There’s nothing quite like the sight of a hawk swooping down on your chickens to steal them away. If you’ve ever had this problem, you know just how frustrating it can be. Hawks are relentless predators and can quickly decimate your flock if you don’t take steps to protect them. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks for getting rid of hawks from your chickens.
How to Get Rid of Hawks (Chicken Hawk) from Chickens
Hawks can be a real problem for farmers with chickens, especially free-range chickens. Not only do they prey on the chickens, but they can also spread disease. There are a few different ways to get rid of hawks from chickens. They are aerial Predators so you will need to take steps to make it harder for them to get to your chickens.

This is especially difficult if you free-range your chickens. But, there are a few things you can do to make it more difficult for hawks to get to your chickens.
See Our Article – 13 Chicken Predators: What Animals Kills Chickens Without eating Them?
See Amazons Educational Resources on Poultry Predators
Chickens are easy prey, being small animals, and love to forage in open areas
Hawks have Keen Eyesight
They love to scout from Tall trees. They can be quite a headache for the poultry owner. These are very common throughout North America and are now common in rural areas.
Here are 17 Tips on how to protect your Chickens from Hawks;
- Covered Chicken Run
- Black Australorp Chickens
- Hardware Cloth
- Reflective Tape
- Fishing Line
- Wind Chimes
- Field Shelters
- Natural Shrubs
- Encourage Mobbing Birds
- Shinny Flapping Objects (Old CD’s, Tin Pans)
- Scarecrow
- Rooster
- Guard Dog
- Guard Goat
- Guard Alpaca
- Guard Donkey
- Guard Geese
- Chicken Coop – Open during the day
- Fake Owl – Owl Decoy
- Fake Crows
- Fake Foxes
- Fake Raccoons
- Shield your Bird Feeders
- Remove High Vantage Points
Covered Chicken Run
As a farmer, one of my top priorities is keeping my chickens safe from predators. Hawks are a particularly big problem in my area, and they have been known to swoop down and snatch chickens right out of the coop. In order to protect my flock, I built a covered chicken run.
The roof and sides of the run are made of chicken wire, which keeps the hawks out while still allowing the chickens to get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. I also installed a door on the chicken coop that leads directly into the run, so the chickens can go outside without me having to let them out manually.

Hardware Cloth
For farmers with chickens, protecting them from hawks can be a real challenge. Hawks are skilled predators that can quickly take down a chicken, leaving the farmer with fewer birds and potential losses in revenue. One way to protect chickens from hawks is to use hardware cloth.
Hardware cloth is a strong, durable mesh that can be used to cover chicken coops and runs. It helps to keep hawks from being able to get close enough to the chickens to snatch them up. In addition, it can also provide some protection from other predators such as foxes and snakes. For farmers looking to keep their chickens safe, hardware cloth is an essential tool.
Reflective Tape
Hawks are a common predator of chickens, and they can pose a serious threat to a flock. While there are many ways to deter hawks, one of the most effective is to use reflective tape. Reflective tape is a shiny, metallic tape that reflects light.
When attached to chicken coops and Runs, it creates a disorienting glare that hawks find difficult to ignore. As a result, they are less likely to approach a flock that is protected by reflective tape. In addition to being an effective deterrent, reflective tape is also inexpensive and easy to use. For farmers who are looking for a way to protect their chickens from hawks, reflective tape is an ideal solution
Fishing Line
I have found that one of the best ways to protect my chickens from hawks is to use a fishing line. I stretch the line across the top of the chicken coop and attach it to posts at either end. The line is practically invisible, but it’s strong enough to deter even the most determined hawk. When the hawks see the line, they usually give up and fly away. This has been a very effective method for protecting my chickens, and I would recommend it to any other farmers who are having trouble with hawks.

