such messy eaters, it is important to clean their cages regularly. Finally, because of their size, they may not do well with small children who might accidentally hurt them. If you have the space and resources to care for a Flemish Giant, they make great pets.
How Much Space do I need?
Flemish Giants need plenty of room to roam and should have a hutch that is at least six square feet.
The Flemish Giant is the largest breed of domestic rabbit, and they need plenty of space to roam. They should have a hutch that is at least six square feet.
If you live in an apartment or small house, it may not be the best environment for them. Secondly, Flemish Giants are known for being messy eaters, so be prepared to clean up after them. Finally, because of their large size, they may not do well with small children who might accidentally hurt them.
Diet and Daily Feeding
They eat a lot – as much as two cups of food per day – so be prepared to invest in good quality food.
The Giant Flemish Rabbit is a heavyset bunny that can weigh up to 22 pounds. As such, they require a diet that is high in calories and fat. A diet of hay, pellets, vegetables, and water should be available at all times. For hay, alfalfa is best for younger rabbits while adult rabbits do well on a mix of timothy and oat hay.
Adult rabbits should also have a small number of fresh vegetables daily. Feeding should be done in the morning and evening to prevent digestive issues. When feeding fresh vegetables, introduce them slowly to avoid gastrointestinal upset.
Start with one or two tablespoons per day and increase as tolerated. Water should be available at all times and changed daily. A water bottle with a sipper tube is ideal for preventing spills.
Giant Flemish rabbits are a popular breed of domestic rabbit, known for their large size and gentle temperament. While they make great pets, it’s important to be aware of their dietary needs in order to keep them healthy and happy. Here is an overview of what to feed your Giant Flemish rabbit, and how often to do so.
Giant Flemish rabbits should have a diet that consists mostly of hay, fresh vegetables, and a small number of pellets. Hay is essential for their digestive health, so it should be available at all times. Fresh vegetables should be given daily and can include dark leafy greens, carrots, and cucumbers.
Pellets should be given in small amounts, as they are a concentrated source of nutrients. The exact amount will vary depending on the brand and your rabbit’s individual needs. Always consult with your veterinarian for specific recommendations.
In terms of daily feeding, Giant Flemish rabbits should have unlimited hay available at all times. Their fresh vegetables can be given once or twice a day, and pellets should be given in small amounts (no more than 1/4 cup per day). It’s also important to provide fresh water daily. If you’re unsure about anything
Handling your Flemish Giant Rabbit
Flemish Giant Rabbits are large, powerful rabbits that require careful handling. They are not recommended for first-time rabbit owners. When picking up a Flemish Giant Rabbit, always support their hind end and use both hands. Never pick them up by the ears or scruff of the neck.
These rabbits are also known for being very active, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of space to run and play. A hutch or cage is not sufficient; a room or large enclosure is necessary. When interacting with your Flemish Giant Rabbit, always be gentle and patient.
Allow them to approach you on their own terms. Provide them with plenty of toys and chew items to keep them occupied, and make sure to handle them regularly so they become accustomed to human contact. With proper care, a Flemish Giant Rabbit can make a wonderful pet.
Grooming your Flemish Giant Rabbit
The Flemish Giant Rabbit is a large breed of rabbit that can weigh up to 20 pounds. As such, they require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy and free of mats. Grooming also helps to reduce shedding, which is important for both pet and owner.
The best time to groom your Flemish Giant Rabbit is after they have been exercised, as this will help to loosen any dirt or debris that may be trapped in their coat. Start by using a wide-toothed comb to gently detangle their fur. Then, use a soft brush to step the coat in the direction of growth. Finish by wiping down their coat with a damp cloth. Regular grooming is essential for keeping your Flemish Giant Rabbit healthy and happy.
The Flemish Giant Rabbit is a popular pet for many reasons, including their gentle nature and easy-to-care-for coat. However, because of their size and fur type, grooming these rabbits can be a bit of a challenge. Here are some tips to help you keep your Flemish Giant looking its best.
- First, it’s important to choose the right brush. A soft-bristled brush is best for removing loose hair and detangling knots. You may also want to consider using a comb to get rid of any mats or tangles.
- Next, be sure to give your rabbit a good brushing at least once a week. The frequency will depend on the length of your rabbit’s coat – longer coats will need to be brushed more often.
- Finally, don’t forget to trim your rabbit’s nails on a regular basis.
