Yes, baby rabbit nurse but in a different way. They stretch themselves upward to get food. The mother rabbit stands over the kits to nourish them. Mother rabbits do not lie down as other normal pets do while nurturing. Mom rabbit will only feed when she believes it is safe, generally in the darkness of night. However, she does groom them and lick their stomachs and bottoms to induce elimination in a manner very similar to how a cat would.
However, she does groom them and lick their stomachs and bottoms to induce elimination in a manner very similar to how a cat would.
When Do Baby Rabbits Nurse?
The mother rabbit will only ever feed her young rabbits once a day, and even then, it will only be for a period of five to ten minutes at a time. The young kits will drink enough milk for the entire day (because of the small size of their stomachs) in just this brief period of time. Therefore, if you never see the mother rabbit go near the nest box, you don’t need to help nature along.

The mother is doing her job while you are sleeping, and you don’t need to get out of bed to assist her. It is unusual for a mother rabbit to nurse her young rabbits immediately after giving birth to them. The night following the kindling is often when the first nursing session will occur. The offspring are able to survive for a whole day on the nutritious milk produced by the rabbit.
The hours between midnight and six in the morning are ideal for nourishing. This is most likely a defense mechanism that the rabbit has built into its anatomy. In the wild, the mother rabbit may need to spend some time away from the nest box to prevent her young from being discovered by potential predators.
If orphaned Baby rabbits can be placed on a heating pad and given supplemental feedings with kitten milk replacer. Do Baby Rabbits Nurse?
How Long do Young Rabbits Nurse?
Just three to four weeks is the maximum amount of time a young bunny would nurse on his/her mother. As the kits become older, they will leave their nest box to forage for solid food elsewhere throughout the day, but they will go back inside before nightfall.
Inspecting the kits after their birth/in their early life is important
You are in a position to carefully inspect the nest without endangering the young because the mother rabbit does not remain there with them during the day. Perform this action on the morning of the second day after you discover they have arrived. Distract her with some of her favorite solid food or other playful activity, and then check on the nest in a soft, quiet voice while causing as little disturbance as possible.
Put all the furs to one side and conduct a head count while you check to see if all the kits are still alive. There is always a chance that some of the young may not survive; unfortunately, the nest box may occasionally include placentas that have not been consumed by the young.
These can be removed. If the kittens have been nursing, the bellies of the young animals will be round and may even be swollen. Put the healthy kits back where you found them and cover them up again. It is very likely that the mother rabbit will provide her young with exceptional care. There are very few instances in which a mother rabbit would completely disregard or desert her young. If you want undeniable evidence that the infants are receiving proper care, you should check on them first thing in the morning.
Distancing mother rabbits and kits from the father
The vast majority of male rabbits are entirely caring about their young. The primary reason for separating the male from the female is the possibility that the female will get pregnant again soon after the kindling has occurred. Because being apart from her is stressful, he should be put in an area where he can still see her and contact her.
If at all feasible, the male should be kept close by and allowed to nuzzle his partner past any obstructions that may be present. However, because rabbits are “induced ovulators,” the very act of coupling causes ovulation to occur, and pregnancy is guaranteed if the pair is kept together. Although rabbits build very close relationships with their partners, pregnancy is guaranteed if the pair is kept together.

Kittens begin to create and consume their caecotrophs when they are around 3-4 weeks old (special night poos). Once they reach 3 weeks of age, rabbits are able to begin nibbling on solid food and are nearly ready to leave the nest. They will start to investigate their surroundings, run around the cage, interact with the other litter members, and sample any meals that are presented to them.
The best thing, Don’t forget to offer them new hay daily; ideally, you should use hay as their bedding so they can access it at all times. After six to eight weeks, the kittens become entirely independent of their mother and can go to a new home. Wild animal mothers would have had another litter when the kittens were approximately five weeks old. When the kits are 5 to 6 weeks old, separate the biggest of the litter and place them in a different enclosure.
The doe should be left alone with the other kits for a few weeks. Continue this progressive removal until they have all been separated. Assuming that the male father bunny has been desexed, they can be rejoined as a group provided they have all been desexed.
The doe will not get mastitis due to this steady decline in milk production. It is ideal for keeping the kittens close to their mother and father for a few days to reduce the stress they experience. The kittens should not be removed from their mother and placed in a new home until after they have been on their own for a couple of days.
For wild rabbits if you find a rabbit nest in need of assistance, the nest of bunnies is usually found in a quiet place in a shallow depression. If it is your yard, most likely in the middle of the lawn. The wild bunnies need to stay hidden for their best chance of survival. If possible avoiding human intervention
Neutering is a must if you do not want further kits
Both male and female rabbits can be sterilized by either castration or spaying (males). We strongly recommend having all female rabbits spayed or neutered because of females’ high risk of uterine cancer. This should ideally be done a few days after the kittens have been weaned from their mothers’ milk. We strongly recommend that both parents get sterilized.

If only one rabbit is desexed, the other(s) can live together in blissful cuddling without the continual stress of sexual frustration. Neutered rabbits enjoy longer and healthier lives than unaltered rabbits. Castration is an option for males, but even after the procedure, they may continue to be fertile and produce sperm that are viable for up to three weeks after the procedure. The sooner he gets neutered, the faster he will be ready to resume his normal activities and be reunited with his family.
Is it okay to have newborn pet rabbits after they have been born?
Baby bunnies are pretty vulnerable and can’t handle much interaction with people. If you are able to inspect the kits without having to pick them up physically, you ought to do so. You will be able to engage with the newborns a little more once they have reached 3 weeks of age. You are welcome to touch their fur, invite them to climb onto your lap, and even pick them up occasionally.
Will rabbits reject their young if they are touched?
If you or your child accidentally touch one of the bunnies, there’s no need to freak out. It is a common misconception that rabbit mothers, along with those of other species of nature, would refuse to nurse their young if they smell like a person. Simply cover the nest, and avoid coming into further contact with the young. Coming into more contact with the young can cause both injury and discomfort.
How many of a litter’s young bunnies make it to adulthood?
There may be anywhere from one to twelve young in a single litter, with five being the standard number. In addition, female bunnies can get pregnant again very quickly after giving birth to their young.
Does birthing in a rabbit include any bleeding?
In rabbits, symptoms of dystocia include continuous contractions, struggling, and vaginal discharge that is either bloody or greenish-brown in color. Any symptom of labor, however, might be mistaken for a sign of dystocia in rabbits since obstetrical complications are pretty uncommon in these animals, and parturition in rabbits is relatively rapid and requires only a small amount of muscular effort. If you need to clean her up using warm water with a cotton ball, this would be the same with infant rabbits, older baby bunnies, or even cottontail rabbits.
Final Thoughts – Do Baby Rabbits Nurse?
Baby rabbits nurse themselves, but the process is a little bit different. In order to obtain food, they extend their necks higher. The mother rabbit tends to her offspring by standing guard over them (especially the mother of baby cottontails). Domestic rabbits do not lay down like most other animals when they are nursing.
The average amount of time that rabbit mothers spend nursing their young is about five minutes every day. Both wild and domestic moms will return to the nest in the early morning hours and again in the evening to tend to their young. Breast milk is highly nutritious, and as a result, the infants “fill up” in a matter of minutes.
God Bless Greg