Wind Chimes
One way to help protect your chickens from hawks is to hang wind chimes around the perimeter of their enclosure. The noise created by the wind chimes will help to scare off the hawks, keeping your chickens safe.
In addition, the wind chimes will provide your chickens with some much-needed entertainment. Chickens can get bored easily, and the sound of the wind chimes will help to relieve their boredom and keep them active. So, if you are looking for a way to protect your chickens from hawks, try hanging some wind chimes in their enclosure.
Field Shelters
Chickens are vulnerable to attack from a number of predators, including hawks. These large birds of prey can easily kill a chicken, and they often target young or sickly birds. One way to protect chickens from hawks is to provide them with a field shelter.
These shelters provide a safe place for chickens to roost at night or during bad weather. They also offer some protection from hawks, as the birds are less likely to attack if they are not in an open area. Field shelters can be made from a variety of materials, and they can be purchased or built at home. By providing your chickens with a field shelter, you can help to keep them safe from predators.
Natural Shrubs
Chickens are a common farm animal, and they provide a valuable source of food. However, they can also be vulnerable to predators, such as hawks. One way to protect chickens from hawks is to use natural shrubs. Shrubs can provide cover for chickens, making it more difficult for hawks to spot them.
They can also provide a place for chickens to hide if a hawk does attack. Furthermore, shrubs can provide food for chickens, which can attract other animals that will help to scare away hawks. As a result, using natural shrubs can be an effective way to protect chickens from predators.
Encourage Mobbing Birds
Common targets of mobbing are hawks, crows, ravens, herons, and owls. Mobbing can happen at any time of year, but it is especially common in spring as birds experience surges of hormones, and become territorial.
Hawks are a real threat to chickens, and they can take down an entire flock in a matter of minutes. One way to protect your chickens from hawks is to encourage mobbing birds. These are small birds that will chase away hawks and other predators.
The best way to encourage mobbing birds is to provide nesting opportunities. This can be done by installing bird houses or leaving patches of tall grass for them to build their nests in. You may also want to consider putting up a bird feeder, as this will attract mobbing birds to your property. However, it’s important to keep the feeder away from the chicken coop, as this could attract other predators as well.
Shinny Flapping Objects (Old CD’s, Tin Pans)
These predators can quickly decimate a flock, leaving behind only bloody feathers. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to protect your chickens from attack. One of the most effective is to hang shinny flapping objects (old CD’s, tin pans) around the perimeter of your property.
The reflective surface confuses the hawks, making it difficult for them to zero in on their prey. In addition, the movement of the objects scares them off, deterring them from coming back. So if you’re looking for an easy and inexpensive way to protect your chickens from hawks, give shinny flapping objects a try.
They can spot a chicken from far up in the sky and swoop down for the kill in a matter of seconds. As a result, it’s important to take steps to protect your chickens from these feathered predators. One way to do this is to use a scarecrow. A scarecrow can mimic a human presence, making hawks believe that there is someone watching over the chickens. As a result, hawks are less likely to attack
The best way to protect your flock is to use a Rooster. Roosters will keep a watchful eye over the chickens and sound the alarm if they see a hawk or other predator. They will also fight fiercely to protect their flock, often driving off much larger birds.
In addition, roosters will help to keep the chickens well-fed and healthy, as they will eat any insects or other small prey that they catch. As a result, a rooster is an essential part of any chicken coop. Not only will he provide protection, but he will also help to ensure that your flock remains healthy and productive.
Guard Dog
A Family dog that is chicken friendly can go a long way in protecting your flock. While all dogs will bark at predators, some breeds are more prone to attacking them. These include: Akitas, Anatolian Shepherds, Australian Cattle Dogs, Beaucerons, Belgian Malinois, Bergamasco Sheepdogs, Boerboels
Guard Goat
Goats can be a great deterrent to hawks when you allow your chickens to free range with them. Chickens will stay close to the goats for protection while they feed, and the goats will help keep an eye on the sky for predators. In addition, their loud bleating will warn you of impending danger long before you see the hawk. So if you’re looking for an effective way to protect your chickens from hawks, consider adding a goat or two to your flock.
Guard Alpaca
Alpacas are great predator deterrents for chickens. Chickens can stay close to the alpacas for protection while they feed, and the alpacas will help keep an eye on the sky for predators. So if you’re looking for an effective way to protect your chickens from hawks, consider adding an alpaca or two to your flock.
See our Article- Are Alpacas Good Animal **Guardians** for Sheep
Guard Donkey
Donkeys also make good guardians for chickens, they can graze together and the donkey will protect the chickens from any predators. So if you’re looking for an effective way to protect your chickens from hawks, consider adding a donkey or two to your flock.
One way to protect your chickens from hawks is to use a guardian donkey. Guardian donkeys are used to protect livestock from predators such as dogs, coyotes, and foxes. They are also effective against hawks, as their size and strength make them a formidable opponent.
In addition, guardian donkeys are very intelligent and will quickly learn the layout of your property. This means that they can provide an early warning system against potential predators. If you are looking for an effective way to protect your chickens from hawks, then a guardian donkey is a great option.
Guard Geese
You can add a goose to your flock, geese are noisy and large making them a great addition to chicken coops. Geese will honk and make a lot of noise when they see predators such as hawks, this will warn the chickens giving them time to hide or escape. So if you’re looking for an effective way to protect your chickens from hawks, consider adding a goose or two to your flock.
Chicken Coop – Open during the day
If you leave the coop open during the day it can provide a place of refuge for your chickens should a hawk attack. Chickens will quickly run into the coop for safety, and the hawk will be unable to follow them inside. In addition, an open coop will allow you to keep a close eye on your chickens, making it easier to spot a hawk before it has a chance to strike.
See Our Article – Do Guard Geese Protect Chickens from Hawks?
Fake Owl
Owls and Hawks are natural enemies, so placing a fake owl in or near the chicken coop can help to deter hawks. Hawks will avoid areas where they might encounter an owl, so placing a fake owl near the chicken coop will help to keep them away.
Fake Foxes
Hawks do not like foxes, usually, hawks are safe but if given the opportunity a fox will eat a hawk. So placing a fake fox near the chicken coop it will help to keep hawks away.
There are a number of ways that you can protect your chickens from hawks. By using a guardian animal, such as a dog, goat, alpaca, or donkey, you can create a safe space for your chickens.
Fake Raccoons
Most all birds, including hawks, avoid raccoons, they are smart and they love Birds eggs. So by placing a fake raccoon or two near the chicken coop, it will help to keep hawks away.
Remove High Vantage Points
Most Birds of Prey like to scout out their victims from a high spot before attacking, so by removing high vantage points, such as trees or tall bushes near the chicken coop, you can make it more difficult for hawks to spot their prey.
Other Predatory Birds can be cooper’s hawks, and golden eagles, Owls during the night, many species of hawk.
Final Thoughts – How to get Rid of Hawks from Your chickens
By following these tips, you can help to keep your chickens safe from hawks. Remember, however, that no method is 100% effective and that you should always be on the lookout for hawks when you are outside with your chickens.
If you see a hawk, make sure to shoo it away from your flock and keep an eye on your chickens until the danger has passed.
The best way to protect your chickens from hawks is to take preventive measures and be vigilant. By using guardian animals, removing high vantage points, and using fake predators, you can make your chickens less vulnerable to attack.
God Bless Greg