- Overgrown nails can be uncomfortable for your pet and can also lead to scratching furniture or yourself. With a little time and effort, you can easily keep your Flemish Giant well-groomed and looking its best.
What Veterinary Care do Flemish Giant Rabbits Need?
Like all rabbits, they require regular vet check-ups to ensure good health
Flemish Giant Rabbits are one of the largest breeds of rabbits, and they require special care to stay healthy. Because of their size, they are more susceptible to obesity, so it is important to provide them with a diet that is high in fiber and low in calories.
They also need plenty of exercises to prevent joint problems. As with any breed of rabbit, it is important to have them spayed or neutered to help reduce aggression and unwanted reproduction. When it comes to vaccinations,
Flemish Giant Rabbits need the same shots as any other rabbit: RHDV1 and RHDV2 for rabbit hemorrhagic disease, myxomatosis, and VHD for viral hemorrhagic disease. They should also be given regular check-ups by a veterinarian to ensure that they are staying healthy. With proper care, Flemish Giant Rabbits can make excellent pets.
National Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders
There is an Organization “National Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders“
The National Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders is a non-profit organization that promotes the breeding and welfare of Flemish giant rabbits. The federation was founded in Belgium in 1891, and today it has members in over 30 countries around the world.
The federation provides information and support to breeders, exhibitors, and pet owners, and it also works to improve the health and welfare of Flemish giant rabbits. In addition, the federation promotes responsible rabbit ownership through education and awareness campaigns.
For example, the federation offers an online course on rabbit care, which covers topics such as diet, housing, and health care. The course is open to anyone who wishes to learn more about how to care for their Flemish giant rabbit.
Membership benefits include access to the NFFGB database of registered rabbits, discounts on rabbit supplies and show entry fees, and a subscription to the quarterly magazine, The Flemish Gazette.
History of Flemish Giant Rabbit Breed
The Flemish Giant Rabbit is a large breed of domestic rabbit originating in Flanders, Belgium. They are one of the oldest rabbit breeds dating back to the 16th century and were originally bred for meat and fur. However, they soon became popular as house pets due to their docile and friendly nature.
Today, they are commonly kept as companion animals and show rabbits. They come in a variety of colors including black, blue, fawn, sandy, and white. The Flemish Giant Rabbit is the largest breed of the domestic rabbit and can weigh up to 20 pounds or more. They typically have a lifespan of 8-12 years. Despite their large size, they are gentle giants and make excellent pets for families with children.
17 Best Practices for Breeding Flemish Giant Rabbits
The Best Breeding Practices for Giant Flemish Rabbits are;
- Minimizing Inbreeding
- Maximizing Genetic Diversity
- Selecting for Health and Temperament
- Providing Proper Nutrition
- Exercising Caution with Anesthesia
- Offering Plenty of Space
- Building Strong Socialization Skills
- Encouraging Natural behaviors
- Bonding with Your Rabbit
- Spaying and Neutering
- Vaccinating Against Disease
- Taking Precautions against Heatstroke
- Preventing Flystrike
- Checking for parasites regularly
- Caring for a Flemish Giant Rabbit
- Flemish Giant rabbits require the same basic care as any other breed of domestic rabbit. They need a clean, spacious cage or hutch that is big enough for them to move around in, and they should be allowed out of their cage for exercise every day. Their diet should consist of hay, fresh vegetables, and a small number of pellets. They also need access to fresh water at all times.
- Flemish Giant rabbits are relatively easy to care for and make excellent house pets. With proper care, they can live for eight to twelve years.
If you’re considering adding a Flemish Giant rabbit to your family, be sure to do your research and find a reputable breeder. These gentle giants make wonderful companion animals, but they require some special care. With a little knowledge and preparation, you’ll be able to provide your Flemish Giant with everything he needs to thrive.
Final Thoughts – How Big Do Flemish Giant Rabbits Get?
Flemish Giant Rabbits are one of the largest breeds of rabbits, and they can weigh up to 20 pounds. They are also very strong, and their powerful hind legs can deliver a kick that can knock over a small child. As a result, it is important to handle them with care.
When picking up a Flemish Giant Rabbit, support its hind end with one hand and its chest with the other. Never pick up the rabbit by its ears, as this can cause pain and damage. In addition, be careful not to put too much pressure on its back, as this can result in an injury.