As a general rule, you can have a peacock as a pet but with caution. Peacocks are popular pets among individuals who want to keep the spectacular decorative bird as a pet, despite the fact that breeders acknowledge that they are not very excellent friends or companions. The white and green varieties of the species, which are the most unusual, are selling for more than $1,000 each on the market.
Can You Have A Peacock As A Pet?
Peacocks are showy birds whose tail plumage is famous for its beauty and brightness. These birds are well-known for displaying their tail feathers, which are laced with blue-green eyes, while they fly.
Can you Have a Peacock as a Pet? Despite the fact that both sexes are referred to as “peacocks,” peacocks are really male peafowl, while peahens are female versions of the peafowl.
But here, the question arises…
People who purchase the birds typically live on large tracts of land that are separated from other residential areas or own business establishments that wish to embellish their grounds with eye-catching creatures.Can You Own A Peacock As A Pet?
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What are the Pros and Cons of Having a Peacock as a Pet?
Peafowl tolerate physical contact with their human parents, although this is frequently more about becoming tame than it is about exchanging affection. Since ancient times, they’ve been kept as domesticated pets, yet they’re not suited as pets in the conventional meaning.
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The fact is that peacock will not be able to be house trained, will flunk obedience school on the first day, and will readily relocate to your neighbor’s farm if the food there is superior.
It goes without saying that peacock owners adore their birds. There are, however, limits to how much a peacock may provide you in exchange for your efforts. Having said that, it is quite fulfilling to provide for the instincts and requirements of peafowl.
The birds flourish when the conditions are satisfied, and there is nothing more gratifying than witnessing a healthy flock of birds grazing in the garden.

What are Peacocks?
Peacocks are male peafowl with extremely long tail feathers with eye-like patterns that can be raised and fanned out in the show.
Peacocks are medium-sized birds that are most closely related to pheasants in terms of appearance. Peacocks prefer the warm regions of the Southern Hemisphere to live in and breed.
Peacocks are believed to have originated in Central Asia, although they are now found throughout Africa and portions of Australia, and areas of Europe. Their most prevalent occurrence is in India. Peacocks may be found in various habitats, including deserts, arid savannas, woods, and densely forested places.
There are three primary varieties of peacocks: the Indian peacock, the African Congo peacock, and the Green peacock. The Indian peacock is the largest of the three. Male peacocks are distinguished by their highly colored feathers and tails, which are characteristic of all three peacock species. Female peacocks have a dull brown coloration.
Reasons: Why do Peacocks Make Good Pets?
The following reasons support the idea of the peacock as a good pet.
- Peacocks Have a High Degree of Adaptability
Despite their tropical and exotic look, peacocks can adjust to a variety of temperatures and climates.
You shouldn’t be concerned about peacocks having difficulty coping with the cold months or the summer heat. It is also commonly known that these birds have the ability to forecast the weather.
- They are not picky eaters
They are not picky eaters, and because they are omnivorous, they can consume a wide variety of things without becoming ill.
Once their fundamental requirements, like feeding, are satisfied, they may survive in almost any environment and are quite easy to care for and maintain.
- They Have the Ability to Be Affectionate
Peacocks are known to be loving toward their keepers. When humans rear a peacock from an early age, it may come to see those people as its biological parents.
If you are a peacock owner who spends a lot of time with your birds, it is possible that they will come to sit on your lap and even allow you to embrace them. A lot of the time, they will eat right out of your hands.
- They Have the Ability to Defend Against Dangerous Pests
Keeping a peacock as a pet or on a farm might be beneficial since they are capable of fending off deadly pests such as snakes.
If a peacock decides to fight, the sharp spurs connected to its feet may cause catastrophic injury to anybody who comes into contact with them.
However, if they are not fighting, they may produce a succession of crowing noises to alert you that there is a threat in the area.
- They Are Absolutely Stunning
The fact that peacocks are aesthetically pleasing is one clear reason why they make excellent pets.
These birds are a delight to behold, thanks to their vibrant colors and beautiful tail feathers on the males, which are particularly noticeable.
Are they Legal Pets in the United States?
Yes, it is allowed to purchase, sell, and keep a peacock in the United States. Remember, however, that they demand a great deal of attention because they do not like to be confined all of the time.
How much Space do they Need to Live Comfortably?
Peafowl requires a minimum of 25-30 square meters (or 80 -90 square feet) of living space per bird in order to be comfortable. This area is critical for the prevention of sickness as well as fighting among the bird species. Pens should be at least 2.6 meters (7 feet 12 inches) high in order for the peafowl to be able to fly and fan their tails when necessary.
What is their Diet?
Peacocks are omnivores consuming various foods, including plants, seeds, flower heads, insects, small animals, amphibians, and reptiles, among other things. Snake-fighting prowess is something they are well-known for.
Scientists have identified three different species of peacocks. Their diets, as well as their habitats, are discussed in further detail below.
- Indian Peacock: They eat terrestrial worms, reptiles, insects, amphibians, and insects along with tubers, roots, fruits, nuts, grains, and flowers.
- Congo Peacock: they eat Insects and other tiny invertebrate species
- Green Peacock: They eat amphibians, insects, seeds, shoots, plants, reptiles, and worms.
Can you have a Peacock as a Pet with Children or other Animals Present?
Yes, you may keep a peacock with children and other animals, but you should use caution. Peafowl tolerate physical contact with their human parents, although this is frequently more about becoming tame than it is about exchanging affection between the two of them.
A single peacock may be kept and will generally get along with other fowl, such as chickens and turkeys if given the opportunity. However, peacocks flourish when their kind surrounds them
Do peacocks make Good Pets for people who work Long Hours, don’t want to Clean up after an Animal, or have Allergies to Cats and Dogs?
Yes, if properly trained, they can make excellent pets for anyone. Furthermore, because they are members of the bird species, they are mostly immune to the infections and allergies that may be transmitted by domestic pets, like cats and dogs. As a result, they are regarded to be safe.
Peafowl is also generally safe with other domesticated animals, such as sheep, horses, goats, and horses, and they will not attack them. When you make deliberate introductions, you may be certain that you will be able to enjoy having peafowl about your house, coexisting peacefully with your other animals.
How Can I go about Buying a Baby Peacock?
If you want to purchase a baby peacock, you must contact a reliable breeder. They are also quite pricey (about $1000) so keep your budget in mind.
No shelters exist for this bird because it is an unusual species that is not commonly kept as a pet by people.
Threats to Peacocks
The following are the most prevalent threats to peacocks:
- Like other bird species, Peacocks are suffering from habitat loss, which means they have fewer options for food, shelter, and water. Mining, wood harvesting, animal agriculture, the acquisition of their eggs, and hunting are all factors leading to the decline in the number of peacocks in the wild today.
- Habitat destruction, wildlife smuggling, shooting, and predation are all contributing factors to the plight of peacocks. The population of peacocks is dwindling. In addition to being vulnerable species, the Congo peafowl and the Green peafowl are both declared endangered species.
- Peacocks are also victims of the pet trade, animal entertainment business, and other factors.
- A major factor in the decline of peacock populations, which has plummeted by more than half, has been hunting peacocks for their feathers.

Final Thoughts: Can you have a Peacock as a Pet?
You can have a peacock as a pet but with caution. Peacocks are popular pets among individuals who want to keep the spectacular decorative bird as a pet, even though breeders acknowledge that they are not very excellent friends or companions.